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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The apartment has now endless potential .. All girls seem to have their moments together , sharing , but also having their own space and private time . Ulyana obviously is THE BOSS , Nadia can do all of she wants and Esmi is the “ quiet “ force behind , monitoring as being the older there . I can say that there’s good chemistry then which is the MOST important , we can’t see all or better say understand due to the language barrier . Seeing Esmi cleaning for example , this already shows that she wants to feel comfortable in her new place for the time she will be staying , if she wouldn’t be there for long time , there won’t be any actual benefits seeing her cleaning . In any case , as long as everyone has the duties shared , I think this apartment will be the one “ bothering “ us the most in a positive way in the winter .
  2. Totally agree on that , for a woman of her age , she really takes care fantastically her body and actually she looks much better than her previous stay where it was obvious that the difficulties had taken over , despite the you who was beside her at that time ( Vamp ) . All girls actually didn’t have the same “ security “ and peace that they seem to enjoy nowadays , if it wasn’t for Ulyana’s boyfriend adventures , then this stay of the 3 is totally cool and enjoyable .
  3. It’s been a really long time that I have seen such a terrible guy providing sex .. in the year 2023 , when sex is normal to discuss , debate , watch , learn , be educated easily , there are guys like this person who can’t provide .. Ahh , well , I forgot also Paul ( Leora’s ) but we know him since 10 years .. it’s sad to say but I think he serves other purposes and aims for Angie , but as long as Angie has things under her control , all pleasure to watch this woman .. What doesn’t change is that this apartment received tons of negative critics due to absences from her but the last days , we see a SINGLE Angie rewarding and if next to her was a guy that KNOWS what to do , we would see great things … Again , the best is yet to come 😉
  4. Well , that means being an ex with benefits .. last time nothing , this time what we just saw , let’s see next time ..😉 Too 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥SEXY that was .
  5. It’s a simply special moment because Nadia does too rare these things .. but when she does , they are unthinkable great .. And this is what makes it SPECIAL TO WATCH … Esmi’s time is coming sooner or later .. Ulyana transforms them all , that’s why she’s “ The General “ , she COMMANDS 😁😁😂
  6. The BEST DEEPTHROAT on this site is being awaited tonight 😏
  7. The Indians were doing less tortures than what Nadia makes to her guy 😆😆
  8. As has been mentioned repeatedly , this is a RARE and UNIQUE occasion that B2 is occupied by 3 extremely beautiful women , it’s been a really long time we had the chance not to know who to watch in terms of beauty .. Nadia looks ENDLESSLY sexy tonight , provoking , seducing , making her guy to be admired by the men population remaining as calm as possible when she’s just an INCREDIBLE UNTOUCHABLE DESIRE . Nadia when she wants , it’s like she has no competition , which is a big word being said when just 2 rooms away , we have the current most beautiful girl in Barcelona apartments , “ The General “ .. Nadia on fire , the woman knows so much , she’s for sure an experienced person concerning life pleasures , sex desires , she as done and seen a lot , SHE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT SHE’S DOING . Since we don’t get the chance to watch her in such glory times , the best is to just SHUT UP and enjoy the moment 😇… While 2 rooms beside , the other temptation is there and nobody knows what she can provide if she wants and feels .
