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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I said it almost a week ago , watching Amalia by herself now in B2 , something must have changed .. back to topic and how the evening proceeds and who will Radi be approaching except Claire ☺️
  2. We agree at what we would like to watch , wanted to answer to your post earlier , will try later ☺️ I think that people in general and not only for this apartment , even if it is a show , they would to watch things that seem not prescheduled or as an obligation , then it can be really great to watch ☺️
  3. As Radislava said while whispering in English in the morning “ this meeting is very important “ ....
  4. Nah .. Alberto is with Amalia having sex at the extra RLC apartment in Barcelona 😁😁
  5. If they want to “ address “ the people here , it is the easiest thing to do 😏😉
  6. Watching something different after a long time , more natural and less of an “ obligation show “ for the viewers , well , that’s a great thing to enjoy for as long as it lasts ☺️ Whenever Leora from the past appears , it is a pleasure , without “demanding “ that she is that girl always , but we all know she can do better if she wishes ☺️
  7. I won’t have the time for even an hour watching the next months , in winter again ☺️ Establishing good relations with posters here that I can trust their comments and posts ,it will allow me in a way to follow what’s going on so whenever I manage to watch , to have a slight idea . Trust me if I tell you , the place I live is the best to enjoy a sunset , a beer , have a lady or your friends next to you and enjoy your real life .. and this is what I will be doing very soon , no addiction by me at least for RLC ☺️
  8. No problem and I never take anything as an offense 😇☺️ , I like the communication and that’s my priority here . I actually don’t watch much , I have it in the laptop while watching football or listening to music or sports in general and I am also a victim of this pandemic and waiting patiently till I am back to work after almost 17 months next month hopefully . Having nothing to do during the day , with no activities and being a single guy , it is simply Netflix and sports repeat and the chance of posting here and contributing with opinions and get to know others in the forum and have fun to pass the time . A background playback then and forum posts whenever I personally think of something worth to be discussed and post here ☺️
  9. It is called voyeurism and I don’t think it is an addiction, it is a curiosity of sorts so as to leave things that struggle our mind aside and concentrate to others for a variety of reasons involving them . The lack of activities in real life and the different scenarios in RLC apartments , it has just made us watch and analyze more things that seem to have an actual meaning and provide a content . Martina and Nelly simply provide all of the above things that I mentioned ☺️😇
  10. Let’s see what the afternoon brings again between the two 😉😇
  11. I assume Sera is completely copying now Radislava’s initiation to the live Q&A sessions with the members here , perhaps trying to give her point of view of what is happening and maybe get away with much of the heat she suffers . It is then obvious that 1 ) Sera is very well informed of what it is discussed here and how much appreciation and sympathy Radislava has gained and 2 ) for the love of the Creator , how difficult is that either her or Radislava put their egoism away ( no matter who is right or wrong , what matters is to find a solution ) and sit in either bedroom , speak , yell ti eachother , cry and at the end “ let’s try from the beginning “ agree to sort things out ? If the solution isn’t found now that the problem still can be solved , it won’t become any easier and will also affect Ariana at the end and since RLC seems to enjoy this as being a really “real life “ issue , not even a change of apartment won’t be helping I guess .
  12. I read just the next post some seconds later that Neil also said the same with the law 😁 I am hurrying to catch up with the posts , too much Champions League and spring / job preparations that not so much time slowly here as recently 🤨
  13. A topic that brings opinions , excellent ☺️😇 I will end here being the only one wondering 😂🤣 But great to see and understand why he is being hated ☺️ About the “ shouldn’t be allowed “ I can’t actually understand it , if she was living at her own apartment ( let’s say Masha or Leora type ) , wouldn’t be a normal thing of a relationship this back and forth between his and her apartment ? I agree that it is too much time for some girls under the concept GOV , but RLC tried 2-3 girls already and it just didn’t work out so they stay with the ones that they can carry the project till traveling becomes easier again than taking the risk to cast new ones who don’t realize perhaps the concept as the business requires , resulting in abandoning it very soon . All in all , it is great that a subject can become debatable here 😇
  14. Welcome to Babi ( and her incredible ass 😋😋 )
  15. These are childish behaviors , even being right or wrong , and not of a woman who turned 29 if I am correct some weeks ago 😂🤣😆 Of course , never underestimate the eternal jealousy that women have with one another .. “ mirror mirror on the wall , tell me who’s the prettiest of them all “ 😂🤣😂🤣😆😆
  16. I think there’s a party tonight in B1 or social gathering of sorts , this is what I think Radislava said a couple of hours ago whispering in English 🙄 I haven’t read previous posts yet , so if anyone has mentioned , apologies on repeating .
