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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Very very horny “ X-Factor “ Harley the last days , it seems that the mister seen sometimes in the apartment can’t satisfy her at the point she wants … As a general conclusion we can make lately , we see more and more anal “ incidents “ , this wasn’t happening some years ago .. I guess it is a new era of sex toys and more liberate hidden women desires 😉… all great for us of course .. Very strange also that Harley isolated herself from Fiora and Ulyana tonight , most probably a women disagreement while being out ..
  2. These are the moments , rare and unique watching a woman that doesn’t need it but she will ALWAYS reward the people who appreciate her 😊
  3. Venera will always have this “ special connection “ with her loyal fans and supporters , saying “ Thank you on supporting me “ wit her own unique and special way , at such times like the current one .. It is special because it doesn’t happen often and it is fantastic as being a moment both for herself and for her fans , when she clearly can “ live” without it after this great satisfactory sexual life that she has ( amongst others with her guy ) .
  4. The parade of beauties continues … HOW AMAZING seeing once again the return on cameras of one of the TOP HITS of RLC 2023 , the one and only Wednesday is back and already captivates the apartment .. It’s good to know that Barcelona has remained the home place , in a way lots of things can be explained seeing hers and Wayne’s departure from RLC a couple of months ago… This woman, Wednesday , pffff… WHAT A WOMAN .
  5. How much a place can change a person , at least of what we used to know watching her in the past and during her first stay . An incredible stunning Esmi with a beautiful blue summer dress and her high heels , ready to go out and steel hearts or make someone happy , knowing that he is accompanying and having an amazing woman next to him .. Esmi and Ulyana in this apartment are simply too eye candies to watch , from one side you have the life that these two girls seem and want to have in glamorous Barcelona and just next cameras top occupied by the “ professional “ who has no life apart from being naked , with open legs and inserting things in her holes in every second day … It is then so clear to which people will be - MOSTLY - addressed for as long as this “ professional “ remains a tenant .. Esmi and Ulyana living and another one ( sorry Alladdino ) pseudoliving ..
  6. That would be great .. as long as they were in an open relationship couple in this “ apartment of sins “ 😆
  7. Shantal for me is “ nun “ and “ virgin “ … all of her reactions while sharing moments next to a guy , it isn’t for example like Rachel that she clearly had put limits ( totally understandable and accepted for my own point of view ) but she knew exactly how to please and be pleased with kisses and hugs and touching , Shantal smiles like she’s fully surprised when she gets touched , she isn’t relaxed , always under the pressure to allow for things and she doesn’t also take initiatives . I don’t of course say that she’s “ VIRGIN “ realistically but it might be that she hasn’t experienced much and add also the fact that she’s completely camera hiding ( shy or whatever any other reason ) and only selected nudism applies for her , makes me think that it is also part of her personality and not only the fact being shy or not willing to show .
  8. Rachel tops the majority of the cameras at the replays , it might be an extra boost to be even less shy the more time she spends with the guy if he returns .. as always , such guests can always be a great success , they can also visit with friends and spend time in the villa , exactly as a place of this caliber should be working .. A very positive change from Rachel and of course from the guy - who I believe didn’t have a problem for more but Rachel might had put limits for this first time , still no complains - .
  9. This is the rare coincidence of watching “ two heroes “ within one week or even some days … After Wolf managing to “ hold off “ himself being next to Shantal , we now have “ TEH Patient Guy “ managing to hold off next to sexy Rachel … HEROES ..
  10. The main and exclusive reason that this was happening was simply this That this led to situations that both of them were acting like goofy girls because they were experimenting and didn’t know what reactions their actions would bring , that’s another story .. Obviously , since both were trying to balance the difficult life of having a private life outside of the apartment and their moments inside to relax , feel chilled while next to the other with the adventures their guys at that time were offering , it led to all of those actions you described .. We saw all that but it was just surprised moments resulting after experimenting and - as we saw - the girls would never initiate anything lesbian despite having more than a year doing whatever they were doing .. After all - as it wasn’t answered 😁😆 - if they have done or whatever they did and can be considered g/g action , isn’t it automatically cheating their guys ? Or because they are friends doesn’t count ? Isn’t it cheating if a guy has a very good female friend and simply goofs around the same actions like Malia and Leora that EVERYONE would blame him that he cheated on a possible girlfriend that he has ? Why should be difference characterizing for a guy and not for that two girls that were cheating then ( according to what was described ) on cameras towards their guys outside ? Still , there were FEW moments that it was fun to watch like things happening for the very first time as you described .
  11. It was a hot topic while watching Rachel doing more and more slowly , actually bringing back in mind many memories of many participants that acted like this before exposing fully on cameras , we haven’t seen it for a long time also , let’s see then .. Still , the BIGGER question wasn’t answered .. DID LIALIA remembered where she was last seen month ago so as to come and possibly pick up her clothes and NEVER EVER come back ? Or the airplane signal is still out there waiting to maybe get updated with newer information ? Even Ashley left that she was seen spending time there ( sleeping on Ashley’s bed ) ..
