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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. It took them a really loooooong time , but finally they found a worthy couple to be on cameras .. perhaps the failure after failure was what was really needed in order for this couple to be discovered and be RLC tenants .. Next step , to watch their interaction with others , however Ken already had visitors in the apartment so I believe we will soon see more things of their life . Well done Barbie and Ken 😊
  2. Oks has / had EXACTLY the same kind of behavior /stay like when she was the first ever tenant in B7 , she was the same “ boring “ like now with all of her interests outside .. She could have changed her future perhaps if she had stayed somehow with her one time fun colleague Thor ( the only time she went off limits and got fucked by him ) but then , it was all meant to happen with Holly . It is so clear that RLC brought her back urgently because most probably she could bring a friend with her ( Aya ) so as to fill empty beds in B4 .. the result we see it being another failure ( on the other hand , without Oks’s shadow , Aya might be a more interesting to watch tenant ) .
  3. This was EXCLUSIVELY - if there are still any - for the ones complaint of the light conditions when they enjoy their bedroom .. AGAIN , BY FAAAAAAAAAR , the best couple currently of RLC and one of the best ever in the history of the site .
  4. Whoever wants to watch what LOVING ONE ANOTHER and how A PRIVATE MOMENT ( in front of cameras ) should be , just sit back and enjoy this couple , around 12:30 they began ? Or earlier .. happiness perfection .
  5. Massive massive massive thanks for this OUTSTANDING revelation and solving in just one post months and months and months of questions .. there’s nothing more to say that now hopefully , people can just sit back , relax and let these two do / behave / act as they want to do and we can leave aside any speculations made . Many many thanks - AS ALWAYS - for this unique contribution . Together with Omedo , you could always open our eyes and understand what has been really going on . This post and the confirmation of what many believed plus the bank detail comment , i consider it one of the most important posts ever posted in this topic and concerning the life of these two people on cameras . Thanks once again 🙏
  6. Now .. I will definitely agree … this is the one and only’s , ULYANA’S COUCH ..
  7. I am sure you are tuned in since the afternoon and when they gathered , watching this MASTERPIECE Saturday night event they have organized .. you see , when the “ serious “ people “ ( Dylan / Ashley from the ones who have remained ) were around and trying to have fun , you and others were complaining with comments and posts like “ send the losers / assholes / whores “ in their caves .. And NOBODY was explaining why , you ( they ) only was saying that it can’t be that Ashley fucks a lot , Dylan fucks a lot and bla bla bla. Stick now with an Oscar production watching Fior ( that I really try to understand his more and more often appearances ) , EXPLAIN to all of us why Lialia isn’t participating and she’s all the time sleeping with Ashley ( really why they don’t rename the room Ashley & Lialia ? ) , how in the hell Fiora joined when even a week ago SHE HAD ZERO relationships with any of the rest of the girls apart from Lacrim( being Harley’s whatever he was/is and Fior ) … Ahh , the master highlight , since you hate them all , what in the fuck Daniel is doing in B7 ? Is he getting casting instructions to be the next one after Lacrim / Dylan ?? You know what’s the difference ? That recent years ago , Curly ( aka Bruno ) would gather his buddies and bring them in the villa(s) and would try to seduce and FUCK as much as possible ( because this is what young , horny , southern European / Latin passionate people do ) , either in any of the rooms or throwing a group jacuzzi thing .. Recent years ago , Gina would dance , flirt , get drunk , be herself , spontaneous and smiley and fun because she WOULD KNOW that she can go to sleep anytime even collapsed .. now , 5-6 people are gathered in ( free cameras I believe as usually this is what RLC does ) in the B4 kitchen , chatting and whatever boredom on a Saturday night, 02:00 am Barcelona , end of august .. when they should be in beach bars , clubs , dancing , drinking , flirting , enjoying ( or at least doing this in a luxury - with so many amenities - villa ) …. BUT YES , I forgot , CONGRATULATIONS , you get what you wish . Quiet , peace and relaxation , this is how the RLC concept should be … 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  8. Apart from Fior and Fiora who might want to “ teach “ some new forum people why they ( he , Fior ) christened like this , the two villas ARE THE ABSOLUTE dream currently of how people wanting it and imagining the whole summer … THEY FINALLY GET THE WISHES since ; - Ashley , one of the porn actresses as they characterize her, is absent of any socially gathering - The asshole Dylan , as he is characterized , he is absent around fellow tenants and away of a B4 event because he would DEFINITELY destroy the party because he would have been flirting . - The bosses ( Nelly and Bogdan ) have managed