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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. surely was accompanied by a man, a woman would not be able to take the stairs, we should know if your panties has lost the party or were removed "by mistake" by those who despoiled
  2. thank you, I did not know that she had gone with the bearded man even the night before, so all I did, it did so consciously
  3. I'm sorry, when it happened that, on the evening of sangria?
  4. these are the facts, a little after 4:00 in odd hours apt one is undergoing maintenance, at 5.00 arriving Rebecca and Megan with sad faces, do not say a word and soon after they go to bed, Rebecca dressed after 5:00 apt1 back online, control and there is no one, at 7.00 arrives Anna goes room undresses and goes to the bathroom, after 5 minutes arrives Polya and goes into the bedroom even among them few words, rises the shoes and goes to Anna's room, go the side of the bed and raise Belle unconscious and without clothes and throw on the bed, Polya goes to smoke a cigarette, Anna went to bed, after a moment a loud wail of Belle, Anna fortunately the blocks before it falls out of bed, Anna turns and sleeps. qusto means that after only two and a half hours since he came out someone calls RLC and is putting the apartment in maintenance, then bring Belle at home, undress and put to bed, after a while not being aware the risk of falling out of bed become seriously injured, and Belle remained fainted three hours alone in the apartment, he also struck by the coldness of Anna, you did not bother to see if Belle lying on the ground he had any problems, even Polya, I do not understand the RLC censorship not to show us when she arrived Fine, everything that makes show in this circus
  5. some discos in Barcelona open at 2 am, who knows how happy the nearby apartment for the music
  6. because even I do not have girlfriends when they sit down he pulls up her dress above your panties
  7. the boy had said last night that there was an invitation to a party, maybe meet in apt 2 drink and then go away
  8. is a very difficult evening to understand, do not understand the intention of the girls, strange all this preparation for apt 2
  9. certainly, if 100 people say the same thing that is not to say it is the truth, but maybe think that one person can make assumptions and maybe not always be ready to criticize would help a lot
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