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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Happy days .. Ulyana is back , when she’s there , Leora notices and then it is a fun competition ( she usually loses .. ) .. The most important , all those people that ddhm has been attacked from and has been SHOUTING also for many years that they have destroyed this little corner of the internet and not allowing people to express their thoughts because they simply wanted to say things as they were thinking and having their opinion , good friend Jimbo4 now is fighting them one by one because he SPOKE THE TRUTH .. and truth in this topic HURTS and the TERMINATORS get mad and start hunting . But jimbo is very strong with the English language being his native and HE GIVES PAIN daily to all of them . Because , all of them , they simply do this , they spread 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  2. It will be funny as - I believe - Lubna will be returning soon with her guy …. and Harley proves also how much she has missed Ulyana by having this endless talk and they didn’t make it as usual in her apartment but they remained in B2 …Harley will be herself again gradually ..
  3. I always try to give nicknames to the majority of the tenants , especially to the ones in Barcelona . I am in this forum to interact with others , make chats and have fun and enjoy watching what we all like and we pay for it and not watching to judge negative others and tenants also and at the same time jerking off and writing down so as to keep an archive ..
  4. It’s gonna be a good winter after a VERY difficult and demanding tourism season here .. 2 more months though and then the sweet little one can be checked more detailed 😁
  5. And not using her giant toy , JUST THE BEST WAY that I believe all of us men like , the PURE NATURAL fingers way , ALWAYS THE BEST . Sambuka is pure horny today ( and many other times 😆 )
  6. Sambuka on one more proof on being the NUMBER 1 tenant by FAAAAAAAAAR since a couple of months now . The biggest discovery of 2023 and Harley’s best gift to her employers .. the woman is a moving volcano .. some of the best actions we have seen by a tenant .
  7. How Paul can find out what Leora does when he sleeps so much after his daily exhaustions of his PC job ? Leora is now there more than 4 years and ( as has been said from supporters ) has her circle . She knows what , when and where .. She’s so experienced keeping an audience watching her for 10 years , i think she can easily ( if she wants ) to do things outside . I also doubt that she does BUT I don’t doubt that SHE THINKS about it .
  8. Now … they need “ TO END “ Lialia’s joke and OFFER A BED to a girl that loves the cameras , BRING CECILIA .. And then there will be 2-3 more moves to have a bit of interesting Barcelona again . But as was rightfully said , the Barcelona administrators are in a complete ignorance of the project . Milena seen still active tenant , Lialia no sign of what’s going on , B5 empty for one bedroom , ridiculous management … And then when it looks desperate , they bring back Ulyana ..
  9. Let’s see how she will be with MAMA OUT , THE GENERAL IN 😉
  10. Even Harley looks ALIVE again having back Ulyana .. she wasn’t “ the same good “ as when Ulyana was there . A lot of positive things then simply by one “ jackpot move “ .
  11. If they manage to build a friendship and a good chemistry and they won’t be having differences , B2 can become the top place to watch . Lubna likes the cameras and despite having a job she tries , Nadia is more , I believe , of what we have seen - if she wants she can do ALL 😉- , Ulyana and her experience , even more not occupying a Master Bedroom just to make money for whatever reasons but being there to make money but RESPECT , GIVE BACK and REWARD all of us viewers who have made Ulyana one of the most popular tenants ever , i think these are important reasons of a good viewership apartment . It has been a bad period by public comments as expressed in the forum for the Barcelona project , I think with the arrival of this one girl , it might be some bright days again. Let’s see .
  12. The topic is on fire and The General hasn’t done anything , she simply reappeared on cameras … what more can i say about the dynamic of this girl ? Rest assure that she WILL WELCOME HER FANS with her one and only Ulyana’s way , one more time to thank her fans , the viewers of MAKING HER ALWAYS a must see girl and that’s why RLC keeps on asking her to come back .
  13. Second appearance by Alessandro within some days , interesting if he becomes a regular visitor again or indeed Elvis’s presence has played its role of not being the friend and visitor we used to watch .
  14. It’s very simple . I am watching RLC since 2016 . I post in this forum since 2020 . Everyone has his favorites . DDHM’s favorite is Ulyana . What to do ? So simple as that
  15. Nearly 2 years in Russia ( maybe more ? Can’t remember and need to check the archives ) . I think more than 6 months in B2 .. then , massive unlucky incidents … BUT … SHE’S always around and available . It is funny , in my own way of seeing things we have back the formation of the trio . The Past … Leora The Present … Ulyana The future … Elli
  16. Pff .. If Nadia and Ulyana match , BEWARE OF WHAT IT IS GOING TO BE . B2 is alive once again , after a disappointing summer in the place that should be parties and fun and night escapes for many tenants of other apartments , at least we are rewarded with this EPIC return . And together with Lubna , Nadia and Ulyana can for sure provide . It’s a good RLC day after a longtime .