yet AGAIN to bring everyone together by moving ( AGAIN ) all of the action in B4 ( since B7 isn’t their residence ) and arrange a Karaoke evening . The participation is outstanding , the smiles and laughs and drinks and whatever is FLAWLESS .. it is so fun that 2 out of 3 current homemates ( Dylan / Ashley ) didn’t join , they have a guest ( rumored substances supplier in the past ) that NOBODY knows why he is abandoned and left by himself in the LR ( ahh yes , I forgot , they are THE ONLY ONES that can have people sleep in the couch , the rest needs to have their guests in their bedroom ) - The B4 girls are having so much fun that Lialia is absent and wondering around B7 with Ashley , the two twin shadows ( Aya and Oks ) trying to figure out how to make the place viewable , Rachel might be thinking how she can escape the thoughts of her lover outside the B4 walls and poor Sara trying to figure out “ WTF has happened to the fun project I first joined back in 2015 “ .. - HIGHLIGHT ? The arrival of Fiora in the villa ( for the first time and breaking the so far non visiting rules that Harley and Ulyana seem to have established - at least Harley sticks loyal to the plan - ) and - HONESTLY ? - instead of watching the young people trying to enjoy , we have two milfs , Fiora being the chameleon and visiting all of the Barcelona apartments so as to make / raise viewership and Mama Milena organizing stupidities when she decides to be in her apartment . CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE who manage to see the RLC of their dreams. No alcohol , no sex, no drags , no cocks / assholes / porn actors / pen actresses / drug dealers .. an amazing last august / summer weekend in RLC’s main residence …
  9. I have missed seeing her but it’s good knowing that she’s happy 😏
  10. Never underestimate the “ craziness “ that a girl with pierced nipples carries .. this girl is so many things more but she’s in a way ( and I agree ) restricted - on her one choice and terms - to do as she feels .. and when she feels , she can do a LOOOOOT ..
  11. I would even say that looking quick at the balcony camera , the girl with the Rasta hair kind of / style could be Piper 😁
  12. If you have time and no obligations .. but if you are working , most of the times guy seek the four walls of your own place , your on couch , your own bed , YOUR OWN WC 😆.. and when relaxed and perhaps want to spend time with yourself and not go into talks with your other half , a personal space is even better .
  13. A variety of nice guests , I think sone seen for the first time , impressive no comments about that ..
  14. Most probably her off cameras boyfriend left Barcelona ..
  15. It’s official … Holly has a twin sister (or .. everyone in the world has someone that looks identical ) …. I had to check for 5+ minutes and say that “ we aren’t going to see an epic reunion of Megan and Holly “ .. 😏
  16. You keep on characterizing them as “ whores “ … WHY ? What’s your proof ? Do they fuck daily for money ? Is this their place to fuck “ their clients “ or what ? I have only seen Lubna having two lovers invites and a show with guys in MILENA’S room .. and Nadia with her ex boyfriend ( of 6-7 years ) visiting her and blwjobbing him a couple of times and once sex and a guy who simply wanted him to visit her to let go of whatever thoughts she had for her ex … So .. EVERY GIRL who invites guys in the apartment , is a whore 😂🤣😂🤣… for you , the girls should visit only when they are invited by guys , they can’t have people on their place . Megan is a whore , Sambuka , Harley , Fiora , Ashley , Lubna , all of them because they invited guys in their apartment and try to have normal human life behaviors . AND …When the girls are out you complain that “ we are watching empty apartments “ 😂🤣😂… i mean , come on , AGAIN I ASK YOU , what are you watching this site for ? What are your expectations and what are you paying ( if you do ) so as to be a subscriber ? Since you are here commenting , please , make us all a a favor and go and watch “ DO NOTHING “ apartments , but hey i forgot , ALL OF THEM are trying to do things that you WOULD WISH to do in your normal life but you aren’t a gigolo or whatever because you don’t have cameras so as to be watched and judged …
  17. That’s a surprise .. T&T out , A&L in showing how much power they have being N&B friends? It will be weird seeing G&L in the main bedroom when they need to work daily .. plus having Italians/locals in the main bedroom and not “ controlled “ Russian speaking RLC residents , this will be a really interesting experiment .. We will miss Tereza but the last months they also seemed “ tired “ of this life ..
  18. Good points and let’s see how Elli deals with all then .. Masha is more than we know , look of her apartment and the decorations , her trials in music , I think she has a network in Rome and when the time comes , she will be fine . To be honest , I think she could be perfect in order to be the RLC manager in Rome off cameras , good money and doing things that she knows what needs to be done but this is a chat for Masha’s topic . Elli and a growing up ( with her terms ) in front of our eyes , I hope she soon realizes as I said what potential she has as a person , with or without RLC .
