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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. We will see what happens , I am a “ positive guy “ by nature , so , I also hope I am right .. I think I have a more “ plus “ record for RLC predictions that “ minus “ , I hope the record increases 😉… in the end , there won’t be any “ losers “ , we will all be MASSIVE WINNERS .. Esmi is special , special things expected ,I simply don’t think she would want to hide any private life if the right guy is next to her … Nearly all of the people she knows with RLC have been more than generous and amazing on sharing , I simply can’t see her “ escaping “ the pattern 😉
  2. Totally agree .. BUT .. I always had , have and will have faith in Esmi .. Zabava , her sister , had no issues doing all on cameras , it has been discussed , she did things with Esmi sleeping next door .. it can’t be that Esmi isn’t in this level ( yes she hasn’t showed us but .. Tani showed us all till the wrong guy - for us - was met. ) .. let’s see
  3. I disagree with you maybe 2-3 times per year , this is one of those moments … I am a big fan of crazy and fun times in the Barcelona times , that’s why for me girls like ( let’s use this apartment ) Carina and Lavika are being missed .. but Esmi brings other things on the table , it is simply watching a beautiful woman and waiting for any special moment ( i truly believe that her sister’s last weeks of her stays explosion has been discussed and how it might have helped , yes , they aren’t the same Zabava and Esmi , but if Zabava did , why not Esmi ? ) .. I think Esmi will provide during this stay much more than what we saw at her first appearance ( yes , i was hoping the same till the last day during her B1 days and nothing happened ) , all indications don’t show that this is gonna happen but I think that this time it’s gonna be more to see , positive thinking or simply what I DO REALLY WISH 😁 .. In general , this apartment is Ulyana’s lair , i think all eyes for the entertainment part of this place is on her shoulders .. BUT , as like with Nadia that nobody expected , I also believe that ( if ever ) Esmi will do something .. and THEN , I don’t know how many topics should Noldus create for the chats 😆
  4. We don’t know what they have been doing and how they were when they were married 😛 … And .. We also can’t know whose fault ( mainly ) is , when a divorce occurs , it is ALWAYS both that need to be blamed ..
  5. When this happens , I think this will be one of your “ toughest “ to be archived tasks 😏
  6. She sleeps naked but she knows how to “hide” herself and she’s not so “ daring “ let’s say .. but yesterday , she was the most daring from what I have seen from her ( if she has done nudity in such terms like yesterday , I have missed it 😛😆 )
  7. I only know that last night , we saw a Shantal that we have never seen before in terms of so main nudity .. yes , after so many months , it shouldn’t be even mentioned but it was a surprising incident from her ..
  8. Nelly and Bogdan’s days continue like the King and the Queen , they have a private room with a private bathroom , they have a shared pool on a luxury villa , dream life .. at the same time , people come and people go , good tenants prefer to spend evenings and whole days ( in STILL summer ) in Barcelona downtown to other apartments , even to colleagues of theirs that they don’t have any particular relationship ( Rachel decided for example to stay in B1 for the weekend , just recently Ashley was spending her time in B2 .. ) , therefore , 2 luxury villas where there should be parties , booze , BBQs , endless weekends of fun and craziness with guests or people that the tenants know or have met during their time in Barcelona and they are just abandoned like NOONE want to be and have this luxury … EXCEPT … guess who ? EXACTLY , The King and Queen … But I know , I am prejudiced against them , when it is only simple presentation of the facts … Ahh , almost forgot , the main problem of the villas was Dylan , Samson , Thor , Anthony and so on .. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  9. I only want to say that it’s been AGES since this apartment has been so ALIVE and nice to watch . Alberto looks happier and in sync a great mood , he was seen singing last night , enjoying the times with his friends , I can’t really remember when was the last time he was enjoying this much . The atmosphere changed , it’s not a depressing and sad apartment to watch while Martina is absent ( I don’t say it is her fault but of course it isn’t the best when two people struggle with the developments in their personal lives ) , for as long as it is like this then , let’s enjoy all the happenings .. and they are a LOOOOOOT 😉
  10. I believe that Rachel got excited of the results of her views and she’s CLEARLY more open participating as an RLC tenant . Obviously Megan guides her at the moment with her expertise , in general a much much different Rachel we see the last days , WELCOME TO RLC officially 😁
  11. I am very aware of what has happened , I was EXTREMELY excited when she joined because that apartment in Russia while she was a tenant , ohh well , Barcelona has been a “ dwarf “ compared to it 😂🤣.. Angie ( but this is a general rule ) with the right people and company can “transform “ a looooooot😉. But let’s not forget , new country , new culture , new life from the beginning .. I wouldn’t be surprised if I see friends of hers of that time making short or long stopovers during her stay in this apartment ..
