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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. I think that Lara has already realized that pulls air into the apartments and is adjusting very well
  2. between ourselves, not even though I work two lives I can not buy accommodation in Paris, Carolina can
  3. Rebecca has her period, I am glad that they are already in bed so even I can go to bed at a human time, goodnight
  4. you know that I was against it the use of drugs in the apartments but if the result is this that they return the drugs and in abundance
  5. by Jasmin as is sitting over Carolina believe that she does not mind having some pampering in private
  6. I was not going saying to put personal information but to comment on what the girls, we think they do, outside the apartments and also put a site where girls show themselves outside of RLC does not seem a crime, a site is public
  7. I think if you agree participate in this project you have to take into account that you will have result in minor inconveniences, after all, are paid very well, now the world is all about company social so it is normal what happens
  8. anyway while I waited for something to happen in the Barca 2, Leora, Dasha, Nelly, Elisa and Kami have had sex
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