  17. Welcome back to the one and only , THE RIGHTFUL OWNER of this place’s Master Bedroom .. Welcome back to the one and only , hopefully free from the recent adventures and ready to provide and make Barcelona watchable again . Welcome back to the one and only ( I THINK SHE’S OFFICIALLY NOW THE MOST RETURNEE REPEATER ) , Prague , Barcelona in B2 , Barcelona in B1 , Barcelona in the villa , Barcelona in the new apartment , in a journey that started years ago in Russia. What more to say showing how POPULAR this girl is and one of the most REQUESTED and women that would give viewership , create chats and endless forum talks … Welcome back to the one and inky who will give back a massive amount of glory to the Barcelona project , the one and only that can GUARANTEE entertainment and viewership . The one and only that next to her , the rest are “ just other tenants “ …The one and only who elk for sure make/ provide a very very “ WARM “ autumn/ winter . WELCOME BACK TO THE ONE AND ONLY , WELCOME BACK TO “ THE GENERAL “ , WELCOME BACK TO SWEET LITTLE ULYANA . It’s good to know that RLC isn’t punishing her despite her behavior , they listen and try to have her requests committed. Happy I caught this moment live , WELCOME BACK 🥳🥳🥳🥳🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩👏👏👏👏
  18. Reading the comments , maybe “ Mimi , welcome back ?? “ 😋😎
  19. Milena out and IMMEDIATELY Harley is in B2 visiting .. Remember that when Milena was visiting her apartment to see Fiora , she would stay in her bedroom … I don’t know how much clearer can be that she didn’t like her or simply didn’t want anything with her SUPER orchestrating things that the only thing was to bring extra money in her pocket by using the others while she was playing it the innocent and faithful / loyal mama obligations woman … Goodbye to a woman that she should think how she has resulted her life in order being nearly 3 months away from her little son and what she was doing to provide .. one of the tenants that WON’T BE MISSED , wishing her the best luck but this was absolutely ridiculous being there and doing / living whatever we saw … She could have a normal life if she is presenting herself “ mature “ and “ clever “ ( superior ) ..
  20. Maximum respect to this girl , one of the nicest girls we have seen , beautiful , perfect tan lines , amazing sucking cock skills , present to please her partner and be pleased .. what more to ask from a guest appearing on cameras ?? Respect and kudos to Dylan on being the one together with fantastic Sambuka , the fresh repeater Sara , plus the ones trying with much effort to be active and reward the subscribers despite being the ones needing to work , that is Lubna , Gabrielle and Louis .. the rest need to look themselves in the mirror ( Megan is fine though as she has a normal life with a guy that visits her occasionally and she acts perfectly normal , Ashley also offers personal moments but she sacrifices her real life needs to exchange them with dildo pleasure releases 😁 ) and wonder what they are doing in this cameras world , what their expectations are ( apart from making money ) and really think how they are spoiling time by being somewhere and doing something that they REALLY DON’T want .. ( Harley and Fiora , Karol and Kos aren’t counting as Barcelona project for myself ) ..
  21. When a guy KNOWS that no matter if he fucks another woman ( as he did for some months ) , when he ALLOWS his girlfriend to go to another country to continue masturbating for the people watching , when he knows that no matter what , she will blowjob him , cook for him , clean his clothes and BE A SLAVE because WHATEVER HE WISHES will become a command , what’s the point to show any affection when , having all these and the girlfriend simply accepts and not asking anything back ? ( ahh yes , she asked to come in Europe and leave behind all .. ) He is BIG LOVE PAUL and people here LOVE IT watching them together when in the past he even grabbed her neck .. When as a person ( Leora ) accepts all and not having a voice to express that you don’t like so many things ( OHH , SORRY , I forgot , LEORA LOVES ALL that Paul does to her - HAVE YOU ACTUALLY READ/ SEEN ANY PROTEST of words from her towards him ?? It is all words of loving him and missing him and never shouting to him or having an argument, because in TRUE LOVE RELATIONSHIPS such things DO NOT HAPPEN 😂🤣😂 - ) , when all these occur , then , as has been pointed out again and again and again , it will be too late when Leora ( and Paul ) realize how much of a waste their life has been that they HAVEN’T EXPERIENCED anything ( in a wider range ) that people who have the possibility can do , that is traveling , visiting people and spending time with them , enjoying times with family all together at Christmas , New Year and so on and so on and so on … this is a couple that should be the PERFECT EXAMPLE of THINGS HAPPENING showing that a relationship is problematic but both people not doing anything to change it because - NOT THEY CAN’T , NOT THEY DON’T WANT - they DON’T KNOW how to say to one another the things they don’t like . Big love and a perfect relationship is unfolding since 10 years in front of our screens . Amazing .. Well done to both on being THE PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHAT A PERFECT RELATIONSHIP IS 😂🤣😂🤣👏👏👏
  22. I only know what the subscribers want to watch , top replay ( ONCE AGAIN ) by simply being the one who lives as a villa tenant .. ALWAYS he makes the top replays and this time he had to overcome the repeater and also other couples going simultaneously .. Let’s hope that he reactivates again , after all , Sara is just next door and she seems single( as we have seen , he doesn’t imitate anything with the ones who have boyfriends or girlfriends - Ulyana was the exception , Azura the same 😆 )
  23. Give her a room and take away the ones who sleep , wake up , go out for days and don’t come back and repeat… she is also Italian when we see that they are pushing for Italians .. Let’s see , the villas needed a good incident ..
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