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Everything posted by kase

  1. good morning leora you`re so early in the morning so i can not see so much but have a nice day
  2. i do not understand me at irma who gave Gina consent to stay in B1 when she knows Belle alone is the money in guestion nor is it hate to Belle i mean Gina go to B2 and be in B2 angel is home
  3. what is panty liners for small urinary leakage and provides faster obsorption so you get a fresh and dry feeling
  4. happiness tomorrow when angel gets moved in the great room and we get a new girl in so maybe B2 will be more people dear one B1 B1 is the only disappointment to see good night angel
  5. we hope that angel get the large room she is the only one who deserves the great room so let`s hope
  6. twins everything goes so much better without satisfy irma male friends everything goes so much better with you and you are so much more liked good morning twins
  7. cecilie Brækhus vill fight his second pro fight on norwegian soil tonight in the meeting with klara svensson on viaplay so tonight is the tv
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