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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Fiora LOVES the opportunity she always gets from RLC to be a tenant and she doesn’t want to disappoint . I think she would do ANYTHING to have the viewer’s attention and - I believe - she succeeds .. either being a show or real private moment with her occasional lovers , the girl knows what she does . I think she deserves our respect for “ RESPECTING “ every single Euro /Dollar or whatever currency for her efforts to offer content , no matter what content that is . If the majority of the Barcelona girls had even 1/4 of the passion she has to be in front of cameras , if the girls were slight as genuine interested like she is , RLC would have some really good feelings to offer to the subscribers ( speaking for the Barcelona hub ) . I obviously WOULD LOVE that Ulyana was still on cameras but Fiora is a fair person to have and I only have the outmost of respect for her passion . Even Harley - after a long time trying to adapt to the new reality ( exit Ulyana - enter Fiora ) - seems happier and smiler day by day . Let’s see how the apartment evolves even more . Fiora tries a lot though and it’s nice to see ( BUT PLEASE NO MORE STUPIDITIES WITH THE MAMA to help her )
  2. Nice to see so many interactions with this “ special guest star appearance “ from Cecilia ( who actually shows the big impact she made since everyone tonight refers to her with her given from forum members name , Cecilia ) .. Sambuka and Cecilia , Harley and Cecilia , even with Fiora , I can’t personally remember that they have met in the past when Fiora was a tenant , so it is a first timer i believe .. Also , we get some questions that didn’t manage to be answered due to the sudden removal of Radislava .. We don’t know if Fiora is a CamCaps reader ( I personally think she is ) but we ALL KNOW that Radislava was a huge fan being here and reading the forum ( I think nobody can forget that the CamCaps forum while she was reading it ) was the reason to hunt down the intruder in B4 who was sneaking in the rooms of B4 while the girls were at the penthouse of B4 and the reactions that followed - Svetlana becoming for a couple of weeks the permanent resident in the LR looking after the girls 😂🤣.. ) .. With Radislava being the initiator then to the cameras world for Cecilia , i personally have no doubt that Cecilia also reads the forum … AND , what great reaction an appreciation she receives tonight upon her return , many good words about her which i am sure she will feel happy and smiley .. the return in my humble opinion as FINALLY a resident is coming closer ..
  3. SAY WHATEVER , the guy is one of the best guest male “ stallions “ we have seen since a long time .. they are fucking the last nearly 48 hours like there’s no tomorrow , the sessions are excellent lasting the right amount of time and anyone can see how much they both enjoy .. someone used the example of Tereza and Timur , i will say that these two have fucked the last 2 days as much as Leora and Paul have fucked the last month 😂🤣 … excellent on cameras content and again well done for the “ upgraded “ and closer to “ real life “ apartment ..
  4. Obviously .. and it is needless to say .. the only person missing from the apartment tonight for a back and forth opinions and chat session is …… EXACTLY … RADISLAVA 😉😉
  5. First kiss for Fiora and Cecilia … Cecilia has no problems as a guest , Fiora doesn’t make stupid things when she wants to enjoy her fun , it is weird but what can “ destroy “ the moments of these two tonight is the ONE AND ONLY HARLEY … how strange one of the best tenants that shouldn’t be in her apartment tonight 😂🤣 … By the way , the continuous top cameras (once again for Fiora doing something .. ) IS THE STANDARD GUARANTEE that Cecilia IS BACK on cameras and we will be seeing her AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN .. Easily .. And , let’s be honest , why not ? She totally deserves .. Careful observation detail .. Check everyone Harley’s attention on joining the times with Cecilia and sharing currently the company in comparison to the recent visit of Mama Milena and the Model … that’s says it all of what Harley likes I guess ..
