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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Yes she has but I think only with Megan , can’t think all 3 of them , maybe a synchro dildo but today it is another level of a show 😉😇... And also with Holly in B1 .. But such a group show like today , I can’t remember to be honest , if anyone can correct me , much appreciated ☺️😇
  2. 🔥🔥🔥 Holly and Ariana are a volcano 🌋 ready to explode 🤯
  3. First ever group show with Ariana 😋😋 since the casting day of C&C .. With the stress and tension in B1 currently , I actually believe she enjoys this fun and it is also great for us viewers to fantasize her in another way also , apart from her unique and one of a kind orgasms 😇 It is also finally a way that she isn’t “ married “ to her phone for once . And maybe , maybe , she can talk some good things to Radi concerning these shows and she could be the next one paying the villa a visit . Last but not least , did I say that this trio of girls ( Holly , Megan , Ariana ) are absolutely the definition of “ Devil’s desire “ 😈😈😈 😂🤣 Bring on Lucifer 😂🤣😂🤣
  4. I am exactly this one and thank you for paying attention to my posts .
  5. Exactly , as long as restrictions are still on , nothing can be fixed . I think most European countries wait for Easter to be over and then slowly , activities will be opening . I think it will also then be more interesting to see what’s going to be with changes regarding the tenants in the apartments because flights will be easier again.
  6. It is a possibility and nothing fixed and has been discussed by them according to translators .
  7. I am not in charge of anything and I try to settle our differences politely and civilized . Maybe Leary made it better understood to you what i was also trying to say . I have nothing against you , I never had , we just disagree at times as we see things different . Try to remain who you are and don’t lose your temper if you feel that someone is addressing you in a way that you feel is “ attacking “ you , because it isn’t like this , at least by my side . I make the other people who actually want to read about the girls tired , so I stop with that now .
  8. You allow others because they agree of what I asked to make you change what you have been doing . But there are others that agree on knowing about the phonecalls , what about them ? Anyway , as you wish .
  9. I am the one who asked the question of what’s the purpose and what does it help the forum knowing to who Leora speaks everyday , I have also asked for other things , in which everything is simply my opinion of what I would like to see and I never asked the tenants for doing so as I don’t interfere in their lives obviously and I don’t want of course , I want them to live it to the fullest the way they wish and enjoy it the maximum . But saying my opinion and expressing my thoughts what does this prevent you from keep on providing the information ? Since when someone’s else’s opinion should be a reason for you to stop doing what you think the right thing to do is and like ? You are always avoiding to be referred to my name as the person who repeatedly asks for changes , you don’t name patou now as the guy who likes the info of the phonecalls . I personally stop referring to you by name when you told me that I am always answering and quoting your posts and since then , I never reffered to your name . So , here I am and asking for things that are simply my opinions shared in the forum. But also , don’t forget that your opinion and your repeated questions are , as expressed many times by you , why Leora isn’t going away from the famous now lover boy , why she keeps on when she loses her temper and so on .. what is it different than expressing your opinion of something you don’t like watching happening than what I also don’t like watching NOT happening ? You said 3-4 times the last 3-4 months , more or less , that you felt unwanted here and you quit the forum . But you always come back and I am more than happy that you did because at least you and Brokk here have always something to say . As I also have interesting points when I communicate my thoughts here as Leary has the last past weeks . These are all the people who dare to have a voice at the moment here , even one of the major posters and contributors in this thread lost his temper and got pissed off with people who knows for so many years here . I didn’t see you taking an opinion back then if jimbo4 is right or not with his opinion for the others , apparently you have your reasons you didn’t and I also have an idea why you haven’t done so . Last but not least , i didn’t see you being this sensitive when the usual nobodies here kept on ironically joking for people who simply wanted to state their opinion , it doesn’t matter if it was completely wrong or right , who are we to judge if someone’s thought and opinions lacks of arguments if we can’t discuss with this person and know what’s behind his opinion and simply condemn this person with a smile or confused emoji . I know you speak indirectly many times referring to me , without using my name . I am a person and individual like you who is interested in this apartment and I simply express my thoughts and opinions and have ideas of how things according to my personal taste could be better for this apartment . That’s the meaning of the forum I guess , or ? And yes , at times I have characterized Leora and Malia , negative you want ? I accept .. but for any poster like mastecrchef for example whose only contribution is to post after every single bate of Leora and sending her kisses to her lovely tits and calling me repeatedly the most stupid idiot ever and to you having you at his ignore list so as to make you quit the forum , there will always be posters like me that if in my humble opinion I judge something as negative , I will post it . You said that Malia was making a mistake going out and since that day because it is the girl that you support and defend ( and I totally admire you for that ) , you haven’t made any comment regarding this ... but then , your silence allows stupid people like me interfere at the thread that Leary , Brokk , you and sometimes me , have something to say on an occasional basis .. i don’t include pulo because this is Pulo’s apartment . Any answer from you , much appreciated as also if you choose to remain silent towards me I have no problem ( how could i ) and I respect it . But you are a good poster and contributor here and the bullying you have admitted publicly that you have suffered while younger , shouldn’t be a major factor to make you not stand tall and remain silent and not give answers to people who simply ask questions like phonecalls . But I also asked the question how these phonecalls help in the forum and i didn’t get any answer as well , as I am entitled of my opinion to ask what does this serve this thread .
