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Everything posted by kase

  1. good morning leora and to all norwegians congratulations 17th of may
  2. it`s raining outside but i have to go shopping so have a good day leora
  3. i`m glad we have a passionate lady called leora good morning leora
  4. i do not look so much at kitty and smith but smith will get a little brage he spend some time talking to kitty but i do not know what you`re talking about but i think so where something nice? but smith be a man let kitty get little freedom for kitty is an incrediby pretty girl
  5. have a good night leora i will soon go to bed up early tomorrow voluntary work befor mai 17th
  6. today i have been looking for a boat for sale a sollux 24ac to 50-60 thousand kr enough about it for rose way do you show us a dildo in camera if you do not dare to use it ?
  7. i woke up to rainy weather but what does it do as long as i can see leora have a good day leora
  8. Bad dreams i kill two police i did everythig for police to kill me but it has become my proplem after 38 years of drug everything from hash to acid and pills so now dreams have become my problem after 38 years of drug so girls think twice have a nice day i want to go fishing
  9. the relationship between rose and miss.x i do not know anything about i think rose tries to have a relationship with them all i see she`s everywhere but i think she loves jesmin tits
  10. now i have to say good night leora i need some sleep it was a long night watching you on rlc tomorrow
  11. i think rose is similar to irma who loved to go naked to show pussy to girls irma got pussy i do not think rose has got anything but she tries i can see
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