  6. It is great having on screens two girls WHO REALLY LOVE the cameras . Cecilia had no issues exposing herself , she loves showing herself and not shy at all , the sharing screen time with Fiora who is another CAMERAS LOVER is simply an amazing combination . You see girls like Cecilia who ( as guests ) want to respect the time they get on cameras and being so open , smiley , good vibes and mood and at the same time , we can always think girls like Tani , Rachel , Oks and others ( that i don’t want to start disagreements and talks currently ) that don’t even fucking care inhabiting a luxury villa and having their private lives outside and not showing part of it and girls like Cecilia who seem TO BEG for a chance from RLC people and show what they can offer .. I mean , come on , the girl is a guest and she’s enthusiastic and feeling great with opening her legs , showing that she has no problems at all and the girls who are employees not willing to even stand naked despite getting paid … RLC , HIRE CECILIA ASAP so we can see something different , a breathe of fresh air …AND YES , SHE DESERVES THE PENTHOUSE for all she has contributed as ( CAREFUL HERE ) a guest . I personally hope that they send her to B4 as the new star of B4 and shake things up .. I don’t know if being Russian is already an advantage or disadvantage . But she’s one more local … The choices of some great rock music makes this extreme warm august Saturday night very nice to watch .. Well done girls .
  7. So , we have now 2 conclusions … Nelly and Bogdan turn slowly their “ realm “ into family business as it is now nearly a month / 3 weeks ? ( including the holidays ) that relatives are hosted in their “ HOUSE “ … NOBODY ELSE could sleep the couch in the LR and the relative in the room , they would just have to sleep on the same bed . We see it with the guests that appear occasionally ( only N&B friends sleep also in the LR ) when ALL THE REST ( recent example Ashley and her mama ) need to hist whoever on their beds .. Needless to say that N&B prevent all fun from happening , how anything can happen when both outside ( not possible for all night events ) and inside ( people can’t move inside since N&B occupy the LR … ) … However we are accused as “ enemies “ of N&B when we stare the facts … The second conclusion is obviously Lialia who ( as a girl ) is the same craziness like Ashley . Ari and everyone who has contributed adult content . FOR UNKNOWN REASONS , the girl is “ hiding “ of what she can show and do . I’m don’t know if it is REALLY some stupidities of payment to the girls from RLC , the transformation of Ashley each and every day to isolation is really sad . She seems not wanting any relationship with people , perhaps she’s now seeing Barcelona as an opportunity to build a life outside of the villa walls while having the comfort of her standard salary and expenses .. let’s see how it goes ,the amazing Ashley is really another enigma ..
  8. Welcome welcome welcome - EVEN WITH AN UNEXPLAINED DELAY - to the new RLC tenant … Cecilia is here to tease and slowly bring an incredible big potential on cameras , as it was so much revealed when it was Radislava’s protege .. Without Radislava’s shadow , ready to see what she can finally bring .. Any further delay , in a BORING CURRENT RLC , it would be a scandal .. except if people want to keep on seeing Tani , , Oks , Rachel , Lialia ( to name the ones that have no interest on their job … ) … Welcome once again to a very “ high potential “ candidate ..
  9. Well .. If RLC would like to make Barcelona way much more interesting again , they have great candidates in Prague .. BUT .. they seem to have found finally good tenants for their big trouble hub , Prague , I hope they continue in this level , finding new and interested to be on cameras girls .
  10. Massive liquids orgasm , mattress will be destroyed 😄
  11. It’s good to see that any differences between Babi and Masha are well explained and now they can be seen together again . In general , Masha has been not so much with friends since Elvis is around her life , Alessandro for example haven’t see for a long time , the same for the hairdresser , to name a few .. Let’s see how it goes .