  10. Lovely Ariana in the villa .. maybe needs to make update plans with Holly 😂
  11. It took me a month and more to relax and think peacefully that not commenting whatever I have in my mind and communicating with other people here in the forum , it was simply an admittance by my side that the nobodies who dominate this thread would have shut one more mouth . I have been mistaken many times and argued a lot with people , but always I personally try to listen and definitely defend my opinion as I will also agree with someone’s else as long as it is more than a yes or no without discussion . I understand that it is normal to exist also people who want to rule by arrogance , but I think watching this thread which is dedicated to one of the most popular RLC apartments and having so few poster contributors , it is the obvious proof that people have vanished from here because there’s no meaning to contribute for adults who are children in mind with their words and reactions . Anyway , it is what it is and perhaps I should also stop characterizing .
  12. It’s a big possibility since many times they have been both seem to look out of the window in the living room and kind of communicating with outside with smiles and similar reactions . So , why she stays in this apartment and doesn’t go and live where she feels happy ? She would wake up late , meet Leora , perhaps learn cooking at the other house , make things at home till the person who spends the time with is at home after work , if he/ she is working or whatsoever ? Why she wants to keep this life where she is in this apartment only with her body and not with her mind and heart ? Leora will always be in this place if anything goes wrong .. except if the money is really also for her the “ point zero “ before making all this comment 💶
  13. This is the famous “ I do whatever I want , whenever I want with whoever I want “ 😁 I think this 3 weeks law in Czech Republic must be a big joke 😂🤣 On a personal note , for me there’s an unwritten rule you need to follow whenever you visit a country either for holidays or spending a significant time there . Respect the country , its laws and its people and the country miraculously will respect you back . With all respect to both girls , I don’t think we are seeing this concerning the law category .
  14. You made your point , I made mine . We make everyone tired , let’s move on.
  15. We just did the civilized thing and the obvious I guess ☺️ The different that is happening , than how discussions should end, is what should worry the majority
  16. It’s funny how these girls are above the 3 weeks law 😂🤣
  17. So , you ask for only couples apartments . We go back to what I told you, forget this model , the Russian apartments , it isn’t going to happen again . And if you think of mixing couples , look how boring it becomes having 2 couples in B5 always and soon few speak about it . Like it or not , people want to see pretty young girls , want to see them doing crazy things with one another , want to see them have adventures meeting guys and have sex , they expect the unexpected , a months teasing between two girls ending kissing genuinely one another , people want to talk for stories like Martina and Nelly . RLC is fine for everyone who pays , otherwise , it is easy , like you , they would stop . This is how it is , you either take it or not . I take it and I come everyday here to comment , either praise or express any disapproval for things and people . You don’t take it and you come everyday here without knowing what you want to be angry for , everyday the same and the same and the same. They tell you everyday so many people that “ please dino , try and see maybe things different “ , no , you insist .. the flag of revolution to change or demand for things you don’t have any right to do because you don’t support financially in order to demand .
  18. I will say it differently . If you were the BF , would you like that you are recorded having sex , taking showers and anything you do for 24/7 when the only benefit for you would be simply to be next to your GF ? Would you do it if you didn’t want to be on cameras just to please your girl ? Or would be a relationship problem because you would be forced to do something you never wanted ? And being stressed all the times and nervous and not being able to perform because of the cameras .. there’s one rule that I have learned well in life .. in order to understand better , become the person for the situation you judge . I work for tourism and my duty is for the the tourist to be satisfied . In order to achieve this , I have to think as a tourist and think what I would like so as to be satisfied . Then I can offer the best services possible . Be one of these guys , the supposed BFs and think if you would like to be recorded by cameras and then maybe you can answer your own question or understand of what you are requesting .
