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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. two guys with six half-naked girls, I'm really curious to see what happens, if it happens in this RLC outdid himself
  2. I do not think RLC Let us see sex done by the girls with unknown, perhaps we think Milena to them, if they bring the boys to Barca2 nothing will happen
  3. are very concerned about the finances of such girls, are many nights that do not go out can not figure out how they live, I think that the RLC salary may not be very high, if they can see that maybe the message can send I some money, it seems to me that they are preparing the little show
  4. if RLC goes on we owe it to the various Leora, Nina and Kira, Zoya, Nelly, Masha and now Kristy and not to these starlets by soft core that live in the two apartments Barcelona, they are pathetic
  5. the right one is this, I see with regret that there is not much collaborazionre between the members of this forum, I take note
  6. maybe if they open the envelope that Stella showed in Carolina the night took another turn
  7. sorry to bump lovers of Stella but she has a lot of responsibility in all this that we see
  8. us in one or two months these girls do not remember anything, but if they continue with this kind of life will not have a long future and I hope a lot wrong but really make a bad end, the drug is an ugly beast
  9. I can tell that in Italy came the cold, that's the only comment I can make for the two apartments
  10. the important thing is to know that Vanessa is predisposed to have an encounter with another girl, sooner or later it happens
  11. these girls must have a little more shrewdness in the use of strange substances, because if they have a lack of energy that lasts three days perhaps err something
  12. this is what will happen, between a little Milena go from Belle will speak after a while will make peace after go into Milena room and have sex till morning
  13. serious intentions judging by alcohol, we hope Vanessa and her friend finish what they started last night
  14. I was talking to Belle while she pushes the dildo in the cunt Carolina, Carolina was masturbating Belle and she had no facial expression, I hope I was clear
  15. I do not defend, not even accuse Belle, she is a small girl who still does not know what to do in life, you are completely entrusted to Lola and she has used it as it wished, even last night Belle had nothing thrilling, executed what had been asked to do, despite the Carolina was masturbating had no expression on his face, I must say that it makes me a little compassion
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