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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. RLC has finished loading chubby girls, now it's time for thin girls
  2. Honestly, Asia does not seem very convinced of what it is doing, Hakeem confirms what is said of blacks, I don't know how google translator translates, "black person", I don't want to offend anyone
  3. after the world championship of masturbation, won by Adelita, now there is the world championship of the most ridiculous person, at the moment I am competing, Salma, to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time and Chris, the most stupid "boyfriend" seen in recent times, the race is open, I don't comment on what happened last night
  4. I felt a certain excitement in your comments, for this mass of pussy in this apartment, I wonder, what can these girls show us more, than what they showed us hundreds of times
  5. to explain why the apartment is under maintenance, they could write that the astral conjunctions were not favorable, the result was the same
  6. RLC is right to do this, people pay to see Replay last night and RLC makes money, everything works
  7. this guy arrives, has sex with Amalia openly, then in the evening he has sex with Amalia and Daniela, without a condom, I repeat, without a condom, according to you, it's just a friend who arrived by chance in this apartment, I'm sorry, maybe, after so long you still don't understand how RLC works, remember that it is a trading company and has to make money
  8. sorry, but google translator, I do not translate your comment
  9. good morning to all, if someone asks why RLC sent this guy, look at the REPLAY miniatures and he will have the answer, maybe together with the orange dildos, RLC will have to buy some Viagra boxes
  10. honestly, does anyone still think that this guy is Amalia's "boyfriend"? That said, I salute you and go to bed, good night to all and have fun
  11. here we are, the orgy is made now that the orange dildo is missing in the butt of the mushy stallion
  12. they must be acquaintances, for a long time the stallion does not even use condoms
  13. I don't remember Karla, it seems, Salma's twin sister
  14. any girl brings her "boyfriend" home and after a few hours makes him fuck her friend, this is normal
  15. and considers that this "boyfriend" only arrived this morning
  16. this will be the trend of this apartment for the future, life is always more real in these apartments, I repeat, if you like this go to VHTV is better and spend less
  17. this apartment will become a real joke, even more than before, VHTV is entering RLC
  18. who would have ever said that Amalia would have sex with her "boyfriend" so openly, this girl amazes me, until now she has always been a nun
  19. we see that it is Sunday, today a great afternoon show in B4 and B1
  20. sure, we'll see some big orgies, I think even Amalia's "boyfriend" will put an orange dildo in her ass
  21. Noldus, what are you saying, you mean Amalia is not a lesbian, this news ruined me on Sunday 🤣 🤣 😂
  22. rightly, they called a doctor, we hope it's just a botox allergy
  23. anyway, I'm sorry for Emily too, I hope this incident makes her realize that she's finishing ruining her body
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