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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. after what we have seen, from now on, anything can happen in these apartments
  2. we must give credit to these girls for bringing some light on a dark and boring evening, who knows for how long they were preparing this show, for the twins it must not have been easy
  3. I had a bottle of champagne at home, to open for a great occasion, I'm drinking with pleasure
  4. this evening must be marked on the calendar, I would never have believed to see it, please use lubricant on poor Gina
  5. t is now clear that Kristy has been struck by a spell of some witch, it is not possible that she is with this idiot
  6. guys, the market demands this and RLC gives us this, everyone asks for lesbian scenes and we're satisfied
  7. "Blair and Loriane set up a show. In the end, Blair persuaded Loriane to use her dildo correctly and not just fake. Loriane use Blair's dildo." You're right Noldus, surely Loraine had never seen a dildo and certainly didn't know how use it 🤣🤣🤣
  8. you can't get mad at the twins, they do exactly what they did in the last few stays, Gina added a little more masturbation, you have to get angry with RLC and not with these girls
  9. I repeat, but do you think a girl like Kelly came to Barcelona to take walks on the beach? no, she came to Barcelona to do what Serafima does, don't think badly, want to dance
  10. Ginger, we understand that you have a lot of fun masturbating, but sometimes you can also relax
  11. Beatrice talked on the phone for two days, this definitely helps not to have, longing for her
  12. surely, this time I'm wrong, but I think we'll soon see Kelly with a guy in the apartment
  13. I see that Mike and Rus are alone in the apartment, they can rest assured that their girls are certainly loyal 🤣 🤣 🤣
  14. in two years it ends also in Europe, every state will have to choose whether to use solar or legal time
  15. remember that in Europe, since last night, we are an hour ahead, daylight saving time begins
  16. Loraine, it's pretty strange, she showed up last night while Blair put a dildo in her pussy, hid to take off her pants
  17. Serafima is a genius, as soon as Ginger does something sexual like touching her pussy, he decides it's time to sleep and everything ends
  18. Noldus, reveal your secret, you are Igor, so try to better manage this site
  19. I forgot, thanks to the CC administrator that I have inserted the translation window again
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