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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Still … The only one who provides entertainment … and slowly Sara ..
  2. He fucks whoever he wants , whenever he wants .. only Shantal escaped him .. They pay him you mean .. when a man fucks a lot , why he should pay ? Come on , bring your hate to men fucking women , especially the guy that you always comment for when you hate him so much 😂🤣😂
  3. “ The Master “ adds one more trophy .. well done 😉… and he can also recover with this one after the Lubna experience .. and let Ashley take the shower by herself ..
  4. It was good while it lasted for 2-2,5 weeks , the girls now have gone back to the ( for my own taste of course ) stupidities of posing and doing whatever . In any case , let’s hope it goes back again to nice and unexpected moments .
  5. The Master has been hungry for a long time , time to have some fun 😉 … Question since I just tuned in , IS NELLY AND BOGDAN around or absent ? Just curious … and just to confirm my theory of course 😁😆
  6. Maybe the friend of Babi ( she finally managed to bring her from the bed ) wants to make up for the last time with the friend of Babi and all the mess that happened that day … otherwise , it is again a funny weird game 🤡
  7. This girl ( female guest ) has been educated / studied / learned / read / instructed so many details of the cameras world that - especially after the short minutes visit in the private bathroom of Masha’s bedroom - she’s playing endlessly this cat and mouse game with “ her guy “ , wearing her panties while being on and off inside the bathtub , pff , can’t honestly think if this is her last big test in case she needs to prove if she deserves a bed in Barcelona … YES , YOU DESERVE GIRL 😂🤣… in comparison to nearly 20-25% of the current cast that they are there but actually they have no interest being there , this guest would make a completely better and bigger impact .. oh well , whatever with the teasing games 😈
  8. All “ slowly “ pointing to the same scenario as was previously posted , it is just that this time the male friend is of Babi’s female friend ..
  9. Babi just received a bottle of wine . The “ script “ with this guy starts looking exactly the same like the guy that was there last time .. Watching a bit more details , Babi has strangely “ resurfaced “ the last 2-3 weeks in Masha’s , also makes anyone wondering if she’s also perhaps making a return in Barcelona with the current disaster status they facing there . For example , Babi and her friend in B4 in the common shared bedroom , well , that can be “ guaranteed “ entertainment 😉
  10. By the way , seeing this friend of Babi’s so open on doing things on cameras , knowing the past of this apartment having recruited some of the BEST girls we ever saw just by also “ testing “ themselves on cameras in Masha’s place , it makes me wonder if this girl can be a possible candidate for Barcelona either in the near or further future … Let’s see also with that , the girl is fantastic by the way .
  11. So .. After the last recent time that there was a threesome with all the “ drama “ involving AGAIN Babi and her friend , we see them together again , currently on the LR’s couch with another guy … let’s see how this ends up … Detail .. No Irma around this time 😁😁🤣
  12. Let’s hope she keeps on staying away from any alcohol problems , then it is a good stay so far .. the problem is that this couple looks also not too social and unless they won’t become , it won’t be so much to talk about them here .
  13. I read a lot of analysis after the news that came up recently .. There isn’t much to say except and when EVERYONE here remembers the following … Martina and her female sex partner ( and also a married woman who was CLEARLY cheating her husband - who he knew it but he didn’t know what to say to his wife but he was asking Martina to break up the sexual relationship ) were fucking in HIS ONW SHARED bed in HIS OWN SHARED apartment with his “ girlfriend “ and he had the door closed ( so the two ladies don’t get disturbed or not disturb him 😂🤣) playing PlayStation ( pretending ???? ) like nothing was happening . I am sorry to say - and I have nothing against Alberto as i believe the majority knows from my posts - BUT , when your “ girlfriend “ is fucking next room ( no matter the whatever relationship you have perhaps your girlfriend - open , FWB , swingers - ) and you accept it without showing any frustration , sadness , anger , disappointment , just a NORMAL human reaction FFS for the woman that - as it is written lately - you love , then excuse me , this is what’s the natural ending that one day or the other will bring . You don’t “ fight “ for your girl , then what ? Then she knows that she CAN NEVER have you as the guy to BE HER ROCK at a certain crisis . Yes , always and forever best friends , but it needs more for a person to maybe come this day one Aya and perhaps look yourself in the mirror and say “ hmm , what have I been doing ? I had the best guy next to me and I abandoned him “ … How Martina could ever come in this conclusion when she has been experiencing such behaviors ( also what other forum members wrote with her being social and outgoing and Alberto preferring his video games and so on ) … At the moment , the apartment isn’t fun to watch , as recently said , the faster they move on with their lives , the better they will do . The more they stay and with the colder months coming ( more time inside the apartment and so on ) , this place will become unwatchable ( which will hurt the opinion we have for this great couple ) .. Let’s hope that they are working on a solution , otherwise , still depending on the RLC benefits , it will punish them later i believe getting finally in the outside real world quite older than now .