  9. Again , the mystery appears .. Rachel touching herself watching lesbian porn .. well , maybe she’s the new Martina 😏
  10. You named some legendary names let’s say in terms of content providing , better say of girls who didn’t give a fuck and simply enjoyed living their lives the way they wanted , no boundaries , just the fun of their youth times … but remember how they were characterized simply of enjoying their lives , the most “ gentle “ was escort , the most “ disgusting “ was prostitute .. Yes we miss the fun and the action and the craziness …some of the guys try to provide but they immediately get attacked because , well , they fuck a lot 😂🤣😂🤣 … I think they will fix Barcelona but they need to RAISE THE SALARIES .. There are thousand of Ukrainians and Russians due to the current circumstances in whole Spain , imagine in their city of interest , Barcelona . For me , watching them expanding , it shows that money isn’t the issue . I have faith that they will fix Barcelona in the end , it just needs patience . As far as Esmi is concerned , Esmi is Esmi and i adore watching this woman , natural , mature , focused , I have faith that she will do things . As long as Ulyana is around ( plus the free spirited and lover of life Sambuka ) , Barcelona satisfies my sexual content intermissions 😆
  11. The apartment - contrary to many ( fast ) conclusions ) - gets better and better . Angie is totally cool with the cameras ( as expected ) and she enjoys the views 😉 . The guy is more and more comfortable and gets used to the presence of them .. Speaking for a- officially presented by RLC - single tenant , the apartment looks having endless potential . I can’t wait till we see friends of the guy , friends of Angie , according again to posts made that Angie has made already a circle in Montenegro . Personally , it is simply great to watch this fantastic woman and even 50% of her party mood if she shows gradually , will be totally satisfied .. AND .. let’s not forget that we have just either upstairs or downstairs Sasha / Dasha , Eva / Marvei .. no complains for Montenegro hub , Poland hub has a slight decline due to the Elli’s mystery , Czech Republic hub seems to stabilize in quality as the two girls , Nefeli and Olympia are fun to watch and the new couple is really great to watch , again , the complains are gathered in Barcelona where at the moment , sweet little Ulyana , the X- Factor Harley and Fiora try to carry the apartments , with much much contribution from Sambuka , Megan who is has no problem as always to do all when the boyfriend visits and the ongoing presence development of Rachel and the unpredictability that Sara can provide .. With the two beauties , Esmi and Nadia , being eye candies whenever people simply want to admire nice women , Barcelona needs to step up so as to become the Reigning Hub … Somewhere in Rome , Masha is organizing all 😏😏😏😏😏
  12. I don’t think Sasha takes any medicine .. or Elvis .. Or Ken .. Or the guy that fucks Sambuka .. I just want to say that there are many “ tricks “ to manage and hold the load , this guy was too lazy I think , plus gradually getting comfortable on cameras . In the end , it isn’t bad to admit that there are some TERRIBLE sex men makers 😂🤣 , this guy belongs FOR SURE in this category . And since it doesn’t look anything serious for Angie ( despite her fiancée games .. ) , it make you wonder why she’s not letting go this guy ( yes , probably other talents and maybe - AS MANY WILL BELIEVE - much much much
  13. It isn’t a place ( HERE ) that they should consider what it is written or reading to get opinions , thoughts and ideas . It is the place that all of us who watch any person , these two in our example , can simply express our opinion on what we think watching this couple and NOT indicating them what they should do .. therefore , I HOPE NOT ONLY FOR THEM but for ALL tenants that they could ignore what’s written here .. Always glad when they DON’T care of the posts here but MANY take it seriously .. Ask the longest tenant of the site for that 😂🤣
  14. No matter the hottest woman in the world , premature ejaculation is a common issue that 1 out of 3 people say that they face , maybe he belongs in this statistic .. He isn’t also much of a stamina guy , he could for example try again after half an hour or an hour or 1,5 hours when most possible he would manage to hold himself more I believe .. Still , there’s already an “ invisible “ drama happening 😆 with the “ so called “ fiancée , as we read she speaks English to him and it would be difficult that this Russian speaking is the one and it is English on the phone and Russian while face to face .Let’s see how this wonderful woman will make us remember all of her “ crazy “ past adventures 😉😉😋
  15. Again … This is Angie we are talking about , already much better things happening .. and they will be even more 😉
  16. I don’t really think that Esmi is RLC’s current problem in Barcelona.. as it has been mentioned by other good people here at the forum , it looks like RLC in barcelona looks a “ hub “ without direction, like they have lost control over their tenants and to those that decide to join , it is like now explaining what it is expected , what needs “ to be done “ , a situation like “ ok , there are cameras in the place you will be staying , just sleep , wake up there and don’t worry about anything “ . “ Do this and we will be paying you a ( cash only ) monthly salary and no bills of the accommodation staying “ . So , IT IS CLEAR that they have difficulties to recruit new participants , I believe as I have said they they don’t pay the money they used to do and it is another life nowadays than when they brought the Barcelona concept online and they need to - perhaps - see it a bit differently .. It simply isn’t working . Tenants just go without notice , only this year tenants have come and after some days left ( Bella , Clara ) , I mean , it lacks motivation to be on cameras and when in the past - as it is known- they would queue to join . They are veterans though and the best site in the world in terms of knowing this “ job “ and I am sure they will find a solution . They did it back in April and they brought in some great people , I think they will do it again . It is a special occasion having and Ulyana and Megan and ( yes , being back shows she has many fans ) Esmi . Let’s see how it goes .
