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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Glad you make this post , I was having nearly the same thoughts .. I always believed ( I admit on this I was really mistaken ) that Ashley and Dylan would become the best tenants as they would engage whenever they would feel like in any private moment . They both are the same characters , fun , social , entertaining .. I truly believe that Ashley likes ( liked ) Dylan very much , she would spend so much time with hi , giving him breakfast , lunches , dinners , late snacks 😂🤣 .. We should not also forget that in ALL 3 THREESOMES . Ashley was the one of three participants , which ultimately has me reached the conclusion ( most probably a wrong one 😂 ) that Ashley NEVER ACCEPTED that he would fuck girls behind her back . I mean that she wouldn’t have any problem if he was telling her but he did , he never told her , she found out and got pissed .. The next question of course that inevitably comes in mind is why this would happen , well , the obvious answer is that Ashley might have developed feelings for Dylan . She didn’t mind threesomes , sharing or whatever but she minded things behind her back and I think this is what happened , i can’t really think that these two who simply LOVED their moments ended whatever relationship they had in such hate . I was always insisting that there won’t be any problems because they both knew what they have signed for but this is , as you say , sad that it happened . The absence of Dylan will become obvious very soon , he was a generous , fun , great tenant and he respected the opportunity he got . All the best to him as a guy supporting another one , i believe we will be seeing him again though , i think in such a short time he achieved really a lot and he deserves any Euro he got being an RLC participant . Whenever there’s a person that gathers lots of chats , seen many times occupying the top camera replays but above all , he has made an audience of both haters and supporters , well , FOR SURE , he has achieved something and made a BIG IMPACT . 5 months and i believe 13 or 14 women to fuck , QUITE QUITE IMPRESSIVE ( causing the obvious jealousy 😁😆 )
  2. The fast conclusion says that Sara STILL is the one that people can expect unpredictability and possible fun times , STILL the rightful owner of the master bedroom , pity that she hasn’t found anyone to hang around and share being the “ seeking for fun “ girl .
  3. I will not forget your suggestion and I will consider it , thank you for your thoughts .
  4. I think the members saying that Clara looks familiar , it might be that she looks like Kleopatra ?? That’s my guess at least .. So , we get one more “ mature “ woman and not a “ young “ girl . Very confident and determined , not the “ powerful “ or show off girl ( judging her tan lines that don’t look any special , rather “ old school “ I would say ) . She’s clearly explained the cameras and so on as she’s not shy for nudity , i will say that she’s neither a “ Milena “ nor a “ Fiora “ , bringing just a suitcase indicates that she’s one more local girl but the fact that she has not the “ brown color “ of the sun exposure is a mystery .. My first impression is that’s she’s a “ quiet “ woman ( mature , knows what she likes and wants ) , not the party girl or the crazy fun girl , I hope she’s not a “ Rachel “ with a person outside and that she will reward everyone with a good stay , showing that she WANTS to be there and not just sleep , wake up , repeat . Not high expectations of proving a “ villa “ tenant but better someone than empty beds ( she looks more like “ belonging “ in B2 let’s say ) . Happy stay to girl 220 or so 😁😆
  5. If this ain’t Ellis’s sister , I don’t know who might look so identical to her , beautiful like our girl , Elli … I hope we keep on seeing her like today ..
  6. Again … If Dylan leaves and isn’t perhaps any relocation , the majority here will understand how much this guy was offering to the “ rightful needed things in the villas “ , that is entertainment , unpredictability , craziness , fun and good vibes . It seems that people that blame him or they are celebrating that he is ready to leave , they prefer watching Rachel , Nelly and Bogdan , Lialia and whatever boredom the ENTIRE Barcelona hub currently offers .. I don’t even mention Lacrim because this “ child “ is at least a source of negativity to almost everyone . I really can’t understand what the members here wish to watch when they look forward to him departing RLC . His absence will become obvious very very fast and the comments like “ at least Dylan this , at least Dylan that “ will become a habit much faster than people think .
