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Everything posted by bigmac18

  1. That was a quite nice session last night. How little comments in this forum, had expected more? πŸ™‚ - lovely situation and giggles and laughs and kisses - Toy came out of the box (and went in another two πŸ˜‰) - Toy was turned on (literally πŸ˜‰). - Some akward giggling, primarily by Kira. The toy didn't really work for her. - Kira really worked on Nina. - And then round two for Nina (manually by Kira)...
  2. Hi @bfaith, Enjoy your relationship! Thanks for being with us for quite some time πŸ™‚
  3. Man. I don't know what you are smoking but I want some too! 🚬 On the other hand. Area 51 would easily explain the dinosaur in the room πŸ˜πŸ¦–
  4. Head butting is the Russian way to have social small talk about the weather πŸ˜‹
  5. Kira drinking beer alone on an off-cam location. I would say cheers, were it not that this usually is not the best of signs. πŸ˜”
  6. You are right. There is a fundamental flaw in my reasoning of my philosophy. DE can only be a disruptive element in the relation of N&K, when you look at N&K as a couple of two. While probably the best way to look at them is seeing the three as a trinity. They are a highly involved and emotionally invested in each other, absolutely. I am not completely 100% certain though that they know how to manage, as you state . The situation is complex indeed and thus susceptible. A fallout of that is what we probably saw this week. But yes, they try very hard and succeesd often to keep the balance. Which is life -beautiful and difficult at the same time- and which is why we/I like them.
  7. Ah, they are home again. Kira just kissed Nina on the belly. Not that I know much about relationships or human interaction, but kissing on the belly is usually a good sign, isn't it? 😬
  8. hi @ed2, good to see you back here! I hope all pis well! I hear often that Doe Eyes is the disruptive factor in the relationship between Nina and Kira. And naturally, I agree on this largely. Although I firmly appreciate Doe for the person she is. I will go on a limb here... In an unobserved moment long ago, my thoughts went diametrically... What if Kira is the disruptive person between the older relationship between Doe Eyes and Nina? What if Kira is the evil mastermind who stole Nina from Doe Eyes? Like I said earlier. This forum is part of the theater stage. Panem et circenses. So feast your brains on this spectacular and juicy teaser theory, boys (and girls) 😎 Looking forward to your reactions and views.
  9. Well said. Beautiful. In this context, if true, it is good to realize this makes us not only just the audience, but also part of the play itself. This forum is a stage in it own right πŸ™‚
  10. Hi all, The last week I was unable to follow our favorite girls closely. I had to cope with just a minimal amount of time to watch. Luckily there were numerous forum entries that kept me updated, from some active and some unregular posters. Thank you all for that. Unfortunately, it was like a funeral: you get to see all of the family members (known-and-close and unknown-and-far), but the occasion itself is just sad. Most of you know how I feel about the girls. I admire them for their creativity, perseverance and openess. As such, I was, like you, struck down by their hours-long fight. Like many of you, I have thought hard, and worried harder, about what happened this week. A few thoughts that I like to share with you. It feels weird to talk about such emotional business in the open. The onyl reason I dare to share them with you is that it is just my fantasy working. As with the nature of RLC and CC, it is just based on my thoughts and nothing more. They might -and probably are- grotesquely wrong. it might be sensationalism or insulting: I hope you understand that is none of my intentions. First of all: the conciliatory sex. The sex had me puzzled. It felt out of the blue. A Deus Ex Machina (which in the end didn't help after all). I will risk and try a hypothesis in this group... I wonder if Kira pleasured Nina to show Doe Eyes who Nina belongs to. Assuming Doe Eyes watches the cams, that is. "She may be a b*tch but she is mine!" Another theory is that Kira wanted to release the angry-energy out of Nina by giving her an orgasm. There is a perverse incentive for Kira. With Kira being angry and Nina being apologetic and pleading, Kira finally gets the Nina she perhaps craves. Kira finally gets center-stage with Nina paying positive attention to her. That is why she smiles sometimes while being furious and dissappointed with Nina. Rather bitter ironic, really. Then: Doe Eyes The fellowship of three. Nina - Kira - Doe-Eyes. Three wonderful girls who can not live together, nor can not live (or work) without each other. There are strong feelings between them, and in my view that can only originate in a long, shared history. What that is, we will probably never know. Don't forget, we only see a fraction of their (true) interaction. On the positive side, I believe the symbiosis between the three of them is unique and beautiful. It is more than just friends or colleagues. But there is a negative side too. Like a three sided seesaw with balls in it: move one ball and it automatically has effect on the other two. Their lives are severly intertwined. Love or plain lust between two can damage the balance between the three. Tip: look forward, girls. To conclude. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to trust each other (again) after another foul layer of the truth was exposed. I hope they will not do (or have done already) anything stupid. I hope they don't slam the door (emotionally) for each other, especially DE. I hope that the three of them still see how many times they have laughed together. How many times they have exchanged jokes, and truly enjoyed each others company. They are strong and very capable to get in that nice spot again. Where the three of them can be that three great girls again. Because they are just that. Reamonn - Supergirl.mp3
  11. You are right this is not fun. No entertainment. Nobody wishes them what they're going through now. My 'thank you' was a mere appreciation towards you for clarifying away some confusion. Some less question marks, but our worries remain.
  12. Thank you @likidamber for sharing with us your insight about what happens.
  13. Very sad to see them in such bad way. Hours after hours this... I feel for them.
  14. About the freezing, it must be said: the atmosphere is icy... 😟😨
  15. Yes! And now Nina is replacing the cover of the cat tower, with the leftovers of the new bedroom carpet. Smart! Ingenious girls!
  16. Nina and Doe Eyes at home. Both seemingly tired as hell. They both have their hair 'different'. And I mean that in a good way.
  17. Agree with you πŸ’―. I finally have some time on my hand to reply to the forum πŸ˜… Happy to see some well-thought posts here! To translate Likidamber's post in to my own words: . They live a life like anyone else πŸ™‚ When watching Nina and Kira, I am not thinking about them as lesbians. I just see a couple. They try , struggle, fall and get up again. And laugh and cry in the proces. And gladly, they allow us to join them in these moments. Slowly they grow from older girls to young women. And I don't mean necessarily they grow in age (sorry girls!), I mean in particular they grow as people. Ain't that a beautiful proces we all try to go trough as smooth as we can? I was happy to see that they invested in the apartment yesterday (the new carpet). Investments in houses is a primary indicator of trust in the future and thus in the economy (unless it is because people can't afford a new home). It gives me some hope they prolonging their stay on RLC some more. Which I would look forward to. Derivativing: Glad to note that the opinion 'Nina is lazy' has largely gone. She is just active in other fields than Kira. As Likidamber stated, they have busy days ahead. Hopefully they succeed in their ambitions. PS. The real man in this apartment? There are two... the cats! - Always lazy. - Lying on the couch, mostly with its belly exposed, in front of the TV.
  18. Nina is completely right though. In Sovjet Russia spider smushes you!
  19. Damn it! 40 years of cute girls and I never had to work! sounds better to me πŸ™‚
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