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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. camera 3.6, it is true that the show must go on, but for me it can also stop
  2. Well, now I'm happy for Mike, now he can maybe do a massage and the girls can pretend to get excited
  3. it is a very sad image to see Mike alone, while his girlfriend is doing us a show, who knows if tonight they will invite him to touch a little pussy
  4. someone had said that every Friday night this apartment went into maintenance, I think he was right
  5. I'm just saying what I saw, I wasn't in the hallway with them, I can only say it was weird, that's all
  6. a prayer to the administrator of CC, the small translation window at the bottom of the page has disappeared, is it possible to put it again? thank you
  7. you, you know a lot more than me, it seemed strange to me Serafima talked to Kelly for five minutes, Kelly came back to the room she took off her pants and masturbated for 60 seconds, for me it was a bit bizarre
  8. this is what I wanted to say, Kelly just returned to the room was seized by a sudden desire to masturbate
  9. I think Serafima has passed on his contacts to Kelly, because I also believe that a beautiful girl like you who comes to work at the RLC, doesn't come to Barcelona just to see the Sagrada Familia or the houses of Gaudì
  10. I see Kelly for the first time, damn what a beautiful girl
  11. we can make a change, Serafima remains and via Beatrice
  12. after many years, we can see real life, a nice lunch, all together in the garden on a spring day
  13. perhaps, RLC wants to use Serafima to coordinate the apartments in Barcelona, it seems to me that Nora has taken other roads
  14. from day one, we realized that Olya is more "open" and Ariela more closed, let's see what happens in the coming days
  15. there is always the bizarre in these apartments, newcomers, one is the telephone and the other is masturbating with a dildo
  16. a heavy day of work, can someone explain to me what is happening in this apartment?
  17. you know I'm always a bit of an asshole, it's certainly nice to see three naked girls, but I assure you this is just a show and I have to say it's not very well done, I'm a VHTV subscriber and I'm an expert on that and this
  18. instead of how they behave, they seem very embarrassed, for me this is a good sign
  19. before going to work I can see the new girls, the classic girls next door, big suitcases, very casual clothes, hopefully good, even if two girls in the same bed, we know that it works very little
  20. it always seems to me a bit strange that a girl like Angelina, does transcendental meditation, have her god on the bedside table with a candle and then spend her days masturbating in front of a camera, I really don't understand
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