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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. On Monday from the beach - finally - I need to answer as they have gathered a lot . It will happen though 😊
  2. First major kiss with still Vencel her “ boyfriend “ RLC written .. Elli cheating , this time not undercover 🤣🤣😂🤪🤪
  3. Wishes and prayers have been heard , Elli is OFFICIALLY available .. let’s hope that HER TIME to shine has finally arrived .. It isn’t a coincidence that in the end SHE remains the tenant and the friend departs … Elli , RLC on her feet ..
  4. Can Wolf become the new Dylan with the same or even better success ? It all looks very promising so far , let’s see 😉 On a side note , as always , nothing of entertainment occurs at the Kingdom of Nelly and Bogdan , everyday they OWN the place more and more .. another joke .
  5. “ Slight “ lips kiss between Elli and the black shirt guy … Can it be ? Elli being single and free 🤭🤭😌 Let the apartment finally have guests not only for games , but like tonight with music , singing , alcohols , smiles , good vibes .. This is how RLC apartments ( especially couples / singles ) should be . Guests , visitors , where anything can happen , from simple good friendship people appearing to whoever .. Well done Elli .. And WELCOME BACK being “The Future “ 😇
  6. Even worse .. you just then say BS and you judge by posts what you current can’t see .. but if Elli fucks , you will be begging for forum members to share videos with you .. Now , reading that you aren’t a subscriber , the discussion ends here .. it is like it’s Barcelona - Real 1-0 , Real having lost 15 chances that can’t be missed and Barcelona had only 1 the whole game but it was a goal , you HAVEN’T seen the match and you say that Barcelona was the rightful winner . Good night 😴
  7. Whatever you say .. YES YOU ARE RIGHT .. Schills here enjoying a beautiful woman participating in a show .. why do you bother to spoil the chats and the discussions here when you don’t agree ? Are you mad that others like what we watch ? Are we forcing you to do the same ? Ahh yes , long post again , I forgot that the actual knowledge of some certain people here is ( AGAIN ) saying the alphabet and that 1+1 = 2
  8. I simply know how to write and express myself , using a language that isn’t mine , showing to you that I am an educated guy in comparison to people like you , that the only lesson they learned at school was how to write the alphabet and that 1+1 makes 2 .. when you reconsider what you are writing , we can discuss again . At the moment , just stay tuned and watch 😆
  9. Whatever .. I can see that Elli is achieving her goal for clickbaits then since you are watching her ..
  10. I am very calm , I was working 13 hours today and just having a relaxing late evening , getting the forum updates .. I have times like now that I disagree with him and others we are at the same page .. My issue is that I can never ever underestimate 2 women currently at RLC , obviously the girl with the nipples piercing that we are currently watching ( I have learned in my life never to underestimate and always respect tits nipple piercing ) and the girl in Barcelona who is one category by herself , the one I consider the most beautiful of them all and the RLC’s site most returnee employee .. Time to chill even more then now , getting late here ( 03:35 )
  11. Are you comparing a woman who has NO LIFE except cameras and a woman who is even 10 years younger , she knows how to fuck or at least wants to learn to be fucked nicely and also treat her guy great ( how many times she has worn lingerie or sexy outfit ) and the WORLD is out there for her to discover , a woman who has a social life with friends and CAMERAS AREN’T HER main job ( like Leora’s ) but she simply coexists with them .. I have said it in the past , here it is one more ..RLC will not become what used to be in the past as long as people still make Leora the top cameras .. The site needs new people to subscribe , younger ages so as to recreate interest , reinvent things and provide what ver they have got to know since they came online back in 2011 . Clickbait is the endless teasing of Leora before she masturbates . Clickbait is when Leora ALWAYS masturbates between 21:00-00:00 Prague time . Elli - we don’t know her , do we ? Since we never saw her by herself for a big period of time - can easily win the cameras but this isn’t HER PRIORITY or what’s her purpose being a tenant . This is Leora’s life because she KNOWS NOTHING ELSE to do .
  12. Peater and Elli a show ? Undercover ? With lights off ? Sorry , I disagree .. If this is a show so as to have people subscribe , why we don’t see it elsewhere ? Why similar status apartments don’t do the same ? Eliska and Pepik , Leora and Paul , Karol and Kos ( occasionally they have friends ) , why don’t they arrange such evenings ? Even Linda and Tibor .. Martina and Alberto isn’t included as we are waiting to see who ultimately abandons the apartment and then it is a single’s place . In anyway , we will see.
  13. If anyone else in this forum has a similar relationship like Leora and Paul and considers himself happy , then , I really need to reeducate myself “ WHAT’S HAPPINESS “ .. Honestly , a guy that had another woman for a certain time period , a woman that had another guy for a certain period , a couple that were physically apart for 2,5 years and last but not least , a guy that needs most of the times to masturbate so as to finish and a woman that she uses every second day sexual assists to satisfy herself , if all those things ( even half of them ) happen in the future in the lives of the people on the forum and they can see themselves as happy , then “ SCIENCE RISES THE HANDS UP “ as we say here .