  12. Finally . We have a normal RLC apartment , the best is yet to come by the girls as they might finally found out what needs to be done , get the views and “ try “ both of them to enjoy and have a normal life with the cameras surrounding them . It only remains to be seen if they are having “ temporary “ friends for fun or it is more “ official “ .. in any case , it has indeed become fun to watch , well done girls 😊
  13. It will be interesting to see if RLC will be investing more in Montenegro as it looks to very “ Russian friendly “ politically …But perhaps the news for the RLC hub in Montenegro is that Ari is currently there and let’s see if we gonna get any surprises of reappearing on cameras making a cameo 😉😌
  14. No matter what it is , hiding or whatever , it is unacceptable that we have a situation that makes this apartment not watchable anymore .. As it was said some days ago , the most interesting thing we saw for a long time was Karol and Kos and the incident being locked out of their apartment .. the rest and hiding or not , relationship or not , it is simply pitiful for whatever these twe people and couple have offered through the years … I could NEVER EVER imagine that Martina would become a Leora ( hiding her lover - nobody says that she should do private things on cameras - but visiting I don’t think Martina and Alberto would have issues .. ) and not showing her private life . It is very clear for me ( especially the personal working fixed life for the couple away of the cameras ) that whoever of RLC tenants can’t have a normal life on cameras , don’t deserve to be still participants . I said the same for Leora when for 1,5 years she was hiding , I have said the same for other tenants that stay with RLC only to be financially benefited . I can expect though this from girls who come for short periods bit for EXPERIENCED and long term tenants , come on , what is this ? I even now start thinking that maybe the “ couple “ is afraid that if a lover is presented in cameras that they would put the RLC contract in jeopardy because they won’t be “ presented “ as a couple anymore ? Honestly , it isn’t nice and the jokes have to finish ultimately. RLC is making downfall steps accepting ANYTHING from its tenants and having allows behaviors that hurt the viewership . And even more , it makes FOOL anyone others who TRY to have normal lives ..
  15. It will now remains to be seen if these guys are now “ boyfriends “ or just some friends that both girls enjoy some private moments .. in general , after the “ masked incident “ ( enc was really bad for the apartment ) , we are now enjoying a normal place the last couple of days , well done to both girls finding the balcony on how things should be “ played “ out on “ living in an apartments with cameras 24/7 “ .
  16. It took them nearly 40 days for the girls to start behaving like “ normal “ single tenants .. Another great afternoon fuck , the bit more than loud screams seem to not be real , but no complains , maybe we can finally enjoy the girls with regular daily life again incidents than the stupidities they have been introducing very often and that actually didn’t make them to be watched so much . Their actions the last ( less than ) 24 hours are also rewarded with viewership , excellent 🤗🤗👏👏
  17. It took a bit more time than what was expected but at least we got to see the first real privacy sharing moment with a guest ( without a mask ) … let’s hope for more and that the stupid cam shows to stop or at least reduced ..
  18. Please .. don’t hurt peoples’ feelings telling truth things ..
  19. Nothing to comment on your post , you told me with your previous post to let you know things and I answered you .
  20. A quite fast packing to go … most probably they got the message that the “ BOSSES “ are on the way to the villa and things should go back to boredom and “ staged behaviors “ .. Lacrim is really the absolute disappointment , the guy gives the gossip and the things behind the back .. Pathetic .. In any case , back to stupidities in some hours .. Luckily , there’s a party / gathering this coming Friday , they werr asking Dylan if he joins and he was affirmative .. let’s see what’s going to be and most importantly , who , what and where ..
  21. Esenia’s and Dima’s apartment is the least problem of a fucked up RLC nowadays in their flagship city , Barcelona . Like this apartment / shithole is the tiniest in the history of this site , the problem of this apartment is equally the tiniest at this period .. Barcelona .. THEY HAVE COMPLETELY lost it with perhaps one of the worst lineups in terms of chemistry and roles . Maybe if they bring Barcelona in order , they might improve or fix this apartment’s problem here as well .