  17. I wish we could always have opinions and counter opinions like this and then find common points and agree or disagree as with your post . You post your thoughts , I don’t understand why it can’t be done from others also and we can have some really great and adult , real life and communicating talks here . Yes , we will always talk about the pussies, the tits and the asses , hell , I even whenever is a show I kind of make a play by play presentation 😂🤣 As always , great to get your thoughts about him ☺️
  18. Lockdown helps for such a free time offered to write 😂🤣 I could even help Martin to finish the Song of Fire and Ice if he wanted 😂🤣😂🤣
  19. I know I will bring anger to a large amount of people with the post I am about to make and this is because Cesar isn’t an approved guy or most think of him as of whatever characterizations he has been named . Freeloader . Ok . He has a relation with Gina , isn’t it normal that they see one another whenever they want ? When he goes there , I guess the problem is that he never seemed to bring shopping , drinks or in a way contribute to the apartments food and drinks stock ? Is this why he is called a freeloader ? What have we done when we were in relations that both of us had an apartment of their own ? Didn’t we visit ? Didn’t we eat ? Didn’t we fuck ? Didn’t we take a shower ? Why is then a freeloader ? Isn’t Gina going to his place when she isn’t there ? Do we know if he wanted to buy things and bring it in the villa but it was refused ? Yes it could be a gesture without asking , but he is there to provide for Gina and I don’t think he should do for everyone else . Gina then knows what’s happening . Perhaps he gives her money for shopping ? But then why if he provides in his own place for her ? Is Gina a freeloader when she goes and stays by him ? There’s big hate for him because he brings the drugs or whatever ? Honestly now , can someone provide reasons why people hate him so much ? Is it because he has fucked so many others ? What has he done wrong with that ? Did he promise marriages or the girls wanted more when they were in Barcelona on expired contracts ? Was he ever uninvited ? Did he ever abuse anyone on camera ? What had he done wrong so of this much heat ? What has he done differently than any of us who had a whatever relation with a woman ? Many partners .. yes ok , who wouldn’t want that with these amazing if we had a chance like he does ... betraying them ? In which way ? Because he was fucking others behind their back ? Would he be the first or the last that he does so , the girls forbid him and he continues ? The examples can go on and on and on and the question is one ? What is he doing wrong so as to gather this heat ? For the drugs , I will say only one thing . If he was a person who would be disgraced , uninvited , hated or use any negative adjective that anyone wishes , wouldn’t the others have either said to Bogdan to do something about it ? Or even Bogdan politely remove him from his daily at the moment visits ? Or ask Gina that they don’t feel comfortable with him around ? We see him again and again , isn’t this proof that he is accepted ? Or the girls don’t have power to open their mouth and say what they want in their working and living place ? Or at the end , they pretend nothing is wrong because actually they get part of their monthly bonuses because Gina is performing in front of cameras ? Last again , for one more time 🤣 Drugs .. except some joints who everyone does , has someone else seen him bringing pills, cocaine , heroine , XTC , LSD or whatever heavy shit is out there ? On camera ? Has it ever be seen ? Or it has always been a speculation because we see their noses and whatever ? And if they want to do , what can we do ? Pff , I can go on and on .. what I want to say is one thing . I personally believe that most of the people here can’t stand the guy because he has been fucking constantly many of the girls in the course of time and nobody can explain why him and not us . Isn’t he a nice guy ( looks related ) ? Isn’t he a good lover ( doubts anyone for his sex ) ? At his age , I have been a combination of him and Gina , what have I been doing wrong ? That I wanted to fuck as many as possible ? That I was playing with women because I was giving them a good time and they always wanted to come back ? I never had personally parallel relations when I was with a girl as in a relationship but whenever it was only sexual , moving on to the next one and this is how it was . Parties , beach , flirting , cocktails , shots , dancing , naked night swims under full moons , BBQ at the beach , beers , fun ....living life at the maximum .. what does he offer wrong than that in beautiful Barcelona to any of these girls who are living a ferry tale when they can experience the beauties of this city with a local ? ( I have never smoked a single cigarette or did drugs in my life , except having a half ecstasy pill when I was in a party at the age of 19 😂🤣, I was laughing for 2-3 hours out of euphoria and that was the most illegal thing I have done in my life so far , so as to answer anyone who might wants to question me about that 😁 ) That’s all about Curly , not to his defense , but to just for whoever wishes to post his opinion of why not being a guy in favor .