  14. Fiora and Ashley in B2 .. if Lubna joins later ( even not ) , let’s see what tonight’s show it is going to be ( and farewell perhaps … )
  15. Shantal seems like heading out after some alcohol shots and drinking from the bottle , full commando .. It is what it is …
  16. I don’t post much the last days because I am super busy and I don’t watch also that much since I can’t see any “ actual “ interest ( in Barcelona ) … In Barcelona , EVERYONE DOES whatever the F.. they want , they go for days unnoticed , they come back whenever they like .. And the life goes on like nothing happens for the flagship apartments of this company .. if it wasn’t for the addition of Angie , some really nice couples who have recently joined , plus trying to figure out some ( personal ) favorite tenants , I am trying to figure out what RLC offers currently .. All the fun and unpredictability that Barcelona MUST OFFER , is nowhere to be found . ALL the tenants ( apart from the King and the Queen ) , CLEARLY enjoy outside from their luxury residencies .. Lialia , Sara yesterday had to go to Fiora and Harley’s to have fun , Ashley .. pff .. what more to say ..
  17. Another MASSIVE MASSIVE ACHIEVEMENT from the lovely couple and RLC part time employees and full time tenants … A BIG MOMENT in history , first weekend ( Saturday night ) of September and BOTH 2 the most expensive properties of the company , are COMPLETELY EMPTY from the current 7 tenants that occupy beds in the villas … I suggest Nelly and Bogdan to ask RLC if they can hire also workers so as they build an underground passage and be from one villa to the other within maximum 1 minute , after all , BOTH VILLAS look now being their property . Speak about CLEVER CLEVER CLEVER people , these two have whatever EVER wanted . Imagine , much much money getting paid as tenants . as RLC part time employees and no expenses due to the free beds in a place that MANY MANY people fight a whole life to have . Pools , fitness room , jacuzzi , gardens … EVERYTHING .. Nelly having an affair and almost ruining this dream life with another RLC tenant , Bogdan cutting off power electricity so as to hide whatever he wanted to hide … Ladies and Gents , WELCOME to the 2nd RLC Realm .. After the exclusive one that no people are allowed ( Leora and Paul’s realm ) , we have now a villa that a couple has managed to live the King / Queen life .. Yes , they totally deserve , they fuck on cameras for nearly a decade as well ….
  18. From “ guest Curly “ , we are transitioned to “ guest Fior “ …. Yea , what an upgrade …
  19. Indeed .. and then , winter is coming 😁
  20. People were fed up and protesting towards Dylan and Ashley ( wannnabe porn actors ) , I guess having Lacrim around and ( WTF , a no tenant that hasn’t got even 10% Bruno’s charisma … ) Fior , people enjoy them much more than the craziness and fun that those two GUARANTEED … Luckily , recruiting Sara we get fast entertainment results … And - how strange 😁 - villas dead , Fiora is the show/produce maker ( at least she’s very active and not stupid jokes .. ) and tries to keep Barcelona alive . Let’s see how this autumn will be .
  21. I think it is a more than positive return , she has for quite a lot of comments , the apartment being a new in the “ roster “ is also causing discussion .. As was predicted , perhaps Montenegro becomes the new “ Russian base “ for RLC , they definitely need a hub to run operations for the Russians in hostile for them Europe , Serbia and Montenegro are still two countries that they help them / support in certain things , let’s see what’s gonna be the role of this apartment in the long run . I only know that - evidently - RLC is expanding and that the many of the tenants that were saw themselves “ cutting feed “ during “ the purge “ , somehow many of them have made their return on cameras .. meaning that there are MANY connections still with the majority or even all of them ..
  22. Maybe then having done something wrong and trying with the flowers to apologize ? Or show himself being STILL the guy she can always trust ? In any case , I have never ever bought that Elli and Vencel have a strong / committed boyfriend / girlfriend relationship . It is kind of an agreement , eternal friends from school that RLC discovered and they got offered this opportunity and things promised to them . For me , REAL relationships we see every day with Venera / Lion , Scarlet and her mister , Karol and Kos , Barbie and Ken , Gyana and Dantez , FOR SURE Dasha and Sasha .. these people share , they communicate , they are living “ normal “ relationships .. Vencel and Elli it is like “ sharing “ the place and having benefits , they have a relationship and sexual interactions that it is feeling like “ now , let’s do this and enjoy “ .. from so young people , I would expect passion , wild things .. Time will tell with these two . I only know that Peater reads the forum 😁
  23. It doesn’t mean having an affair that she should be sex .. maybe someone who has recently met .. a new affair , getting to know ..perhaps also spending 3 hours in this other’s person place because she feels better there .. And ..With the guy she shares her on cameras life not being the most “ on fire to provide “ , she could just also have some just cuddles , hugs , EMMM, oral? 😆😆😋😋.. Nobody knows , that’s the certain thing , it is all pure speculations .. but it isn’t speculations ( BECAUSE WE ALL SAW IT ) what she has done with Peater under the covers in the previous apartment , that it’s now a week or so that she sneaks quietly in the bedroom to grab clothes , put perfume and abandon the apartment in the very deep of the night for many many hours … I don’t think it is of the most normal attitude when you “ share life with someone else “… She could always have her clothes in the LR or in the kitchen if it was a scheduled “ going out “ of the apartment . And if it was just nice , ok , it could be an emergency to see a friend and calm down for whatever reasons .. But we have seen it repeatedly recently .. Let’s see , time always gives answers .
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