  22. I am THE ONLY ONE who isn’t afraid to speak my mind and have an opinion about Leora and her RLC actions in a way that doesn’t come positive for her on cameras presence - AS A TENANT , NOT AS A GIRL , SHE’S ALWAYS GREAT - … I AM THE ONLY ONE who doesn’t speak , praise , celebrate her sexual accomplishments BECAUSE after 10 years on cameras I WAS / AM / WILL always hope to see Leora’s life as she’s deserved to be shown and not the 3,000th masturbation ( that actually the forum members only participate here - recently to demolish Paul ) … I feel blessed today that OPINIONS , ARGUMENTS , COMMON SENSE posts have made it to the forum . Somehow , lost for months people who have been hiding ( ?? ) , people who appear only with emojis , people who speak for Leora inky about sex , YOU EVEN that aren’t so active ( but you admit that you notice at least my posts on the whole forum , why by the way ?? ) posted today and well done , wasn’t about sex but for real life occasions and situation concerning this woman . A proof that this topic can have some really great discussions when members wish .. I WONDER WHY IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE ABOUT SEX and not speculations , criticism , fair posts and worth back and forth chat .. For me , my problem of this apartment is that it doesn’t satisfy me - JUST ME AND MY REASONS WATCHING RLC - of the things that it is offering and I HAVE NO PROBLEM to come out LOUD AND CLEAR and post this and express my disappointment . The majority condemns Paul , the sex and private moments , me I am condemning the ( NON ) REAL LIFE that we are watching. You tell me that suddenly and after the posts of “ where is Max ? “ he appeared just like that ? WHERE ARE LEORA’S FRIENDS that TODAY we are learning that she has made a lot before Paul ? YOU TELL ME that NOBODY / NOONE / NOTHING else can ever be happening in this apartment except masturbation / blowjobs and Paul picking his nose ? YOU TELL ME THAT WHILE IN AAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL of the apartments of RLC people have no problems to appear on cameras , at Leora’s , AAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL of her friends she has made 4 years in Czech Republic , NOBODY WISHES TO APPEAR … REALLY ?? As you understand , as EVERYONE criticizes the private moments of Leora and Paul ( whether are nice / satisfactory or not ) , I AM THE ONLY ONE who posts my own way about the real life of this apartment ( that doesn’t exist in this apartment ) .. I am sorry that it comes out so negative for Leora but it is the same and EVEN MORE when people speak negative about the sex libido of Paul , his skills and knowledge .. Last but not least , I WISH I COULD REVEAL TO YOU the amount of people that DON’T POST HERE exactly to avoid people and reactions like Masterchef , Scutus , Pepe and SO ON and SO ON .. People ( DOZENS I ASSURE YOU AND YOU NEED TO BELIEVE ME ) share the same opinions like me but simply don’t post anymore because they don’t want to face all this stupidity . I truly feel like the Last of the Mohicans 😂 but i will not stop and won’t allow myself to be shut from people who see all as POSITIVE and without QUESTIONING .. I DO … And I will always hope they appear and then you can see how many share the same thoughts like me .
  23. Thanks on going to the second then solution .. Russian dual citizenship is allowed only if Russia has reached an agreement with that country, and only two countries, namely Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, are involved. Otherwise, citizens who want to obtain citizenship in Russia are forced to renounce the original citizenship.
  24. Why do I want an argument ? I have been watching on cameras exactly THE SAME that you have been watching and the previous posts are simply my counter thoughts and the facts I have interpreted .. why can’t I believe differently ? Why should i believe what Leora shares on cameras talking and not being what SHE WANTS THE PEOPLE TO BELIEVE ? Why SUDDENLY since Paul appear she NEVER HIDES to go and make phonecalls and talk ? I am sorry that I am not swallowing like a sheep anything that it is served on me and I have - STILL - my own things to believe WHEN WE ( YOU AND ME , ME AND YOU ) have been WATCHING exactly the same on cameras content .. If I had a problem with Leora - AS YOU TRANSLATE MY POSTS - i would be indifferent and won’t be caring of how she makes her life .. posting here , developing my thoughts and waiting for reasonable arguments day in and day out ( WHEN AT THE SAME TIME PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO CLAIMS THAT KNOWS THINGS AND FACTS are disappeared for your own reasons ) with people who can make a sentence and have a decent opinions exchange ( LIKE MIRACULOUSLY IT HAPPENS TODAY ALL OF A SUDDEN - strangely - ON A PERIOD THAT PAUL GATHERS THE MOST HEAT SINCE HE RETURNED IN PRAGUE AND IN LEORA’S LIFE - and admittedly - one of the biggest heat periods he faces in all of his years with on cameras ) has always been my goal .. well , guess what , mission accomplished for MANY FORUM members because many things were revealed and confessed today .. so , ddhm actually achieved something by - AS YOU TRANSLATE - not being to stand Leora’s life .. whatever and believe anything you wish .. We ALL watch Leora’s masturbations , blowjobs and Paul’s milk - ACCORDING TO PULO and what the members want to see / watch - .. there are people like me who question things , make conclusions and ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS i present whatever I watch with arguments and NEVER saying BULLSHIT or putting down forum members that only know how to give emojis because they have no ability to speak ( too much concentration I guess to play their dicks when Leora serves their needs .. ) .
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