  19. I think people live in studios simply because they can’t afford being in bigger places s I agree totally that this is very suitable for Esenia as she shows herself only when “ she forgets “ preferring hiding and knowing it i believe . I can’t think of reasonable people not wishing having their “ one space “ at certain times , I mean Dima many times wants to play and he needs to wear the headset , perhaps Esenia would like to watch TV at that time , dozens of reasons that a spare room ALWAYS HELPS . And it isn’t a financial issue for them as RLC provides , therefore must be an agreement as you also hint . But - and I honk many will agree - sharing the same space with someone for more than. 12 hours per day , it isn’t healthy for a relationship . We all want “ our space “ at certain times , this couple can’t have it .
  20. Excellent said … plus , name it Bogdan and Nelly and let them make it , decorate it , transform it the way they want . Since this was their goal , having out of nowhere the chance to be permanent residents of something that belongs to others, what’s the point ? Make it their own place and that’s it , as simple as that .
  21. My good friend thinga , perhaps this is how I should make myself more explainable … we have all the “ crazy/sad/pathetic/bad/negative “ examples but , for example ( and this is where I disagree with you ) Masha’s example is the best ( of course she has made exaggerations when she could “ protect “ her image on cameras ) and the one she should follow . Life for individuals is what Masha does or she has done , I don’t judge the times she was sharing her boyfriend Sasha or the things we have seen with Elvis ( Elvis fucking others or her fucking others while with him ) , the life is having friends and your apartment being open for them to enjoy and share afternoons / evenings with nice chats and food / drinks . Life is , being single , to experience and learn about sex , to try and experiment . Life is when you have a relation and share the way that Venera and Lion are . To sum it up , I wish I could see in Elli being an Ulyana . When she was with Marat , this guy was her world but she was having her own moments , either for her own pleasure or providing for the cameras or both .. Elli can be a Masha / Venera / Ulyana combination ( obviously I hope the miserable life of Leora is far away from her radar ) in terms of sharing her life , all in positive aspects . I think of her like a volcano wanting to explode and live but it is like having an “ obligation “ to Vencel preventing her from doing it . I would be very very disappointed if these two end together in life , they are two different people , it is just Elli that seems to have compromised so as to achieve things that currently we can’t think of . Elli is too young , I think it it will come the time that she understands what she means for this site , then let’s see how she reacts and how she’s gonna be .
  22. These two are simply magnificent to watch without being bothered to post or comment on anything , this is a TREASURE DISCOVERY COUPLE from RLC , they make life amongst people look like a fairy tale , it all looks perfect and we just enjoy their journey . Even when they disagree or think different , they will sit down , face to face , discuss and try to solve whatever issue comes up . RLC participants ( with the benefit of also being Russian speaking ) have THE PERFECT EXAMPLE exactly at the company they have chosen to work for on how thus should make their life and how to be happy , smiley , relaxed and peaceful . Venera and Lion are one of the rarest examples of how couples should be but aren’t nowadays . I hope participants who watch other apartments can watch these two and learn EVERYTHING by them . Loyal fan and supporter of a couple that it is wonderful watching them and destress , make happy and positive thoughts about life , for as long as they stay ( I believe till Venera gets pregnant ) , they will have my maximum praising on anything they provide .
  23. No matter what this couple does , good or bad , unpredictable to thinking about it , THIS APARTMENT IS THE WORST AS A STRUCTURE FOR CAMERAS in the history of the site and it simply not encourage anyone to just sit down in the evening or anytime and watch … it is indeed like a special deal between them and RLC , the chances to change apartment have been uncountable but they are still there , it means this is what they want and not ( I believe ) RLC .. The way I see it , it is a loss / loss situation , them not living in a more comfortable ( human ) apartment and us the viewers as i don’t think we get many reasons to tune in an apartment that can’t provide even the standard RLC viewers experience .
  24. One of the biggest personal , watching RLC , expectations , that is for Elli to realize her incredible and endless potential and unleash herself like the wild girl that she is , with so many hidden desires and wishes that can only make her the number one tenant / girl for viewership . Still young and hungry and - I believe - inexperienced with life , RLC has a “ treasure “ , sooner or later this girl ( currently ) / woman ( to become ) will understand how much power she has and then let’s see what happens .. of course , many real life essentials might get lost if this happens , but come on , THIS IS ELLI’s RLC or it can become “ I am watching RLC to watch Elli “ …
  25. Post for what .. same ole same ola ? Is something happening in this apartment apart from BJ/masturbation / sleep / wake up / repeat ? And not only that , it happens staged and prescheduled and not spontaneous that at least it catches you by surprise .. No wondering that the “ usual suspects “ that their obsessed with their QUEEN is accused have come out “ full throttle “ the last hours 😂🤣
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