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Posts posted by Sergio

  1. 9 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

    Sorry guys...I know this is OT, and there's a separate thread for it, but I'm not sure many will tune into it.

    For those here who've been following RLC for over 2 years, today is the 2nd anniversary of the tragic death of Angelina...😢

    I, I am very detached from these girls but I did not know about this bad news, I am very sorry, she is one of the few girls I remember, I hope she is in a nice place

    • Thanks 1
  2. 13 hours ago, ddhm said:

    The friend of Samson is amazing in front of cameras , no shy or complex , totally adjusted and enjoying her times of both being watched and providing …in only some hours she has done / provided / offered to the viewers anything that Karen / Oks / Kassandra and Ailey haven’t done in nearly 3-3,5 months time or more .. 

    Which of course shows either how not appropriate for this job the tenants are or how much RLC is in need of people who enjoy the cameras life and their presence in front of  them and trying to behave the most normal as possible .It is really unquestionable for me that a guest seems to enjoy all this without any actual benefits apart from free sleep and showering and the girls  mentioned feeling like they are obliged and pushing themselves being there .


    Big kudos for Samson’s female guest , gorgeous and fantastic 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    Dear dhm, every now and then you take a breath, you must know that every now and then women and men come to RLC who stay a few days, have sex with whatever and then disappear into thin air, I, who always think badly I believe they are sent by RLC to enliven the environment, but you are master to think that they are very "open" people and that we are lucky to see them

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  3. 2 hours ago, Gerald Knauft said:

    Mal abgesehen von den teilweise sehr häßlichen Kommentaren zu Lorraine, die in dieser Hinsicht denen zu Malia damals gleichen und deren Wahrheitsgehalt ich nicht beurteilen will, ist ein Fakt wieder gegeben : so ziemlich immer nach einem Ausscheiden von Teilnehmerinnen am RLC-Projekt , die ein gewisses Niveau über dem Durchschnitt verkörperten , verlor RLC viel von seiner ehemaligen Attraktivität. Es kamen fast immer "schlechtere" Mädchen nach Der jetzige Zustand in den Villen besagt doch alles. Und wenn die geplanten  Visa-Beschränkungen der EU für russische Staatsbürger wirklich in Kraft gesetzt werden wird das Niveau von RLC noch weiter sinken. Wer soll den dann die Lücken füllen. Etwa noch mehr männliche Schwachköpfe oder Mädchen die sich nur zum Duschen ausziehen und sonst an den Betten festgewachsen  scheinen ? Ich glaube es kommt eine schwierige Zeit auf RLC zu. Ob das uns Abonnenten erfreuen wird ?

    Sie haben Recht, aber ich glaube nicht, dass das Problem die Visa aus Russland sind, das Problem ist, dass es für RLC einfacher ist, Mädchen in seinem Team zu finden, die keine Probleme verursachen und bereits wissen, was zu tun ist, nichts, weil ich gesagt habe In einem anderen Posten, RLC, hat er immer noch ein großes Einkommen, denn wenn sie sich ändern, ist unsere Meinungsverschiedenheit ein kleiner Tropfen auf den heißen Stein

  4. 18 minutes ago, moos54 said:

    It all depends on how the members of the forum interpret the different comments given by those who understand the language and who translate the comments coming from the participants.

    @emnv made a post at Martina and Alberto recently which unfortunately reflects this reality

    I sincerely think that you are one of the people who thinks they know better than the one who translates and gives the information and you have your own interpretation because you are convinced that you know things

    Dear Moos, I am talking about the old days, when there were Russian members translating and we often heard about swingers' clubs and other places where girls worked, now surely everything has changed, or maybe not

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