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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Claire wouldn’t mind do everything with anyone ... she is always “ in “ for sex .. Carlos just has ruined lots of possibilities ( plus it might be that the girls aren’t attracted to him 🤨 ) even if they like his Italian accent and language with the English mixture 😉
  2. On a side note , I think since he joined , this is the most we see Dantez being away from the guest room and spending time with guests in the LR ( still playing 😁 ) , very nice ☺️ and first time also seeing him having so many facial expressions like never before ☺️
  3. I think if they don’t neglect one another and Alberto ( Martina ) fulfill lots of relationship things , I can’t see why it shouldn’t work between them even if he plays more hours 😎 . Plus , if Martina is annoyed , she should simply open her mouth and tell him ... but that’s of course the problems of most couples , that after a certain point they stop “ talking” and a minor problem can become big and difficult to solve it or face it .. but these two , they share everything and I believe for people who observe them more carefully than the majority who pay more attention only the last 3-4 months , i don’t think they find lots of differences of what has been happening between them al these years with RLC
  4. As long as both ( or more individuals 😉😎 ) agree , then nothing is wrong of what’s happening during sex ☺️ and whatever is used or not
  5. It is an urgent thing , I am sure it won’t be any issues 😂🤣😆🤓
  6. Who knows ? Maybe Masha prepares them to take over the apartment 😎.. that I hope not and they keep away from this life on cameras 😔
  7. You just get a fee being out of home without providing an explanation ( work , urgent situation ) .. here , in my county , it is like The Walking Dead after 21:00 since 7 November .. so , imagine
  8. Unfortunately , this is how the system works at the moment , freedom rights are way long gone ... but soon it will be life back to normal .
  9. As someone said , if you aren’t caught by the police , you were never out of home 😎
  10. They still need to provide an explanation why they are out of home and moving if police stops them . Not something deserved at democratic places , but it is a fact nowadays . We have the same problem here in my country .
  11. I think that nobody forced anyone to do anything at a party . Everyone is an adult to decide if they want to drink , smoke , act foolishly .. I can’t believe that all these people are foolish gathering at a rather funny evening amongst colleagues / friends and the other 3 have their private agenda . I definitely don’t say that it is wrong that they don’t join ( Nelly is also absent for example and she lives in this place ) , but this from Serafima and Radislava avoiding any interaction at the villa while an event is happening , I just say that it shows perhaps a contempt
  12. Whatever they do , curfew is still on , so I don’t expect them back in the apartment , but let’s see , perhaps we are surprised 😉
  13. Ariana is more than social and has nothing to prove to anyone since she decided not to join or not being invited . But Radi and Sera had a chance to interact with the others and they simply choose again a no go .. of course as it was mentioned ,perhaps not invited , but apart from some sporadically appearances , they don’t seem both to enjoy these things .
  14. Marta is a very close friend of Martina . I also think that perhaps Martina and Nelly are together and Alberto might have joined , but I can’t find any wrong thing with that ☺️New friendships and happy for Martina doing things outside of her routine ☺️ I think it is just a pure sexual relation and I believe both women love their men and they just happen to enjoy their sex in a way that maybe both didn’t expect after the one night stand and that’s why they repeated it ☺️ . I will agree with your points about new relationships and at the end , it might really be proved that Martina “ got “ Piper and she turned it to lesbianism 😂🤣 But I repeat again , both girls love their men , Nelly is even married to Bogdan . If they want to destroy what they have , they are not going to be the first doing it and certainly not the last . But both have said to both Bogdan and Alberto that they have been making sex , so , it is up to the guys to do as they think the right thing to do is . Always good exchanging opinions at the forum and happy doing it with you as well ☺️
  15. Very possible . And even if they are , I can’t find any mistake with that ☺️
  16. As I have mentioned in the past, it seems to be a pattern whenever a big event is happening , at least one tenant to stay back at one of the other two Barcelona apartments . Today is Ariana but it is a good point that maybe B1 isn’t invited ... but it would seem strange if this is the case .
  17. The only thing that I simply don’t like is that they aren’t allowing any different opinions to be heard , it can be worshiping and it is fine but there are so many negative things concerning that apartment that they are buried as soon as they are posted from the usual gatekeepers .
  18. I think it is safe to say now since Radi and Sera aren’t going to show up , that it is a pity that these two girls have no intention to show up and interfere with the others , I don’t think that this theme evening has anything which could “ damage “ their image of any decency or misbehaving 😬 In any case , it is their decision but it would have been nice seeing them interact finally in the villa
  19. Gina and her children 😂🤣 Loraine with the high heels as tall as Gina with bare feet 😂🤣
  20. Did you know that if you block pulo filipe half their post disappears? 🤣 @Lurkker; never blocking anyone ☺️ and pulo has always been decent ☺️
  21. The worshippers only monitor the forums , they don’t interfere .. they will only comment at their “ home “ thread because , according to them , half of the comments even at the Barcelona apartments concern their girls 😂🤣 But let’s not ruin the evening of the girls with off topic talks 😇
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