  14. Friday night , usually earlier than now , it is always the day that Venera makes her personal / solo show , both for the cameras but also to have herself “ on fire “ , either satisfying Lion who comes late on Fridays or the following morning ..Well maybe not today 😆
  15. It Vencel is with her , there’s clearly nothing to “ connect” them anymore . There’s no love or loving emotional feelings , they are two amazing friends and they will remain so .. We had the camera proof with Peater , personally , I don’t need to see more to format my opinion .
  16. Who cares ? Elli is happy , this is what matters .. and perhaps free of that lazy guy ( still a good guy )
  17. For me - I have said it before - this looks like possible Ellis’s sister .. And a speculation . Can it be that the ears we saw recently between Elli and Vencel was the OFFICIAL “break up “ for them of whatever they had in cameras ? And it was for sure a difficult thing , nobody ever said that there was not mutual respect and good feelings .. but NEVER LOVE .. On a side note , HOW MUCH MUCH MUCH time it has been seeing Elli so happy , smiley , natural , how long time since Elli looked as we got to know her , spontaneous and a super amazing young girl of her age ready to CONQUER anyone but the last guy was blocking her progress / development / expansion ??? Elli , this amazing little girl , “ The Future “ is making her triumphant return tonight .. and if she’s single ( and knowing that the loves the cameras , the sex and she has so many kinky parts ) , I DO VERY MUCH wish she stays single for a significant time so as we can enjoy her young adventures .. even bringing her INDEFINITELY in Barcelona to CONQUER the apartments there and BRING LIFE BACK , magnificent Elli , welcome back .. And the guy slowly closer to her I think .. the 3rd after Vencel and Peater … Perhaps good friend Pete1960 should start thinking of possible names for this one 😉😉😉😏
  18. WTF … SURPRISE 😄😄😄 The Ts’ are back … With Rachel ? Will RLC give shelter to them in B4 ? And easily place them in the worst bedroom ?? And -at the same time - after Nelly and Bogdan - we get Tereza and Timur ?? Positive news .. Aurora will sleep with Sara tonight ( and Wolf 😁 )
  19. @cupid30 The “ nice “ guy took place next to Elli immediately .. The other next to him .. interesting and “ The Future “ is back 😇 Good friend thinga69 , remember I was telling you since that first Peater incident that it has always been a “ fake/strange “ with Vencel .. just for the cameras I believe .. I don’t say that this guy is Elli’s flowers guy but come on , Peater was having again and again undercover things with Ellie .. And she knew she was recorded and Peater was reading CC .. Let’s see , again , respect to Cupid that the “ wishful thinking “ has been a fantastic prediction that worked .
  20. Waiting with MUCH MUCH PATIENCE to see when the DISGUSTING LIALIA joke comes to an end .. really embarrassing for RLC as they make anyone think that their employees have ABSOLUTELY zero respect for the contract they signed when they joined .. this is hurting and BAD FOR BUSINESS , especially when Barcelona hub is criticized so bad lately , it make you wonder how they will be able to recruit when current tenants behave like this ..
  21. Another prediction and according to what of course we have seen … I don’t think that Dasha and Sasha are anymore into “ sharing partners / open relationship “. We saw it CLEARLY with Masha ( how weird watching that ) , it became even clearer with Eva and Matvei that for Eva that was a temporary shelter to pursue her next professional move .. The same goes with Samantha , I don’t think anything will be happening with her and the couple but , Angie is just upstairs (or downstairs 😂 ) and as long as this ( sexual ) disappointment continues for Angie and as long the fiancée is just a “ technical bureaucracy issue 😏 “ , Angie’s place can revive a lot ( of course the years has passed and things have changed , older and wiser (?) now ) but who could predict such an on fire Angie ( even an easy anal scene that the guy couldn’t penetrate this dreamy ass of Angie .. ) - and as we know - Samantha is X10 wilder .. I don’t know , it looks awesome already 😇
  22. Even the “ Russiya “ t-shirt says a lot currently in Samantha’s room wore by the guy ..
  23. ABSOLUTELY S-U-R-R-E-A-L watching Angie and Samantha sharing cameras exposure once again , more incredible , at the same place . As the years passed by since 2019 , I could bet thousands of euros that NOBODY would ever expect seeing this unique moment .. Time to see how Samantha is managing her life , with Angie on fire , perhaps we can wait a lot in this - gradually turns to be - great returnees apartment 😉 It also shows possible connections that the Russian tenants shared before “ The Purge “ or it might be just a coincidence existing in the same country ( Montenegro ) ex tenants of the Russian times .. My estimation is that an RLC Official veteran is behind all these moves , someone who lives in Montenegro as well and slowly established the business as we knew it in this country . Patience and time will tell .
  24. You are very right .. but all “ private “ life sessions with their guys were really great .. Nefeli and the sex marathon with her guy , their “ getting to know “ lesbian things and developing a friendship ( I believe they met inside this apartment and didn’t know one another before joining ) , still , very well also said , they had - especially in the beginning - those recorder or live broadcasting sex shows that personally I also hate ( that’s when I started heavily disliking Carla during her last stay ) .. Let’s see how the apartment goes , Czech Republic is the 2nd biggest hub for RLC and we have seen a really great improvement with the recent introduction of Barbie and Ken , let’s see .
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