  7. I will soon start thinking if Elli has any connection to Aziza , she was “ The Mysterious Aziza “ , few more nights like the ones last week and I need to christen her also The Mysterious Elli “ .. 🤪
  8. A bisexual woman will always have her needs .. that’s the only thing I am gonna say .. if anyone believed that Martina is gonna be faithful and committed to this girl , I will only say the obvious .. that despite being with this girl for such a long time , she still has been fucking with Alberto ..all the rest for me , it is no worth to say .. And knowing that Martina isn’t a woman that can be “ in borders “ and “ living in a box “ , the girl has already lost her ( especially with the information given that she’s a jealous one ) .
  9. So many people speaking about .. Ulyana … here 😂🤣 .. and of what she does .
  10. If this becomes a good friendship , I think we will get really lucky of what we are going to see .. but for sure very positive that they get along really nice these first days , let’s hope it continues ..
  11. If there was a person that could convince ANYONE to go beyond safety zone and borders and try something unique and new , this could only be Masha . There’s no one else with her ability that , by describing , analyzing and explaining her experiences , could possibly “ seed “ the ideal of “ why not “ and “ what if “ . As was mentioned though , Timur ( and he is absolutely right , i mean , he has it all with Tereza .. ) isn’t the guy searching or having hidden sexual desires or wanting to experience new things . It might be that Masha isn’t his style or isn’t making him any burnt or feeling desire for her . On the other hand , we also never saw him having even the tiniest of looks to any of the gorgeous girls that have been joining his girl and him during their stay . For me , brave guy , faithful and honest to his girl , a rare nowadays phenomena and deserves credit for it .. it isn’t the best for us that perhaps we wish to watch “ adventures “ , but it is what it is . Tereza also respects his wish , despite I definitely believe she would LOVE to experience this - maybe just once - different experience . Let’s see but not any hopes ..
  12. I will stick with my theory that Montenegro will be the hub for all Russians people of RLC , I am expecting that they will expand there slowly .. the rest European Union hubs will see mostly Ukrainians .
  13. The end of an era ( 2023 ) in case “ The Master “ departs .. It was poor and stupid content from middle June and onwards in Barcelona , it seems more boredom is coming .. ahh , Lacrim is there to provide amazing entertainment .. We got Ulyana back , we have the endless fun potential of anytime , anyplace Sara in case circumstances allow , Sambuka and Megan when she feels like and that’s it . Ashley seems like being isolated as well , Rachel nobody knows what she serves in the project , Lialia is indeed a “ do nothing “ as she’s nowhere to be found , Nadia is the model girl and she has the 30 years old weight on her shoulders and the recent break up / divorce with her husband is happening inside the RLC walls and is affecting her presence , Lubna is fine and she lives a normal life ( work / home / work ) but she’s not the girl to attract the masses , Shantal will always be the tease and question mark of “ what if “ she would do more . And B5 already in trouble with a recent joining couple ready to quit and the newcomers that FOR SURE will make an impact but just an apartment can’t be enough for the Barcelona hub .. let’s see if it is indeed the second major update of 2023 coming in Barcelona ..
  14. Which family ? Which friends ? The father ( only appearing on phone calls ) and Malia ( she was on cameras for a certain amount of time ) … the rest , as we recently learned , she arranged that they go on holidays .. Quite a gesture if you ask me for people who ( for what we know ) hasn’t seen FOR SURE since August 2019 .. they must be really special so as to arrange holidays for them .. They are the perfect couple , they do all right and nice , no risks taken .. the future is written brilliant for both of them 😆
  15. Please ..Here the lovers say that they are the PERFECT COUPLE and their life will have / has a bright and secured future. This couple has ZERO knowledge of what real life is , they have no friends to trust and rely on any problem that might occur .. I guess that ALL OF US who have people nearby that we talk , we socialize , we exchange a hello and a goodbye , WE ARE ALL STUPID .. But Leora and Paul are the right ones and they know exactly what they are doing 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  16. When money talks , people get silenced … 😆
  17. We will see what happens , in my opinion , RLC will ask Martina to stay in the apartment . It’s up to her if she wants or not .
