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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. it's been a few days since Blair and Mike came to see Loraine, I miss this one
  2. Emily, it's another girl that saddens me, she lives a life at twice her speed and I think it won't last long, her search for aesthetic perfection, it seems a disease and I think she does a job that if not protected can be dangerous
  3. Diane is a very refined lady and created her life, trying to avoid stupid games and fake lesbian scenes
  4. looking at the many bruises that Amalia has on my knees, I think the floor of last night was very difficult
  5. Amalia is the only girl who holds a dildo near the pillow instead of the phone, maybe it's for emergencies
  6. you said that for you, the real show, it would have happened too late, instead I read that you were a witness, I hope it was worth it
  7. Kris, before going to bed he looked in the bedside table, the booklet with the bonus rates, but maybe he doesn't know that the bonus is paid if you see masturbation, otherwise nothing
  8. pay attention to what you say, the girls came out with a coat, just because they forgot to dress and not because they went to work in a club
  9. the twins have left a small present for Gina, she must be praised, she must carry on this apartment alone
  10. please, I still don't want to see the sad scene of Loraine dressing up, dressed elegantly and then nobody comes to get her, if she gives me the address I go
  11. I said a party, but I didn't say where, but you don't have to worry, when they come back in B4 and B1, they will make you happy with a real lesbian show
  12. perhaps the time has come for a great and fun party, to make the new girls known
  13. you look like an intelligent person, you will also understand that these girls, they are not students or salesmen, what Harley wanted to say, is that many girls, not all of them, maybe round their salaries by doing "things" outside the apartments, clearly these girls are free to do what they want outside the apartments
  14. RLC, could also give a day of celebration to the girl who does the cleaning, they are really good people
  15. good first may, workers' day at all, mainly for these girls, great workers
  16. all the people who wanted a girl like Pam and Amalia, now, will be satisfied, I can't imagine the upcoming shows they will show us, there will be dozens of dildos going around in this apartment, this means that this policy pays and RLC adds new subscribers
  17. here too a great applause to the creator of the names of RLC, if Grace and Tori, are friends of Loraine, I cannot think of poor Mike, who will have to massage four girls, I think he would do better to go away
  18. the creator of the names of the girls in RLC, no longer has imagination and not even the one who chooses them, Kelly, was the last beautiful girl
  19. I agree, Kelly was too much for these apartments, only troie work here, they prepare great lesbian shows for all the jerks who ask for this
  20. I understand that you are a person who wants to see Pam, Amalia and Adelita, if that's what you want to see, greetings, but a suggestion, if you go to a porn site, you see the same things and don't spend anything
  21. I'm a bit sorry for the departure of Gina and the twins, they have made their life, but it has always been a pleasure to watch them
  22. I completely agree with what you say, but we are a small minority, if with this new RLC course many new subscribers take them, we will go worse and worse
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