  12. I didn’t watch how the evening was apart of seeing her there and reading that it was a bit boring . I agree totally that - as we know - she’s a party girl but she might have also changed a bit if now she’s in the procedure of standard and fixed guy ( but then what the hell we are watching with this guy 😏🤓 ) … In any case , we need to think that Montenegro hub has recently opened and according to my estimation will become the new “ only Russians “ place , accommodating slowly people from the RLC past days of Moscow / St.Petersburg / Krasnoyarsk apartments or of course the appearance of new faces on cameras .. We will see what happens , as you say , we saw a minor incident today that already creates lots of chats ( I mean come on , this is Angie we are talking about and officially appearing as single , so … )
  13. A soon to marry woman doing all this , I guess by not being this guy the “ official guy “ , we have the second drama scene after the Sasha / Dasha incident the night he was completely drunk and Dasha had to bring him on his senses .. always nice to get some real life incidents ( this one at Angie’s apparently is known only to people who know her social media and that’s why isn’t escalating to criticism so far .. )
  14. For Angie’s place , only one thing has been clarified so far … That she was suggested by RLC Montenegro hub to go and meet ( if she wanted ) Sasha and Dasha ( with Eva and Matvei ) and she simply didn’t like it and that’s why she has never been seen with them .. But at least she tried to meet her neighbors and fellow RLC colleagues . Montenegro tried to bring participants to get to know one another , it doesn’t seem to work and that’s fine . This is a reference to other RLC hubs that I have been always saying they should bring tenants together and get to know one anther and perhaps some good connections could happen . Let’s see in any case how the mystery of this apartment unfolds with this first try under the cameras sequence ..
  15. After recent posts here , this apartment now grows with mystery ( according to certain posts ) .. And Angie hiding , ohh well , Covid has changed the world 😱
  16. Hmm .. maybe Alberto received notice if he has someone in mind to have the apartment replaced with others and the guests might be showing that they don’t care about cameras 😏
  17. Magical word used “ too proud “ .. except being a respect towards Shantal’s wish that she doesn’t want absolutely anything on cameras , being allowed to be naked to her and not being able to kiss , hug and touch in a sexual way ( nobody said that it should lead to sex ) , listening to all the time “ Niet “ and “ Niet “ and more “ Niet “ , well , you simply need to be polite and stay on the bed for the night and make this the last time to spend some of the valuable time when ( I think by general admit this is a nice looking mister ) he could just go and flirt whoever else and then satisfy his horny needs .. if they are a “ couple” and they have this relationship in front of cameras , I am sorry , RLC should tell them to pack as this isn’t for them anymore . If people want to hide , they can have a normal life outside cameras where they can fuck and do whatever and simply empty two really great bedrooms and have them occupied from people who want to behave even 50% more real than these two who play teenager games … A man with pride would have CERTAINLY showed his annoyance with all that , especially from a girl being so many months in front of cameras …
  18. That’s where she was the last time I checked ( well , maybe than a week ago 😬 )
  19. Ahh well , as we say here “ He will live 100 years “ when we talk about someone and then he just appears .. Welcome back also Mr.Wayne ..
  20. So strange … Martina is gone and it is the first time I think we see Alberto socializing so much in the apartment with people he knows .. strange and nice .
  21. It’s also great having this AMAZING background set playing ( they have some super great taste 😊 ) Ben Böhmer playing an exclusive sunrise live show from a hot air balloon above Cappadocia, in Turkey for Cercle. https://youtu.be/mDe0UdxKEM8?si=bJvY0eZd_l47sufZ
  22. It’s also a surprise that Wayne is absent , nothing though that might has to do with W&W relationship ..
  23. Again ( however she might be appearing later ) Sambuka is absent of another social event .. either because of her work ( ? ) outside or not interested in such gatherings ( that I highly doubt ) … let’s see .
  24. Many smiles for Ulyana , it seems like ( easily of course ) flirting is working really great fir her , let’s see her selections in the near future .. Fiora seems she just want to stay away from guys during this stay ( apart from the guy who visited her soon after rejoining ) and act more like the “ mama or big sister “ to Harley and Ulyana , plus there’s always Cecilia to calm down some horny moments or engage in shows ( since FINALLY the orchestrator mama left ) that she can’t have with others ( although she would love to ) .. All in all , this is a very dynamic 3 girls friendship , if and when Olivia decides to be back from USA , it will be very interesting this major reunion . Let’s see , but Harley and a single Ulyana can be endless potential .. Just now give a bed to Cecilia ( excepts if she prefers this special guest star appearances ) ..
  25. Harley joining the others , kind of “ showing “ that her ass is accompanied with a toy .. Sparking wine to be opened , when Harley acts like this , usually she’s pissed off by someone .. And , nice for our eyes though 😁
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