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Everything posted by bigmac18

  1. Well, the pink flamingo and the blue shark are back too. Those are owned by Doe Eyes, are they not? If so, that would point to more frequent visits of DE in the near future?
  2. So, there are boxes in the hallway. Those don't look like boxes they packed themselves. Not for moving out anyway. I believe those were brought there, or they packed them for shipping. Also there are two unboxed items besides the living room table. It that the content of the other boxes?!? What are they πŸ€”πŸ€¨ There are also two boxes in the kitchen, somewhat larger. From the English text I can't make up what is in it. Paper or CDs? Finally: one of the ceiling lamps is on the kitchen table... if they had a party it was a wild one 🀩
  3. Somehow I expected the bedroom to be transformed with a rotating bed and a disco glitter ball. A jacuzzi in the kitchen. And the cats would have been transformed into two giant bling-bling leopards.
  4. It may be the broken night vision on some cams, but that would be overreacting from the side of RLC, πŸ‘₯ And replacing the dishwasher wouldn't take more than several hours, would it? πŸ™‚ Maybe they build a separate room for Doe-Eyes πŸ˜›πŸ˜…πŸ€
  5. Night vision seems to be off on the kitchen / living room cams. It is a really sinister place this way.
  6. Hi. A quiet night in bed. Laughing at something on the phone (perhaps comments on Camcaps, who knows :-)). It looks peaceful.
  7. The world is full of exes. Somehow those manage. Including those once involved in threesomes ☺️ And I believe Nina, Kira and Doe-Eyes have talked extensively about what happened that night in 2017 πŸ’¬
  8. Well. Just like how normal people handle such a thing, I guess.
  9. I put my money on: yes, but that is pure speculation. We will see.
  10. Oh, look who's there πŸ™‚ Doe-Eyes is back for the/a occasion.
  11. Welcome back! Did they leave again already? (running errands perhaps?) PS. Camera 8 has moved in the meantime.
  12. They probably just sit outside the front door, teasing us.πŸ˜‚ Rumour has it they'll return in three days. Maybe their city is too crowded for them at the moment? (WC2018)
  13. Nina and Kira seem to have picked up playing instruments in the apartment again. Yesterday the keyboard, and now guitars. I believe it is the first time they play together. Go girls!
  14. Nina and Kira are among the most creative people I know. They live to develop themselves, and are determinated to do so. I sometimes wonder whether their participation at RLC is based on merely a stable income to facilitate their creativity, or that it is a form of art and expression of their creativity in itself.
  15. Hey, where did Kira go? She was home, and then she wasn't. She has not gone into hiding while having a bad time again, is she? πŸ˜”
  16. A quiet weekend? Well, they went away for a whole day today πŸ™‚ At the moment Kira is sitting alone on the couch, having a beer and a laugh with her phone's chat. And wearing a cap (a baseball cap, not cam caps 🀩)
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