  20. I think that all of us would like to be here and chat , exchange ideas , speculate , analyze things and make conclusions of what’s going on , like in every other apartment is happening . In this apartment they live two girls . All of their personal life concerning third people or things is happening outside . Development of people’s relations , development of other business , it all happens outside and we know nothing about it and it is normal because there aren’t cameras there . The only thing which is left to discuss for whoever joins this corner here at the internet and camcaps , inevitably , is if we see the girls masturbate ( alone or together ) , care to touch the other , when they eat , when they take a shower , when they exit and enter the apartment , when they will use their phones for info they want to share with the viewers as for things they don’t , they will go downstairs in the lobby or isolate themselves in the bathroom . Am I right or wrong that this is what’s happening in this apartment ? Everyone who wants to know answers to all of the above , the info can always be provided by members who watch closely the apartment and observe all of the details . I personally never said that this should stop , the question I personally did was what does it help the forum if we know how many times Leora phoned Paul ( or he phoned her ) or the person who gives her smiles and anger issues or people back in her home country . It was a question of what does it help and not if it should stop or it doesn’t continue , I don’t know if I can explain it better . If I am to be hold responsible because of a question , I don’t mind , but I also never got an answer . And I will still don’t change what I think , because like this it will be like no being able to have an opinion and express it here publicly as of what a forum represents . I don’t think that many members chat or visit the forum’s thread so much , apart from recently analyzed events which happened at the forum , but because and to all due respect , nothing is happening . To make it easier , we could speak about Paul and Eva and Leora and see the changes in behavior , happiness , sadness , disappointment , smiles , tears , people posted opinions and the contribution of members who would join such talks were so many because both Paul and Leora ( and the dog Eva ) had allowed us to be part of their lives , their problems as a couple , their moments of happiness and disappointment and so much which was happening and could be analyzed in front of cameras . Should i compare it with the things happening in this apartment now ? How can we come here and chat and discuss and analyze the feelings of these girls when we are invited in their apartment just seeing two girls who ( i am really sorry to say honestly ) do nothing , except of course masturbating , watching things on the tablet and be on their mobiles ? I keep on coming here and commenting and making lots of people angry i believe , I have been asked to go and comment to other apartments that I follow more systematically ( I do spend more time there because actually there are things happening , people have social relations and they can make tons of discussions since this is what real life provokes ) than coming and criticizing here , the truth is that I would personally like to talk about so many things here concerning the girls , their current psychology , i would love to exchange opinions but this has also systematically not happened because whenever a negative ( also inevitably according to the things happening in the apartment ) comment towards the girls has been thrown , there are people here who will appear and demolish any different opinion that is heard or mentioned . This at the end , prevents people who want to contribute with their thoughts and at the end , if it wasn’t for pulo , this thread wouldn’t fill the pages that used to do in the past in a rhythm of a tommy gun 😁 I wish I could talk for example and get counter opinions about my observation that Leora this week and since Malia left , looks unhappy , sad , lost and most of all lonely . We could then expand the conversation and say how it would be if Malia had never expanded her stay , what Leora would do ? Because I don’t think almost half a year later she would have kept on the same loneliness life and bating as her first months in Prague and before Malia arrives . There could be so many talks , but .. the apartment in my humble opinion isn’t helping , the behavior of the girls isn’t helping , the appearance of some certain people ready to humiliate , bully and expel any person who will refer to this place with any different or negative opinion , makes it simply a very difficult task so as for this apartment thread to gain in chats popularity as it used to be the number one .To close it here , the Barcelona apartments make page after page because of one simple thing .. positive , negative , followers , haters , worshipers , they are all chatting together . They argue , they go to oral disagreement often with offensive language used , but they all communicate .. and they do this because there are things happening in the apartment so as to have a base to talk something . Now , I know the reactions of this once again long message but I have always ( ok , except 2-3 times 😬🤫 ) tried to answer to counter posts whenever I posted something . But there are few people who develop their ideas here like I do and often with long posts , I have been advised to keep my posts small , like it is a rule if a message should be long or short . Many times I have tried to communicate my theories with others as this is how it is “ healthy “ here I think , but to no avail . I expect lots of heat or whatsoever with whatever I just posted , but taking a month and more away from this thread , made me realize that I haven’t done anything wrong actually , on the contrary , I tried to contribute as a forum member , either being right or wrong , positive or negative with my comments . I did this and I never insulted with any of my post ( except perhaps one person which is totally unacceptable by me and I regret ) any other member or even more importantly , the girls . That’s all I have to say and I apologize as always for my long post , but if someone can communicate to the forum his thoughts using stenography in a way that is recognizable to the majority of members , please advise me and let me know so I can do this 😇😊😌☺️
  21. Very tensed argument ( again ) 😔, lots of crying ( again ) 😔 , one of the few times Smith reacted shouting back ( rare ) 😔 , a hat thrown ( not seeing it again ) 😔 , dog remains the best friend and always by Kitty’s side 😐
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