  19. Malia is the most clever , she doesn’t care and she wants to be happy , she thinks of herself and that’s how it should be , why should she bothered by Leora’s problems ? Because of friendship ? But they are best friends and they know what’s going on , one phonecall and they can meet everywhere as it seems . I said two days ago , that there’s no point for Leora also staying in the apartment , what’s the point if she goes out 6-7 hours when it was said that it isn’t allowed ? It is clear she doesn’t want to be alone , the difference is now that it isn't allowed but does she care ? For 2 days she screwed the rules like they don’t exist . I said it would be sincere for herself and the viewers that she goes and stay away , 1 week , 10 days , airplane sign and then it isn’t any problem , we will know and life goes on and she can be calm and happy and enjoy . This go out , come back , what’s the point ? This is also a reason for the tension and the nerves , there’s no stability and routine , how can someone remain calm and not be mad like she does ? Maybe she is also angry that things don’t go the way she likes and she shouts all the time . Malia didn’t care , left for one week , we know it , no problem . This is psychically tired for Leora , her behavior and not of whoever she speaks to , the other person(s) always win whenever she goes back . And she goes always 😇
  20. How many of us have we been in relations that they have been toxic and not nice / unhealthy ? We know that it isn’t good but we insist on them , always expecting that it could change . She goes back all the time because it seems that he gives her something that no other can and she needs it . What this is , we don’t know . Sex ? Safety of having a guy to talk to other than Malia ? The ability that she can be herself ( shouting , be angry , having things her way ) without questions from him ? At the end , going back always , it seems that feelings are really much and you don’t go just because you fancy or whatever . But again , this is her decision and we are here to see this happening ( that we don’t 😁😆 ) and not ask her not to do it or do it . I tell you what , if I could manipulate a woman that she claims she controls everything and have her all the time and after quarreling come back to me , I must be doing something right . At the end , I am not an idiot because I get the girl all the time 😉 She is the idiot because she can’t escape from me and I always have the way to bring her back . If she shouts to me or whatever behavior i get , I still have the chance that she comes at my place , lays on my couch , talk to her and make her smile while together . At the end , the “ loser “ always wins because she is addicted to him ☺️
  21. We will not agree and we will be in a constant loop of small word details that they will make us seem that we have a very big difference of how we see RLC than what we actually both believe . My vocabulary isn’t allowing me to compete with you in the way I can express myself further and I don’t want to write in greek out of respect for the whatever translation that google will provide and might alter the meaning of my words . I will stop it here and let’s both believe what we have in our minds , it isn’t also such an on topic discussion here .
  22. Do you ask the BFs if they want to be on cameras ? Should they force them ?
  23. The problem is that the animals are in a cage against their will , tenants are because they want , some they even love it , Leora for example that she quit her life in Russia to make this in Prague . My example represents the things from my point of view and the way I realize RLC as a business which ultimately leads me to be a subscriber . We obviously don’t agree and thats fine 😇 The tenants have no idea who I am and I have completely no idea who they are , I actually don’t care who they are . But the difference is that I have a visual contact to the tenant and inevitably I develop emotions of pleasure , disappointment , anger , compassion because the tenant becomes part of my daily escaping routine to entertainment whenever I wish . A tenant can never manipulate me because I am controlling what I am watching and not the tenant . I don’t like bates , I prefer social gatherings and watching the tenants interacting with others because I like to watch characters reactions and adaptations to other people’s ways . I will certainly tune in if I see any sexual act that pleases the way I have my perception about sex , i watched Martina and Nelly all of the 3 times without being a lesbian sex fan only because of this incredible and genuine sexual passion that was parading in front of my laptop . I expect nothing from any tenant but to show their appreciation to the people who pay and it happens that I am one . The appreciation i will get by Leora would be when I can see her social life in front of cameras like any other human being or to make it more sufficient , like any tenant who has a job with RLC and socializes either with fellow employees or outsiders . I don’t care whatever they do outside , how they are called , what’s their Instagram , Facebook , only fans and the list goes on . But inside the apartment , i have all the right to know information about the girls who are called Leora and Malia because they have chosen to share it with any of us who pay .. and I simply don’t see anything of it . RLC is a business , for sure tenants aren’t animals because they aren’t closed in apartments / cages against their will . The animals never get paid for all the tricks they do , they just feed them . I pay so the tenants can have iPhones , iPads , jewelry , clothes , shoes , free bills . What I expect back is the chance to observe their life when they are in the apartment because this is what they have signed for . If they can’t provide content ( the way i want as I said before , for others is a bate , a bondage , a strap on ) , i switch to apartments that provide me with my wishes and pleasure me for my entertainment .
  24. Nobody is forcing anyone to either watch her or not , we have the tools at home to either tune in or not . The thing is that we still come here to comment , i think that this is a proof that we do want to watch something , anything , according to our personal expectations . I have stated in the past what I would have liked to see and i don’t lose my hope that it might happen so . For as long as I am not satisfied , I watch the other apartments and I am pleased there ☺️ But in general , I am controlling what pleases me to watch and I don’t what they force me to watch ☺️ The solution is simple , whoever doesn’t like , doesn’t watch 😇
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