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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. Leora, what with you being unwell and Paul being around until around 11am local time, I missed you brightening up another dull Monday morning jn the UK as you have done on the previous two Monday morning,. If Paul has started work today. enjoy your freedom
  2. Blue does suite her,and one has got admire her bum, and that's coming from a man who thinks Leora has the cutest fanny
  3. As I've already mentioned Leora will be over it within day's, Paul when he get's it full on will spin it out for around three weeks like the last time, when he and Leora both started out with tonsillitis, that developed in to colds for both of them, Leora's cleared up in day's, Paul's week's, so Paul popping Leora's pills is a sure sign he's going the same way.
  4. Thank you, I stand corrected, but I still say it will be a couple of day's before she shakes off this cold/fever completely though
  5. This is just an observation, this cold/fever Leora's got must be hitting her hard, because unless I've missed it, Leora is now into her third day without having a shower, which is totally unlike her, because she is in my opinion the cleanest woman on the project. Paul will be the next one to go down with it, and unlike Leora who's suffered in silence, OK we've heard her sniffling, coughing and sneezing she will be back to normal in a couple of day's, Paul will spin this out for at least 3 weeks, having Leora running after him, as he has done in the past
  6. 10:05 local time Paul's just gone to bed after being up all night, Leora's making sure we have a goodish view of her bum, so even though she has a cold it could be a good day for Leora not having him around for most of the day, the downside is she's got to try and wake him when she wants him to take her shopping
  7. I think a camera in any of the locations would be a good investment by RLC, but I think if they only install one, daemon's suggestion would be the best position as it would cover the end of the sofa and give a view, and albeit a distant view of what's going on outside, and sorry BBsq69 to bring Paul into this, but with a camera in this location, we would not be able to see Paul's disgusting eating habit's, only the back of his head when they are sat at the dining table. As for one on the balcony the temperature would be a problem, I was in Omsk last winter and the temperature was around -35C, in the UK CCTV camera's can start freezing up at around -7C
  8. I just got a glimpse of her glorious bum before she covered up. So now we have Leora asleep and Paul awake, hopefully the rolls will be reversed in the morning, she appears a lot happier when he's not annoying her
  9. Good news for Leora she should get some of her freedom back with Paul at work
  10. I've just gone onto their lounge camera and Leora's made sure you can get a good view of her glorious bum while she's trying to sleep, Leora you little minx you
  11. So I'm in good company, missing Leora's session today, my excuse I was at work, I've already seen your's, from where Leora started I would have gone for the Lounge
  12. We all know Leora likes an audience, I agree along with Maya they are natural, I'm not so sure about Nelly Yes Leora is an intelligent articulate young woman which you can tell by the books she reads, who in my opinion is the only one on RLC that ooze's sex appeal, (whether clothed or naked) and has a naturally sexy body to match which I think appeals to both sexes. Now as for today's bating session which I missed, (the story of my life) so this weekend, I'm setting aside one day to join the rest of you in watching as much of Leora as I can and even if she gets up to nothing, call me what you like, I will still be a happy man
  13. Alas it was not to be this morning but I did get to see her glorious fanny before I lefty for work
  14. As much as I'd also like to see Leora rub one out preferably before 11am local time as I have to go to work along with many others around that time, one has got to realise while we are talking about an extremely sexy woman, and she is after all a human being not a performing seal
  15. It's probably due to the fact she was still awake gone 05:00 local time, and she could be knackered, and the fact she's had to put up with Russia's answer to one of the Muppet's (not sure which one yet) all day
  16. Leora, while you look as radiant as ever on the Guest Room sofa, mind you looked good this morning flashing your fanny on the Lounge sofa it brightened up yet another dull UK Monday, I have to ask why oh why did you let Paul find his guitar, I've mentioned it before please get him guitar lessons, and for god sake don't let him sing while you have the dog in the room he could be arrested for cruelty to animals
  17. I agree better the devil you know Leora is making an effort by gradually changing all the soft furnishings she's gradually making their apartment more feminine and comfortable, and making a very good job of it too, whether Paul notices we will have to wait and see. Someone started a Forum page "Is Paul changing Leora" in my opinion I think it's the other way round, she's gradually changing him. She wanted to got out today so she woke him up without a BJ, it's Polling Day in Russia. Paul's in the bath (not a pretty sight) more often than he's ever been, ok he's still not graduated to the pleasures of using soap, but he's made a start with shampoo every so often, as for sex, yes she's getting f...ked more often, but Paul's got to work for it by turning her on, and if she hasn't got her to orgasm by the time he's shot his lot she'll finish herself off in front of him, (to show him what state she should be left in if he was to f..k her properly) and when they've finished he's got to stay around for some post sex cuddling, not dive to the bathroom like he's just had his cock up somewhere that's dirty and it's got to be washed, Leora has just got to be the cleanest woman on RLC she's in the shower at least once a day with feminine hygiene a priority, so Paul her fanny ain't dirty. The toughest challenge she faces though and without resorting to chopping his fingers off (it's an option) is how to stop Paul's nose digging and head scratching, if achieved this would probably cut her cleaning time by at least half. Whether she ever get's to the point where she can start going out with her friends at night again, I think that's a long way off, but we will just have to wait and see.
  18. The cushion's you've made make the lounge look a lot fresher, can you work your magic on Paul, maybe I've got it wrong but he didn't seem too interested in your handy work
  19. You are not wrong there are very few real women Leora being one of the few on RLC, then you've got the bimbo's in Barcelona who in my opinion are not really worth a mention
  20. While she's naked on the sofa I wish one of them would put the light on.
  21. True but he did put a little more effort into sorting Leora out than usual, but that means he's probably used up at least a weeks supply of energy
  22. The only plus side to insomnia is you don't miss a lot. I agree he looks like he's got the mother of all hang overs, not bad for someone I've never seen have drink, also I've never seen Leora partaking of alcohol either. Leora is a very talented young lady, while a few girls on RLC are into art, Maya into crafts, Leora is also into art, but seems to be the only one who is into needle work, and she's doing a good job in my opinion as it's all done without the use of a sewing machine One has to ask will Paul notice the cushions Leora has spent quite some time making. The shade of blue she's used for the cushions suit's her, and enhances her tan, so we will have to wait and see if she ever rubs one out using one
  23. Now I've just focused on what Leora's making, cushions, blue not only suites her but show's off her sun tan better than white
  24. Leora's bum encased in those little shorts and bathed in sunshine this morning, as usual looked supreme while she was sleeping.
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