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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. How can you have “ real people “ when they can’t meet “ real people “ because of this stupid virus ? I am satisfied with the bad porn , you aren’t , you don’t like it but here you are trying to say that you would wish then for good porn when you can have it free 24/7 . Please try and consider that the planet’s population is one year locked at home and can’t meet new people , go out , flirt and at the end , have “ real people “ inside the apartments .. it is 13-14 stupid months already and you ask for massive socializing when everyone is isolated .. what further can I add ?
  2. Because she has this life due to our RLC financial contribution . Why a basketball or football team need to respect the spectators ? Because they pay in a big amount for the salaries of the players by watching their games either live in stadiums or in TV . Leora has this life because we pay . We respect her by contributing to the luxury she enjoys . Respect for me isn’t that she masturbates 3-4 times per day or per week but allowing me to be part of her life when she is in front of cameras .. and I don’t think I am , but that’s not the right time for this discussion .
  3. M&A my mistake and in the rush of writing , you should know my posting style contribution so far and recognize this as a mistake . People who stay in the past and don’t adjust to the current lifestyle model , have few chances to enjoy life with its current rhythm . You need to understand that the Russian apartments model is the past and there’s no chance coming back . End of story , old RLC is dead , the thing as a subscriber is to answer if you are satisfied with the current content and judge this . You are not obviously and you stated your opinion by not renewing .. clear , end of story . What is it then now that you are joining a forum which refers to a content that you hate and disgrace with such passion ? What is it that you seek to achieve ? Careful , i don’t say that you aren’t entitled to an opinion , on the contrary , say whatever you like but treat the opinions of the others with respect and accept them as many try to do here all the time with your complains ( pseudo lesbian , fake , BS and the list goes on and on ) . You clearly hate RLC direction but here you are every single day to speak about it when , as you say , the preview thumbnails make you understand what’s going on 😂🤣😂 Real life parties are happening occasionally at the Barcelona apartments but your spinning repeated record of yours that it is all fake and pseudo lesbian and just for the money , it makes you put everything under the same category without allowing yourself to be open minded and see this project from the side of the tenants and as an employee by RLC and not from your mono dimensional judgement . RLC isn’t what you want , what I want , it is what the majority wants . They can take the most popular of our wishes and create the ideal environment . I am a subscriber and I try and judge under the current worldwide circumstances , I am patient with the things that they had planed before the pandemic and after the closing of the Russian apartments and I hope I will be rewarded for my patience when the world will start to operate as we knew it . RLC as you knew it is dead , you either adjust and enjoy what they offer you or you proceed with canceling . You did the second , so , I honestly can’t find any reason that you have the spinning record at the same side always and trying to prove points that simply aren’t a fact anymore . Join VH since you don’t like RLC , where it is full of couples , parties and be happy and satisfied .
  4. I don’t think she never respected the members .. she did it and this is why she became popular . RLC members reward the tenants who respect their subscription , she did it for many years , she doesn’t do it anymore , at least the way that members would wish . It is normal and we agree that it can’t be the same after many years , but she still brings money and viewership for RLC ( I doubt that she brings new customers , at least the way she did in the past ) and this is why she is enjoying this luxury of an apartment and she has complete “ immunity “ by RLC administrators and management ( she has earned it rightfully by making this site number 1 for years ) .. but .. being called a peasant by a woman she thinks is a queen because she masturbates , I can’t help but laugh of the idea she has of herself 😂🤣 . The way her life currently is , it is a simple reflection and mirroring of her narcissism and arrogance .. The truth is that I don’t even know if she thinks that she will always be as attractive as she has been and that father time won’t ultimately come upon her and that’s the most worried thing for me . About the forum , there are 10 other apartments that talks happen and there’s excellent quality of posters and contributors and for sure tons of content to discuss , argue , agree , disagree and at the end of the day make conclusions about the tenants and the apartments direction . Here , certain people control the thread , they harm CC as a site in my opinion ,if it wasn’t for pulo , this thread wouldn’t fill 4-5 pages per day when in the past the pages for chats and exchange of ideas and opinions where happening at an explosive rate . That’s why I am not becoming a premium member and rules don’t apply fair and square for everyone . I can understand the support of the admins to the paying members , it is normal .. but again , I have suggested this forum to 2-3 out of 10 people that I know who would like to be informed by CC for RLC when I would have suggested it to 7-8 if I was satisfied of what is happening here . We all have a choice at the end , I said to myself not post here a lot but I understood that like this i would have accepted my defeat from nobodies that think they are anybodies . I post then trying to express anything with an argument and like you answered , there are still 3-4-5 people that a fair and reasonable chat can occur at times , for these few people , it worths to post every now and then and whenever it feels important according to my standards ☺️😇
  5. Linda and Tibor ? Real life as you like Kitty and Smith ? Real life as you like Masha ? Real life as you like . If these 3 apartments aren’t enough , if I can figure out with your tastes , what’s the purpose complaining for the non watchable content for things you hate ?
