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Everything posted by bigmac18

  1. And I certainly don't hope they'll be going anywhere soon.
  2. Hi all, Right now I am not in the position to give lengthy replies, but I wanna say this on a metalevel. So very positively surprised by the wave of well-thought posts in this forum. It feels good that so many care about N&K. One of the lessons I learned when I was young is that one should talk with people, not about people. However, by definition, all we can do here is react to what we see. Part of the voyeuresque fun is speculating and interpreting what we see. We don't know the true nature of their problems. In this light, I hope that when the girls read or hear about this discussion, they realise the opinions here are written with the best intentions. And that they both should grab their problems firmly, as they should grab each other, because solving issues can be wild rollercoaster and one needs the other. Lastly. I don't believe the cameras are the problem. Without solving underlying problems, removing the cams from their lives is only removing a symptom, not a cure. Very lastly. Yes, they should solve their problems. Yet, lets not forget there is also love and laughter in this marriage! Damn, yet another long post... :-)
  3. Kira doing workouts. She is a strong and very flexible girl! And she has excellent taste in music. I will start using RLC as a radio station
  4. Lovely. Nina is asleep, when her cellphone chimes/beeps. Still asleep, her thumb moves involuntary, like she handles the phone (in her dream) Cute.
  5. Right about that one! She is strong that one. Well, according to the good old internet meme, in Soviet Russia Bigmac eats Nina! Wait... that sounds different than I intended to... :-)
  6. You are right, mate. Absolutely right. The girls clearly have gone too far. The only thing the girls share is just about their entire life. That is it. Nothing more! We see nothing more than their complete naked bodies. And did you count those bodies? Just three. Three! I'm asking you; why not seven? For all that money we pay, we don't even get a single inhibition. They have clearly zero inhibitions. Zero! Most of the time they are also too lazy to hide their raw and pure emotions. Without any consideration to the viewers, they bother us with everything they are and have. So annoying. I demand they restraint themselves more and take some privacy off-camera. Damn, is it really to much to ask that they at least hold back all that joy and laughter?!? Did you see last night: they laughed sincerely. Night before that: again, laughter, heartfelt even. So repetitive. That is not what I paid for! If they want to avoid the label of being boring, why don't they build an amusement park inside their apartment? Even that seems too much to ask for nowadays. Kira and Nina boring? Really?!?
  7. A quiet night on the couch. And, perhaps suprisingly for some, Doe-Eyes serving food for Kira and Nina
  8. Haha! I doubt it :-) You mean we can vote for our favorite girl? ;-)
  9. Kira has returned. She looks much better (albeit a bit pale, or is it just me?). Now a well-deserved quiet night on the couch.
  10. Muhahaha! [ insert evil laugh here ] O boy, Le5b05 knows a big little secret He can't tell you but he makes sure you do know he knows... How cute :-P I hope so too. She looked a little dazed, and very tired.
  11. No, they just returned from a little trip with the band :-)
  12. Still not home, are they? These a really busy people, living their life to the max. But keeping running while ill, is not recommendable, dear Kira.
  13. The girls left 5h this morning, in the usual coordinated chaos and shouting They packed luggage so they are possibly away for a short while.
  14. I love how one cat always sleeps with Doe-Eyes on the couch, while the other cat is with Nina and Kira. Especially tonight, the cat in the bedroom sleeps in the arms of Nina, underneath the blankets. So very cute!
  15. The girls are smoking hot, aren't they Seriously, it is a humidifier, placed directly in front of cam 8, so it doesn't show on cam 7 indeed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humidifier
  16. My hypothesis is that Nina was picked up by Doe Eyes to go somewhere. Kira came home just few minutes too late to join them. That pissed her off. She then had something like a migraine attack. She cleaned up, and played on the electronic drums and the guitar to release her frustration and disappointment. Afterwards, she left.
  17. Kira arrived home just a few minutes after Nina left. She looked on (her/a) phone, and cursed a lot. Sad ever since.
  18. Kira is having a hard time. Poor Kira Lying on the floor, listening sad music. What is going on...?
  19. Ha, Nina Newhair is home too :-) Kira has a bit of a nasty cough... getting ill?
  20. Those were indeed very tender moments of a couple really in love Beautiful to see! It was followed by somewhat firmer but equally beautiful action in the bedroom. Suprisingly, Kira used a toy on Nina with the desired effect Where they went afterwards: no idea. They haven't returned yet
  21. Fact: in Russia Women's Day is an official national holiday, for the first time on 1918.
  22. Nina sure works hard. She is determined to succeed. And I think she is succesful! But sometimes it also wise to listen to our friends and family when they give advice. if we have good such friends we should cherish them because they care about us and our dreams. And some things we accomplish are a team effort; we needs our friends to reach those dreams After those wise words... I have no idea what the argument was about, but I think Nina was very disappointed about something
  23. I believe Nina is very serious about achieving her dreams. She works hard for it. It is never fun when reality comes into the way...
  24. Very sharp! They are on their way to Wembley Stadium in London. They give some sold-out concerts there. The Rolling Stones are the opening act
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