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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. with the departure of Katya has just finished a piece of history of this apartment, we are optimistic about the future, even if we know what we have lost
  2. I ask a question that follows more than me, a show is normal at this time of the afternoon?
  3. as many people say, we give these girls time to understand what they have to do, but I have a bad feeling, I will be happy to make mistakes
  4. Laura is very obedient, Mila tells him what to do in the ear and she obeys
  5. who knows what happens if Mila pulls out the thread coming out of Laura's pussy
  6. it does not seem to me that there are good relations between the two girls and Katya, for them it seems transparent
  7. I imagine that all Serafima's supporters will be even happier than she, since she spends a few minutes a day in the apartment
  8. I agree with the choice of RLC to have included only the girls in this apartment, I hope soon we will begin to see the difference between when the girls were guests and now instead of receiving a salary
  9. I'm sorry I did not look at the apartments this weekend, I read that spectacular things happened 😂😂😂
  10. guys, but you're crazy, in which part of the world a taxi driver or driver goes to the client's bedroom, it's okay you do not want to see reality, but it's too much
  11. last night, I do not know if he was drunk, he taught the girls what to do with the cock, using a vibrator, honestly it seemed absurd, but lately it became the rule
  12. poor Mila, it seems to me that Laura is a demanding girl and is not easy to manage, last night she continued to talk for hours, then for my personal tastes, I do not like it physically
  13. the poor boy with Samantha, it took half an hour, but then he managed to understand how it is done and finally managed to have sex with her who had almost fainted
  14. in the race among the strangest girls, Jaya is positioned in the first places
  15. it seems strange that Serafima always meets her boyfriend at 1.30 at night, then really, what changes if she meets her boyfriend or a client
  16. I can honestly say that I am envious of those who will appreciate this Serafima hair removal tonight and will surely be money well spent
  17. the thing I like about this apartment is that everything is a surprise, anything can happen, unlike the apartments in Barcelona, where everything is written
  18. Let's face it, RLC is really funny, you see girls doing gymnastics like that, they really make me laugh
  19. however, we are really lucky, every "boyfriend" of these girls is willing to have sex in front of the cameras, I repeat, we are really lucky
  20. I think that RLC has made a great technical investment in this apartment, I do not think it closes it forever, but we hope it remains as it was before, with three girls
  21. I understand that poor Laima feels alone, but she can not break the balls for every couple
  22. so from now on the girls very well dressed, he does not seem like the other "boyfriends"
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