  6. I still support my ATM theory 😇 , but maybe one day she answers to us about the money that day 😁
  7. This is how most of the talks in the forum work , by speculating 😂 Observing and watching carefully , lots of speculations become facts 😉 Unfortunately we don’t speak the language to know things for sure or at least confirm in a way , so , analyzing body language reactions , being careful with the small things and details while watching an apartment , not so much of speculations .. The continuous and smiley “ Thank you guys “ by Radislava the previous days is a fact for sure that makes her happy and smiley 😇😎
  8. She is happy because of the talks last night by C&C 😁😆 Nah , she is also happy because she knows that her fans like her and respect her and this is important i think for her psychic world ☺️
  9. So your judgement comes from the previews and not being able to watch any room whenever you want ... what more for me to add .. Don’t get me wrong , I am mot a fan of this apartment also , I like Mirukawa and at times I will tune in to watch her as to satisfy the reason that I am an RLC subscriber and as I have stated repeatedly , that is observing characters and personalities and analyze them with my own point of views and anything as an adult entertainment , it is a bonus for me . You aren’t a subscriber and you have made your opinion clear why this is happening , I can’t understand then your continuous complains and disgrace since you are out of a subscription plan. RLC is in bad shape for your tastes and not for thousand of others who pay to watch . Your opinion as always is subjective and you should also allow others to believe different than you and not judge RLC according to your needs as a viewer ( that you aren’t ) . RLC is for the masses and the continuous effort to satisfy as many of its paying members . There are periods that they manage and others that don’t , like anything in life . But to come here and complain because of the thumbnails , I rest my case ...
  10. There are many who have a job just for the income and not actually doing what they wish and like , but circumstances made them accept their job ( lack of job positions according to their studies , possible unemployment and so on ) . I think Leora loves what she does , I think this grew stronger as the years passed by and she understood the pleasure she brought to people , therefore , I say that in the beginning she joined RLC as a way of the free benefits and payments that RLC business provides . I don’t think she has the same passion nowadays like in the past ( which i can understand and it is normal for me , it can’t be the same passion as we grow up , like all things in life ) and she mostly does what she does as to justify her employment from RLC , otherwise , I don’t find any other reason why she stays with RLC when in my opinion it is clear that she is tired and whatever happens is mostly mechanical and not genuine like most of the times in the past . My conclusion is that if this life is satisfactory for her ( money related ) so as to be away from a person she loves ( mentally and as one of the most important person for her life , if not the most important and not erotically anymore - how can be explained for example her erotical feelings for Paul if she has a male friend in Prague ? ) , she should keep on doing it for as long as she wants but with respect and professionalism ( as she is ) to the people who pay . And my opinion is that she doesn’t respect the people who support financially the business she is hired from .