  18. Leora and Paul , Linda and Tibor , they can’t understand that everything has an expiring date and they should move on … of course , the money ( and not only ) is an irresistible excuse / benefit and i can understand that the couples are “ hurting “ their image so as to extend their stays . The time for this “ couple “ has arrived also since a long time , I hope they don’t make the same mistake and know that it is now the time to go and remember them with smiles and good feelings and not extend for any reason their on cameras presence . I guess as soon as we see Alberto moving things , then the end is near . It still remains a question though if Martina becomes the Masha of Barcelona ..
  19. It is Leora and Paul with their amazing presence and real life on cameras , the blowjobs and masturbations of Leora keep the interest and increase the viewership , isn’t it so ?? What do the other new apartments and couples offer after all ?
  20. This I totally agree , RLC Barcelona project looks abandoned or - another theory - i have started thinking that maybe many people want to have the “ last word “ in decisions and this might be causing miscommunication and problems . For me , the problem is pure financial , they have reduced the money they are giving in comparison to the past and they can’t now find people to be exposed and easily enjoy the cameras like we were watching in the past . The solution , like any other job , is very simple .. Raise the salaries , give them good money and then we will have again “ queues “ of candidates , like it has been revealed it was happening in the past , when “ everyone “ wanted to join the project . No money , no fun 😊 ( candidates ) .
  21. I don’t want to have Bruno as a tenant but I don’t mind AT ALL seeing him as a guest , the way we got to know him . I am totally against any violence , I actually consider any man that raises his hand to a woman an absolute ZERO SUBJECT , we can’t get more “ nothing “ as human beings from the moment we touch a woman , just perhaps to show that we are THE MALE SPECIES and the BOSS . We got to know Bruno as a guest and - I think many will agree - he has been ONE OF THE BEST EVER . I don’t actually know if he and Gina are still together , but , again as I said , I don’t find anything bad seeing him appearing as a guest . He is always unpredictable and as a viewer this is an element I am “ expecting “ to watch and Cesar brings this easily 😊 .
  22. I find it really odd , especially when both work in the sex business , that they have jealousy issues . What about all the people watching them during the shows and all these details ? Anyway , it is what it is and let’s see what’s gonna be .
  23. They did nearly 2 weeks to inform us that one of the B4 residents would be on holidays till the 11th September .. let’s wait a week before the info comes then 😂 ( minimum .. ) .. Gabrielle in B5 is gone , also no info . Masha was recently gone ( and Masha ALWAYS informs ) , again no RLC info … The site at times looks really abandoned from people who should have specific tasks ( I guess there must be an employee that is in direct contact with the tenants or responsible to receive the “ holidays “ requests from the tenants and make sure that the site is updated . And if a tenant “ forgets “ to give the holidays info , I guess they should contact the tenant after 24 hours so as to communicate the possible holidays to the viewers ) . Customer service at the moment is really bad .
  24. It is very funny to read that Louis got jealous when nearly a month ago , he had no issue to fuck Lubna during a session with Gabrielle in Dylan’s room in B7 . This of course shows that Gabrielle is in control , she either “ pushed “ him for that or if he did it with his own will , then he should have no issues when she just went to Madrid ( nobody said that she’s gonna be on a 3 days fuckfest with her friends ) . I find his reaction very exaggerated , even phoning his mother , pff , some times we men are the “ mama boys “ 😂 . Let’s see how this will develop . The last time we saw something similar , it was Wednesday abandoning Wayne and heading to the villa for one day before him running after her the next day to bring her back in B5 . RLC dramas continue 😁
  25. So strange that after taking the master bedroom , it looks like Gabrielle and Louis ending their RLC presence .. I guess then J&I take the master bedroom , lucky couple and ready now for RLC to put friends of theirs there to occupy the other room and … Time to party 😁 ( already guests as expected which is really great ) .. now , can we finally see Don perhaps with a possible girlfriend ? 😉 That coexistence would be fun to watch , still all of them Spanish speaking ..
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