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Everything posted by bigmac18

  1. Letting the cats in the bedroom with the cutting knife still there 😲😧
  2. Wow, that is some work. Well, replacing the rug was long overdue. I wonder if they sleep at home tonight... Maybe on the couch? They have a quarrel now πŸ˜•
  3. Start training to lick your own butt... It is a primary requirement as a cat 🀣😝
  4. "Under maintenance". 09:40 their time. Is everything okay? 😟
  5. The apartment has always been full. Today they where sorting out clothes or something like that. That doesn't make it better: the entive living room is laid out with clothes πŸ˜• (the cats likes it though πŸ˜‰)
  6. Then we are not talking about the same exact moment. Newie was in the bath room, with a shower running audibly (but not visibly), whilst Doe Eyes was in the living room.
  7. Finally proof of the (rumours about a) hidden shower in the bath room... The 'new girl' is showering there now, the water can clearly be heard.
  8. CAT(S?) IS BACK! Also: Nina's hair is completely blue. And she is now doing Kira's hair. Lets see what Nina makes of it πŸ™‚
  9. Are the cats already home again? Have not seen them yet...
  10. Today happy day. Today Nina and Kira return. Today, happy day... Today Nina and Kira return.mp3
  11. And with vegan gravy, while you're at it πŸ™‚ Seriously: zipping doesn't work well on video. Unless you want to avoid firewall detection while downloading at the office πŸ™‚
  12. While they are away, a little question... What is growing in their bath tub?!? 😯 It looks like they moved their plants in the bath tub to prevent them from drying out. Smart move. But there is also a contraption with two buckets and some kind of strings towards the plants. Looks like slimy tentacles of a creature living there...πŸ¦‘ Or is it a science based system, build on capillary motion (sucking the water in the bucket and transporting towards the plants via strings of paper)?!? Clever! πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘©β€πŸ«
  13. Please forgive my naivety and curiosity, but is it an acceptable thing to do these days: having sex while having guests over for a party in the room besides that? Is this common behaviour for the modern youth? 😟
  14. I see it as a good thing that rather explicit posts like this one are not the norm in the N&K-forum. Funny to realise, on a site like this πŸ™‚ PS. No objections whatsoever, mind you! πŸ˜„
  15. Somehow it feels like the girls are on a trip again, without informing the floppy RLC 😏
  16. Yes..., she was utterly Kirammed 🀣 Since they are into rock music... That satisfied look in her eyes, afterwards, reminds me of a song by Led Zeppelin...
  17. Sorry guys. I must have been on the wrong website. I thought I was on Real Life Cam, but it turned out to be Dream Life Cam. I only knew because it was too good to be true. 😍
  18. Someone should report the government is adding hormones to the drinking water! πŸ˜‹
  19. These two really have fun in bed. The last two nights they are both in a very playful mood. Even Nina is one flirtatious pixie. I feel happy for them.
  20. I know everybody is solely focused on that awesome Batman mug on the table, but did you also notice the naked woman hidden in this room?
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