  11. I find Martina’s body one of the best , the curves at the right parts of the body , skinny details also where it isn’t important for the sexuality of a woman .. for a woman who doesn’t seem to exercise often and at the moment with all of the restriction rules , I find it amazing that she managed to keep such a feminine and full of sexuality figure and silhouette ☺️
  12. If the money wasn’t enough and so easily made , i don’t know if the “ I enjoy what I do “ quote had the same meaning 🙄
  13. How can you have an opinion of something you aren’t watching , being a subscriber that is ? Whatever your opinions through the course of years have been , right or wrong , at least you had your own conclusions because u were seeing it with your own eyes .. I don’t want to compare you and tell you that you are becoming a 2nd Harley slowly , but honestly now and if you like to answer me , how can you judge the content of RLC when you don’t watch it ?
  14. I think I am trying to speak for the bigger image and a general ( invisible / unwritten ) rule and not for obvious exceptions of course .
  15. We need to wait and see the result 😇
  16. And the laughs continue from uneducated people who obviously didn’t go even at the first elementary school classes to know the meaning of English language and vocabulary .. Poor Leora and the level of followers she has 😂🤣😂😂
  17. I don’t say that she is wrong of what she is asking but the way she is asking the things ... we all know that you can have the world if your attitude and approach has this great “ touch “ for the other , people would do it even without asking them .. I think her whole attitude is what causes the problem and maybe the others in a way disrespect her ( which is also not nice of course ) .. At the end of the day , women in an apartment together , catastrophy 😂🤣😂🤣 and drama .. 3 men roommates we can handle everything so much better and simple talk our differences out at times without dramas and similar issues 😉
  18. Yes , that was hilarious 😂🤣 I don’t find it negative , I was actually laughing when I saw him 😂🤣😂🤣
  19. She can sit down in the balcony for hours then when we can’t hear anything and judge for whoever is understanding and make Radi understand that she doesn’t like this .. I don’t find a reason for Radislava to lie and express what she feels wirh some of us while chatting last week that “ she doesn’t want me here “ .. I think this is a feeling that has grown big inside her and this is what made her express how she feels .. it wasn’t for sure like this 3-4 weeks ago and lot has changed since that night out of Ariana and Serafima and coming back home that she got exploded .. in general , being a roommate you need to expect things that you won’t like all the time since it is much to share and dialogues can always help to find solutions .. I don’t see any tries since she is so much annoyed .. if it has fallen at your perception that she is trying , I will have to disagree with you 😇
  20. I also laugh that Leora’s actions are making this thread losing the great back and forth open minded and opinions thread it used to be 🤣😂
  21. The problem of Serafima isn’t if she bates or not , she isn’t obliged to do anything except being on cameras . The more she “gives “ to the people , since she has chosen this , the more people can attached to her , watch her and make her part of their daily routine while watching RLC and as adults be entertained at whatever way any of us thinks . Her behavior towards the others is of a no decency woman , she believes the world is centered around her and that anything that is happening ( and especially in this apartment ) should be scanned by her controlled radar . Even if she’s annoyed , the best way in my opinion would be to sit down in a civilized way and talk with whoever ( Ariana / Radi ) and explain that she doesn’t like this , she doesn’t like that and if they could be a bit more careful and not start yelling . She is constantly avoiding dialogues , whenever you see her speaking , she will start without a break and not allowing the others to grasp a word ... As we said yesterday , it can’t be random that she already had problems previously with others . While also in B4 two days ago , allow me to be well informed that her attitude has been a total failure and her behavior towards Martina at a series of situations ( also to the others but at least they know her slightly better than Martina ) has been totally uncivilized .. At the end of the day , we are free to choose what and who we watch of course , but who could say it that even me that I was tired seeing Irma after so many repeated times and so many months during her last stay to have come at the point and say how much of a better tenant she was and missing na her in comparison to nowadays Serafima times and that at least she could communicate with the other girls , be respected and accepted in the company at talks and often act as “ mama Irma “ ... imagine , bringing Irma on the table so as to have an idea of what I am trying to say here .
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