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Everything posted by kase

  1. good morning leora you get a very good day and i have to go to bed
  2. yes why not let twins get the small room and let irma and jessica get the big room i think as long irma and jessica here had sex together and if rus comes to visit as both jessica and irma has been finger fucked by rus at if rus going back so he can sleep with irma and jessica i mean
  3. leora they are not easy and accompany you today to do house cleaning but you are then good so you must have a good day
  4. i`ve see a lot of handicraft you have done i just have to say you`re good leora
  5. needlework are you good at leora i think that you are doing good work
  6. i wonder when apartment is normal today when twins ate Breakfast arrived irma naked down and shows pussy forward for twins when she shall be normal ?
  7. we`ii have to wait and see if the apartment is normal again but we have to wait to irma and jessica have gone home so i stopped and look at B1 so now i only angelina and leora and twins when they are home alone
  8. there is no bigger than you leora you are the best of all you`re just wonderful girl thanks leora
  9. you`re a great girl leora you have the perfect body you are just so delicious and look at have a nice day leora i must go to bed
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