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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think she has good balance controlling her life , she lives at the extreme and according to her craziness 😁😆 Her problem(s) is / are the boys 😂🤣 and the love life 😜
  2. Hope she abandons this world of cameras , feel free and without obligations to satisfy and entertain the viewers and take care completely of herself .
  3. Lots of strange things with Amalia , I will personally say that she is very much concerned with her weight and it has affected her incredibly much .
  4. I think they are quite many today waiting for Radislava to interfere at the first ever group show 😋😋 Time will tell ☺️
  5. I don’t think that any other tenant has this incredible and complete natural presence like Ariana , her room a mess while preparing to go out , she doesn’t care how she passes her image to the viewers , i personally love it that she acts , behaves and at the end operates with her own instinct and character , without needing to show different things so as to be accepted from viewers or gain sympathy . Such a charismatic person since day 1 that she appeared , one of the best castings ever and also happening at an incredible difficult period with the virus going wild , hope RLC takes good care of her and reward her for the entertainment she gives to the viewers ☺️
  6. Well done Radislava , this is how you could have made since a long time and feel better and not so isolated like the last weeks ☺️ The fans always by your side to support you and we know you can make us happy also 😉😇
  7. I think he is enjoying being in an environment he likes , his home country , with whatever friends and relatives , away from the cameras and trying to live a normal life like any of us . He is stigmatized as the BF of one of the most popular RLC tenants - if not the most popular - , he has been accused and suffered so much negativity ( a lot being his fault and I think he knows it ) that I think he is satisfied of how his life currently is and not missing his ex GF or having any problems the way she makes her life , he is actually enjoying his freedom , that’s what I think about him 😁
  8. Maybe finally one of my predictions concerning Radislava ( in B5 currently ) is right 😂🤣 So , after Monica and Serafima , it is Radislava’s turn 😂🤣😂🤣😋😋😋
  9. A smiley and happy couple today again , better 😉👏
  10. And always satisfied with you here that we can have a chat and try to find questions and answers for a person that we are interested . Good to chat with you ☺️
  11. I think the way she makes her life in Prague , it is the life of a person who feels she lost her best years in her life being with a guy that actually didn’t contribute anything to her personal growth as a person and perhaps this is why it wasn’t so difficult for her when the offer from RLC came to abandon so easily her life there , the man she loved and her beloved dog in a very short time and without as it seems thinking of it so much . In Prague , being in a different of culture and civilization place , she discovered a world that she had no idea that exists , slowly and especially with the arrival of Malia , she understood that she could develop a life that even if risky ( away from her apartment that she knows isn’t the best for her job , not being the same like she became popular while in Russia ), could benefit her for her outside activities (meeting with a guy , developing a relation , making new friends ) without affecting the inside apartment presence for herself , she faced no consequences being so much time away from the apartment when the complains from subscribers raised more and more . In my opinion , everyone can be happy , Leora , Malia , all of the friends she has made in Prague , the paying RLC subscribers , if she decides to live a normal life like any other human being , a life as we all live normal and the way we define what normal life is . She keeps on like this , some members who see her only as a sexual object and are satisfied with one more bate , one more evening of spread legs open , one more evening masturbating her best friend and be masturbated by her best friend , will be the happiest people alive . Others ( like me ) who care for her as a personality , who believe that she can do so much better than this , will feel pity the way she faces her life . And if she believes that money brings happiness , she obviously has no idea that she won’t be always young to do this forever and attract people . None has defeated the influence of time even if you have all of the money of the world . If now she’s already organizing her life already for the next step after RLC and nobody knows it , she is then the cleverest person ever stepped foot in RLC . But if anyone has proof that she thinks already for the future , then obviously I am terrible viewer and observer .
  12. I think my problem is that she has this two way life , when I can’t explain it with logical arguments . Other than that , I want that she is happy , if this is happiness for her , who am I to judge it ? But if I don’t believe she is happy , this why i come and post here and trying with other members to have good discussions , no matter if we agree or not . At the end , a happy Leora , a relaxed Leora , we all know how great for the community here can be .
  13. And she is the only one who thinks she is a queen or a goddess
  14. And are you happy dear friend pulo that you saw her masturbate and dance for some minutes all this time ? Are you satisfied with this ?