  17. I really believed that Linda and Tibor understood that their on cameras time had come to an end .. Of course , it might still be and there are other reasons that packed boxes are seen again , so let’s see .. This couple as has been discussed repeatedly , they have offered really much to the increased fame of the site , pure real life . living together for a couple of years and getting married , I mean , amazing development .. BUT .. Time is cruel and life has been calling them to “ MOVE ON “ to new challenges and i hope they don’t ignore the signals .. Yes it is a difficult financial period for the western world but this is a fact and people need to find ways . RLC provides but with tremendous cost . Linda is 33 in 2024 , her married friends have children , it might have been that reasons of her depression might have been her not being able to get pregnant ? Honestly not an idea but can it be ? And if not at this period of her life , when ? This couple deserves happiness, for sure Linda looks happier since a month and a bit more but still , the life of this couple is not at any close rate like we used to know them . The life is off cameras to build and LEARN to live it once again like before joining the cameras world , yes they have real jobs outside but still , it isn’t so easy growing up adjusting to “ civilization “ needs like when being younger .. let’s see how the couple adjusts and IF now that we believe they stay , they will actually end their RLc presence , on the contrary of how things have been when we all believed that they were departing RLc and they stayed .. Still , Linda is always a pleasure to watch but watching her as a human being , I think she ( and her man ) need to move on .
  18. It was a great anal session for G&L ( with all REAL LIFE incidents / paper used , water to clean and so on 😏 ) , not watching porn .. well done for their session .. It still looks like for Gabrielle , Louis is just ove more guy in her life while for him it looks like being the guy that has many feelings for her .. let’s see where it goes ..
  19. I admit I am a HUGE Ulyana fan , anyone knows this in this forum .. but how can’t this be ? This woman provides for her fans and viewers of RLC site , she makes shows for the ones wishing to watch just this , she tries to build ( very slow to be exact ) a relationship with her new roommates , she is social visiting her REAL friends on and off cameras .. She’s a pleasant to watch woman , obviously she has her issues but it comes to any of us naturally beautiful and simply adoring watching her .. The only thing missing is the real sex in cameras , BUT , as we know , she WON’T HESITATE to do ALL if the right occasion appears .. How can anyone not enjoying watching this both great and amazing woman and tenant ? She’s indeed “ The General “ of this site , people can stick in the past and watch the number 7,689 incident or simply relax , chill and enjoy Ulyana’s journeys and adventures .. just so simple as that ..
  20. And instead of people tuning in to watch a different and always varying “ program “ of sweet little Ulyana and her “ deadly “ on camera looks , they are “ triumphing “ whenever “ The Past “ produces the same and same incidents ( just different rooms ) .. ohh well , let’s hope that this stay will be the most remarkable of this woman so far ..
  21. “ The General “ on duty 😋😋
  22. Another “ transformation “ night for Rachel .. In B4 enjoying and not -as usually seen - at her bed , watching the laptop and almost crying . Rachel is “ another person “ since some days , well done for this metamorphosis 😊
  23. Are you trying to make a dialogue with the guy who hates this site but he keeps on subscribing watching something he hates ? Good luck 🍀
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