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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Everyone likes Holly , one of the most popular ever ☺️😇😎
  2. She was the only one actually .. and much later , Radislava .. but it was I think a long day watching for the majority here , that when Holly was bating , not so many were into it anymore after the long talks during the spiritual thing in B1 , the N&M forum chats... I think sometimes if something “ exciting “‘or worth discussed happens earlier in the day , it takes much of energy if I may say so in order for talks to continue later in the evening and members to participate .. plus , at the end , it was one more bate 😁
  3. If she stays .. Carlos will talk her get into this 🤠😆
  4. This should be the ultimate goal when the apartment will have this atmoshere that she won’t be shy and she could bate in the living room , on the table in the kitchen , in the balcony if she extremely dares 😁 For the time being , simply come closer to the others ☺️😉
  5. Better ☺️😇🙂 And now try and sleep well ☺️ , it is another day tomorrow ☺️
  6. Kitty .. we like you and we can always support you , but you look so very much better , healthier , happier when you smile and you put your differences aside with the mister 😇 Now , cheer up , smile , your fans always here for you 🤠👏🙌
  7. Radislava needs to stop isolating herself and develop her social skills . I think some good friendships can be made with the other girls , but she also needs to open herself more and trust . Maybe at the end spend much time with Ariana who has no problem with this and slowly “ establish “ her presence amongst the Barcelona cast .. but she needs to try .. she managed the most difficult , that is to gain the audience and create a fan base ... time for the next challenge , nothing to be jealous of the others or feel degraded ..
  8. As I have said in the past , it seems that this couple needs these fights so as they can continue their relationship , it might sound insane , but I think the quarrels are there to remind them that they need to take care of one another and not abandon eachother .. so strange to explain ..
  9. Quarrel after sex , not happening often , can’t remember if I have seen again to be honest , not the happiest times for our lovely Kitty 😔
  10. I handle quite well I believe , knowing when to be away and to log in when you feel to , I think it shows good skills of managing any possible addiction . But as I said , when there’s real life happening , i don’t have any need or priority let’s say for RLC but CC , i have always been reading since I joined , it is only 8-9 months that I post regularly ☺️
  11. 30 years old , perfect .. hope only the best for her 😇
  12. I will say that her dancing session was so much real and coming from her heart and to please first herself and at the same time the viewers and I was watching it with pleasure and big smiles . After returning home , she performed one more of the thousand bates , as I said , respect to the ones who like it and enjoy it , but nothing new that haven’t been seen multiple times than preferring watching this rare dance session which was full of this incredible erotical and sensational Leora’s aura that only she can provide and has this amazing ability to do so .
  13. Money is a lot I guess to abandon this or to remove them 😉
  14. Chats with you are always great for interaction ☺️😇 This couple for me has simply no passion , this is what I can say about them . It isn’t random that Loraine has always pushed for threesomes ( definitely money involved ) , but this also shows I think a not full sexual satisfaction between the two so as to seek for a third person to be involved .
  15. I think that both Nelly and Bogdan have connections to RLC management , if there’s fear that there’s danger for the activities concerning RLC , he should be politely asked to stay away .. but he is there and around many years .
  16. Because he must be informed I believe for not being the “ best “ guy to have around and still he allows him to be around the villa , risking a lot of things for the RLC business perhaps if things come on surface .
  17. I don’t support him or defending him , but I believe as a partner , BF , he is just one more guy like thousands of others who take advantage of women who are addicted to their men . He asked for money, Gina gave. A no should be the answer I guess for such a big amount of money , especially if she isn’t sure for the guy she has next to her . He flirted another woman , he fucked another one ( she knows both ) , she is still with him , he takes advantage of the situation because he knows that Gina loves him . I don’t believe though that he completely doesn’t care about her , he is around when he could just disappear and be back when Gina will be out of the project , I think he must have the right connections for this . Now , he is accused as a freeloader , drug dealer , illegal party organizer . I don’t say he isn’t and I don’t defend him for any of these and I would have also not brought him around my social environment , but all these are known for him . What I said is that his behavior when he is on camera , isn’t showing anything of what he is accused . Yes , he is ll that , but has he showed being an illegal party organizer ? A freeloader ? A drug dealer ? We know it because of the valuable information of our translators who i personally want to thank them for their contribution and make us wiser and helping us to understand so many things . To say it differently so as to make myself perhaps easier to to be understood . If I am not a camcaps member to know the chats here and only an RLC subscriber that tunes in and watch a guy visiting his GF everyday in her place ( relationship proved by the photo frame next to Gina’s bed , left as we see the bed from the main camera ) , this is how I evaluate him as of what he is accused . Obviously it is wrong lots of things , no doubt on that . Apologies if perhaps it seems I support in a wrong way a “ criminal “ 😩😬🙄
  18. I am informed for most of the things ... But Gina knows all .. and when also gives this amount of money , what can I say for her addiction to him ? He is just one more guy who takes advantage of the situation with a woman who likes a guy , I don’t disagree . My opinion though is for being anything that he is accused for and my arguments of what he is doing wrong while being with Gina , have nothing to do if all these people while knowing it , they still allow him to be around . There are many ways to bring a guy like him in a certain legal way , there can be many ways to make him be a loser , if no one does it , what can I say ? This is a guy who lives underground , it is up to everyone to remove him from being around . They don’t do , therefore I see them equally responsible and maybe it also serves them in many things happening within the Russian community . It is then the first time I can accuse Bogdan , to step my comment a bit further , on not solving issues that can bring trouble to all of them .
  19. I think she is just not a passionate woman to keep him hard , I believe he just doesn’t enjoy sex with her .
  20. Masha is the best 😇 And she makes the best sex , a pure explosive sex machine 😋😋
  21. As Nelly out of respect to Bogdan while Martina was in B4 last time , nothing ( except kisses ) happened , it is also like this if Nelly stays over . Like last time that Nelly visited with Alberto in the apartment , nothing will happen out of respect ☺️
  22. And again, just to confirm what I have been repeatedly mentioning , how someone can enjoy this life , this apartment , living like this ? If you love the place you live, the place you feel like home , you feel nice and warm and comfortable whatever you do . I personally was enjoying this dance earlier , far more sensational , erotical , pleasant and “ original “ than one more bating show . But that’s ok , people like to see Leora bating and I totally understand and I respect . But to go out because she doesn’t feel comfortable to eat inside her own home , is anyone finding this normal ? And before saying that she will do whatever she wants , whenever she wants with whoever she wants , as we also mentioned , what’s the point on staying in this apartment if she doesn’t feel free to do it in her own place? Everything is happening outside , all of Leora’s real life is happening away of her apartment . But all of Leora’s real life is possible because I am one of the thousands who provide for this with my monthly payment . For whoever feels that is fine to wait for her so she masturbates later , it is fine and respected . And I just post my opinion of how I see things . As simple as that . At least Malia has the courage to take holidays and enjoy for periods of time her real life . At least she has a way to “ declare “ that she doesn’t feel comfortable and free and whenever a chance appears , she grabs it and enjoys herself doing whatever . And she will be back in some days , locked again , pretending to be happy just laying next to Leora , caressing her , masturbating her when her mind will actually be when the people with who she is happy outside of this place can let her know when she can meet again and where and look forward always like this to escape this prison of an apartment .
  23. I will become now again the “ strange guy “ .. why isn’t it appropriate that she has lunch / dinner , whatever it is at this time , in her kitchen with everyone who maybe is doing now ? What’s wrong with that ?
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