  15. I agree totally with you and your points that she likes the benefits of RLC , the exposure on cameras and being popular and people talk about her and everything that this life offers . The thing personally for me , it isn’t if she likes her friends or not , if she spends her nights out to different people every time , where she goes to eat , to drink , I don’t care about Leora’s life out of her apartment , she is pleased to do completely as she thinks it is better for her and actually I like this , because she decides then what’s better for her . But inside the apartment , I personally have demands on what she does , this is because we all know she has a life outside . If she had no friends , If she was alone , if so many things ... I could easily accept the life she has currently inside the apartment ( feeling lonely , no friends , bored , with no direction of her life ) ... But she has a luxury apartment , how can she have all these friends outside and not even once have some of them for a karaoke evening ? A movie evening ? A cooking class ? A shisha evening ? I don’t speak the male friends that maybe lot will think , I speak about generally any of her friends . It is so strange for me to understand that she can spend nights away to her “ friends “ ( that as you say maybe she doesn’t like so much ) and not have them inside her place . It is difficult for me what she keeps on answering after almost 1,5 years to the question “ Leora , where do you live in Prague ?” “Aah , yes I know “ .. “ And what do you do for a living “ “ .. tell me what answers are given to this question.. I personally can’t explain how a woman that she has no problem to have anal dildo sessions , masturbate almost everyday to thousand of people and have open sex sessions in the past , that she is shy or embarrassed to show her working place to others .. I can’t possibly understand if she is shy with that . Then it was about security perhaps. But afraid of what ? Stalking ? She is doing this for 8 years and she can control a whole audience and she doesn’t know how to control this ? But the question is again one ... “ Leora , how do you make your money here , what do you do for a living “ ... is it anyone of us here at the forum to answer this with logic ? Other than that , I pay RLC to see the life of other people , luckily for me I watch the other apartments and I am compensated of the description .. but there are many who watch only this place .. if 19,95€ per month or 44,95€ are considered for them a fair price . I honestly can’t complain if they are fine with that for themselves .
  16. Radi , sorry with the message , we like you for who you are and not trying to change for someone else and not discussing differences together to find a solution 😔 like two adult women
  17. Ariana afternoon sleep , early bate , going out 😉😉😉🥳 Let’s see if Holly follows later 😎
  18. This is another childish reaction , “ I will do what I am accused for so as to show that she is wrong “ , where is the famous maturity of the women that their minds are “ older “ than men and think better at the age she has when men are accused to always act like boys ? 😂🤣 Where’s her initiation to go and talk to Serafima , put differences aside and make peace for the sake of the psychic health of them both , needing to share their lives and things inside a common apartment as roommates and at the end satisfying the paying customers who want to see good vibes , atmosphere , feel nice and be entertained and they only see a growing by day hate between the two . At the end , she should do as she feels like and not because she read here what Sera has been complaining .. because then doing like this , she’s admitting in a way that she’s behaving wrong or even worse , she submits to Serafima’s “ requests “ by just doing what she has to do and not what she feels to do .... pff , women 😂🤣😂🤣😁😆😎🤩🥳
  19. I think Leora doesn’t care since a very long time for either RLC or the paying customers , no matter what she chooses to do , the money is standard per month or per week or per day , I don’t know . She always does whatever she wants with total ignorance, GAG -HER mentioned the 3 weeks law, does she care about it also? Why does she stay in a place that she doesn't feel happy? The best would be, in my humble opinion , to take also holidays for one week, 10 days, more if she wants and come back to this job and her apartment and feel better and more free , maybe then she could think better that the torture she puts herself to manage and have this life , it is exactly what makes her angry , upset , happy and sad at times , trying to satisfy everyone , Paul , the paying customers , her friends in Prague , Malia . I thought she would be more clever and know that this isn’t possible if you have chosen to live like this , here we are and the only standard thing , no matter what , it is the cash flow ... I guess here is the answer ( money ) , moos54 wrote a very good message some days ago concerning her RLC attitude and behavior and obligations . If she afraids that RLC will send mails, where is the pleasure of her personal life if she ’s dependend on what everyone of us wants? She shouldn’t care if she knew that she keeps the customers happy , she would be more careful with her actions , but money is coming , so , no problem . The truth is that she is trapped in the prison she has created for her life by living two lives, one inside the apartment ( doing nothing than sleeping , taking showers snd masturbating and watching her IPAD / no problem with that , what else she could do during the lockdown when alone ) so as to make her income and spend this money to have the life that makes her happy outside of it. She ’s the only tenant in history that she doesn’t like the place she lives and she has chosen that all of her happy moments to happen outside.
  20. I think no one can understand why she didn’t take also one week holidays like Malia
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