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Everything posted by bigmac18

  1. Hi all, I missed this by just 15 minutes, but was able to watch it on Replay. I am a bit puzzled. It didn't look too bad on camera. Some blood spewing by Nina. But Kira was clearly very upset, and as most of us know she is not easily upset. So something serious. Kira is now asleep after a long waking night. My thougths went to something bad with her vocal cords, which might have an impact on her ambitions. On the other hand, Nina was still capable of regular talking, so problably not that. I hope she returns safe en well. That is what... the fourth time we saw emergency services in this apartment?
  2. Harry Potter time again. (a.k.a. Гарри Поттер). Expelliarmus!
  3. 🙂 When you check the history of the forums, you will see that Kira has quite some fans. And I think you/they are right: she seems very nice 🤩
  4. You too Hayden, and everyone! I wish the best for you and your dear ones. And the girls too. I hope that 2019 brings whatever your hearts desire.
  5. Anyhow... enough for today. Bed time here. 😴 Thanks everybody for sharing your thoughts with us.
  6. Because somehow it 'always' ends like this... 😶 I am happy the wind has stopped, but has the storm really gone?
  7. For example in the Google Maps app you can share your location with others. 🚩 Secondly, social media like Twitter and Facebook share your location sometimes when posting (if you agreed to it, on purpose or accidentally). 🗺️ Or one of the girls is a experienced phone hacker? 😜
  8. 😊 You are right a little drama makes things interesting 🎭. But if it is on purpose, one would expect them to act in front of the camera. To catch viewers. Today was hidden. In what theater the actors play backstage? 😀 Therefore I think (at least) today was largely a true quarrel.
  9. I can see what you mean. The cams are 'work'. it is not leisure or simple time off. She must feel that pressure and constant working attitude. At the same time, I feel that with 'work', Nina means her music . It is her heart and soul and everything, right? So when she says she has work (and I have no reason to doubt that statement), I think (and hope) she means her devotion to the music. I say this without any knowledge of the context in which she made that statement, of course 😎
  10. You are right about the painting and sitting in bed yesterday. It was not spectacular either 🙂
  11. The quarrel tonight surely isn't to increase viewership. It is mostly outside the cameras. And even the part that can be seen, is not 'fun' 😥 This is not to please the audience, or to glue us to the screen.
  12. How things have changed. Not too long ago the roles would have been the other way round...🔁
  13. Nina playing the game computer, sitting/lying on the floor in her woolen jumper... looks cute.
  14. Sorry. I should have caught that reference earlier. Not read it but seen the the film several times now. I relate greatly to Marvin the Depressed Robot. - He is a robot, I mean come on how, cool is that? - Big head... it is relatable - Never waste a chance to get close to Zooey Deschanel - Being voiced by Alan Rickman... anyday!
  15. So, if all assumptions are right. Kira and Doe-Eyes have recent contact.
  16. *Mumbles something about: can not live without each other, and can not with each other. You are the most hurt by the ones you love the most.
  17. Thanks for sharing with us. It sounds like the piling of several problems on each other. Usually not the easiest situations to get out of. 😢 We should also not forget that a few years ago, our predecessors on the forums have classified Kira as uncertain and suspicious. She has changed tremendously for the better! But it is very well possible she is still very sensitive and is making a mountain out of a molehill? in short, all possiblities are still open. I wish nothing but the best for them.
  18. *wonders what @sturmchaser is talking about *googles 'cat videos'
  19. Hi all, First of all. Happy Christmas to all of you! Secondly. Thanks for keeping track of our girls. I dropped out relatively early because I was tired (physically as well as 'tired of the heavy conversation of the girls'). Luckily I was able to follow your discussion in bed by smartphone 🙂 @likidamber launched the question wheter this truely is about betrayal / cheating. It is right to question this, but I can't think of anything else.
  20. Weren't the cats just very hungry? Cats generally get very flirty when they are 😃
  21. Thank you Likidamber. Little question about what you mean with Kira can not be convinced... Kira can not be convinced that nothing bad happened. or Kira can not be convinced to stay together ?
  22. I believe Howard was referencing to the tiny evidence that Nina is not pregnant?
  23. Harry Potter & knitting. Perfect quiet evening in bed.
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