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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. Kamy was born almost my same day but a few years later, many wishes I hope you unable to find your own way, to me that you are following now no really like
  2. Perhaps I did not explain, I am not criticizing absolutely the girls, they are doing a job and I respect all those who work, I would not do to my niece but they're big and do what they want
  3. to me is fine as it is now, certainly there are girls better than others, the group that was now in this apartment was nice and close-knit
  4. I do not want to be unsympathetic, but I also said that with the departure of Rebecca we had some dark moments, I now try to shut up all night
  5. I laughed this morning to read the comments to the translation of Kitek, RLC is a business, does anyone really believe that a young girl naked dancing in front of a camera, does it for pleasure or worse to please us, the girls are in RLC to earn money in the apartments and out, I was a long time I say this, without being certain at last we now know that is so, I hope this does not ruin your sleep to anyone
  6. Rebecca after the first time in Barcelona remained in europe and time is running out for a visa to stay in europe
  7. as I said yesterday, Rebecca's departure is a problem, in addition to losing a very beautiful girl, we lose the only girl who had a little bit of initiative, I do not know if the RLC account or for her, but we will certainly have a rough time, at least that RLC least this time make the right decision with the right girl
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