  12. My PERSONAL BIG APOLOGY to Rachel , i could NEVER see that coming , VERY HAPPY I was completely wrong on forming a negative opinion about her .. Well done for her ongoing and gradual comfort with the cameras and showing HOW THINGS happen by sharing her private and personal moments . Big respect and applause 😇
  13. It took just one wild “ welcome drinks “ party for Rachel to become less shy , just a couple of days later and a possible boyfriend is seen on cameras … Many 👏👏👏 to her , ONE OF THE VERY FEW TENANTS since a VEEEEEEERY long time that she brings a male visitor insider .. On a side note , if I remember correctly , the moment that Rachel entered RLC , I think she was the one explaining ( her boyfriend ?? ) they couldn’t stay for more than 3 weeks ( maybe it was Lialia but hope I am corrected for the mistake ) .. No matter what , Rachel perhaps starts embracing more and more and more the idea that she can enjoy this experience . I recently characterized her “ depressed “ seeing her so many times like crying and escaping the villa for outside activities quite enough times so far .. I will be very happy if I have been TOTALLY WRONG .. Plus , the unanswered question remains as why she watches lesbian porn and gets really horny as has been seen when we see that she’s is clearly a male preference lady .. Except if it is a hidden desire ( women ) or just wants to disorientate viewers making us believe that she might be a bisexual lady , ready for all 😉😉😉😋😋 Let’s see what happens ..
  14. Esmi and Ulyana in the same room , sharing talks in a good mood and atmosphere … Even if I had personally ordered this RLC script , i could never imagine that I would get it .. 2 absolutely stunning women next to one another , nothing more asking than watching and admiring the female beauty .. Fantastic 🤗🤗🤗👏👏
  15. I can see that you already “ targeted “ your new BIG HATE .. after all , you are missing already expressing your male hate towards a tenant after the Italian left , the child is too naive to be targeted , let’s talk then for a guy that we have seen approaching Shantal and he hasn’t even spent 72 hours with RLC .. I don’t know what men have done to you , but this hate you have is unbelievable .. Don’t worry , they can’t touch you through the cameras ..
  16. Second time in a short time seeing them crying together .. the mystery deepens ..
  17. I am sorry to say , but if Martina’s female friend is married , this is really unacceptable and Martina doesn’t seem to learn from her former mistake with Nelly .. What does she expect honestly “ infiltrating “ once again a married couple ? Even if they are an open relationship couple or it is an agreement , it is still a married couple .. and usually , when the passion ends in such relationships sooner or later , the marriage is left over with a big “ mark “ of betrayal and loss of trust and faith .. All the rest is just pointless .. BUT , I hope it is just false information and not a valid one ( not offense to the fellow member providing this information , but i believe either good friends emnv or omedo would have provided this “ serious “ details so as to understand a bit better what and how this relationship actually stands .. )
  18. The “ competition “ is at its best and the only winners are the viewers .. The presence of “ The Present “ helps “ The Past “ for some ” tricks “ , but “ The Present “ ( for whoever subjectively watching , observing and ultimately judging ) is at another level … Still , the competition always benefits than having only one sided shows .. let’s see how it evolves with the biggest “ competitor “ The Past always has to face ..
  19. Kind of sex partner every now and then …
  20. There are ABSOLUTELY NO WORDS when Ulyana is horny and in the mood to reward the viewers and her fans .. I can’t think anyone doing it better than her .. Except the professional of course who - let’s see when - picks the right time when no competition is around … Ulyana had a couple like Barbie and Ken who are really great and already with much positive comments so far and she still managed to top the cameras .. RLC’s autumn rewards are great , just a couple of rooms next to her there are also the other temptations 😉😉😋😋
  21. Still , Samson has been a champion in his country concerning fitness if i remember correctly ..
  22. They have nearly 10 years difference .. Ulyana is the most beautiful current tenant and ins of the NICEST , PRETTIER the site has ever hired , this everyone I think can admit .. Esmi - when she wants - is endlessly sensual , she can move mountains with her sexuality , pity she shows it rarely . Nadia has so much potential on being an explosive tenant but she has chosen a more conservative approach despite knowing that she’s a volcano ready to explode at any time .. Still , Ulyana is one category by herself , will keep on saying , SHE’S THE ABSOLUTE PRESENT for the RLC business , she’s just not a professional camera girl like Leora has transformed , she has also a life and she LIVES IT her own terms and that’s why she hadn’t been continuously on cameras as I think RLC management has always wanted ( judging from the repeat after repeat messages she gets from RLC to join ) .. Ulyana is The General and it is good that slowly we get wonderful and amazing supporting cast ..
  23. Now , if all 3 girls find the common interests , then … WOW TIMES ARE COMING 😇 Ulyana could so much improve her English with Nadia there , also Esmi speaks quite well I think . The. Ulyana could give her knowledge of “ audience connection “ , despite of course being a natural charisma .. Not necessarily that Esmi and Nadia need it but I WOULD personally love having Ulyana ( being the younger one as Esmi and Nadia are the older girls there .. ) describe her RLC experiences thorough the years , Esmi also her first stay and Nadia how and what she thinks so far . Managing to be on the same page in most of the subjects , the apartment will get the needed chemistry and then … look for the second in attendance 😂🤣 This apartment is already too 🔥🔥🔥
  24. Pff .. Ulyana on one top window cam and Esmi on the other… it begins 😉😉😉😋😋😋😋
  25. You aren’t a subscriber , you aren’t watching , why then the complains ? From your side , you do the right thing as you aren’t happy of what it is offered , i don’t know how a sum up of the situation and expressing your thoughts ( as of course you have ALL THE RIGHT IN THE WORLD TO DO ) for something you aren’t watching is affecting the forum here ..
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