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Posts posted by Sergio

  1. 9 hours ago, corboblanc said:

    an evening well started but which ends pitifully!!! it seems like the only friends lubna can have are from her porn work!!! the only things lubna can do is put an anal plug in her ass, and go suck a guy in front of the public, only pornography makes her the center of interest!!! is it mandatory to always do porn, even at a birthday party?!!! and then we have oks and aya, screwed on their phones all evening, and all of a sudden improvise lesbians, ending up naked in front of everyone, while in their room it's phone nights!!! and milena who drives the point home, congratulating lubna for her performance, when she just sucked a dick in front of everyone!!!! milena who also ends up in the exhibition show, like what being a young mother doesn't affect everyone!!!!😖

    I haven't seen, but from what I read, this is the picture of RLC right now, porn workers and exhibitionist girls trying to make a few euros to buy the new iPhone, if I may say so, it's really sad

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  2. so, they passed me the video, the protagonists are Andrea and Roxy, she's mad at him because she fucked her friend, he keeps saying she invited him to a threesome, she keeps saying he's not true, I think Baby and Andrea were together, she started crying, small family dramas, I think that in these stories there is always a bit of drug going around, but in the end who cares

  3. 19 hours ago, JoeBitch said:

    They seem to get a lot of fat girls lol

    i don’t have time to watch and will be a waste of money…as soon as my sub expires I will be done with RLC until then I will continue to bitch 

    they have 39 apartments and there are two or three very fat girls, I think they have admirers, otherwise there are a lot of beautiful girls, but also VHTV, it's getting boring, much less than RLC, there is much less action than before

  4. On 27/6/2023 at 21:20, Gerald Knauft said:

    Ich bin immer wieder erstaunt welchen Raum manche Mädchen , aber auch RLC, solchen Zündhütchen einräumen. Leider wird RLC immer mehr zu einer von Männern, seien es Mitglieder, aber auch " Gäste " verklausuliert für Männer die mit Socken, Schuhen im Bett oder auch mit in den Kniekehlen hängenden Hosen, unsensiblen, die Mädchen nicht achtenden, Sex ausüben. Man kann durchau denken daß RLC aus Mangel an geeigneten Solo-Mädchen und aus reiner Verzweiflung eine längerfristigen Umbau der Webseite zu fast ausschließlich Paarwohnungen anstrebt. Ob das , wenn es zutreffen sollte, langfristige Abonnenten halten und ausreichend neue Abonnenten produzieren kann ist dann doch zu bezweifeln.




    I abandoned RLC, because I am not a dick lover, I was hoping it would change direction but from what I read it is not, I will invest my money in something more pleasant

    • Upvote 3
  5. 7 minutes ago, Slow said:

    Ok, let me add some more info on Lubna: she performs "erotic shows" on stage ... in other words, she fucks on stage and, to what Milena and Nadia say, it really looks like she enjoys it. It's quite impressive the "experience" this young (almost 20 years old) girl has ... she is really a pro. Nothing compared to what other users say about all the Russians/Ukrainians girls being "sex workers". 

    Milena and Nadia went to see her and were impressed by the shows ... really porn shows; they were expecting lighter things but it was quite funny seeing Nadia shocked but also very curious and with wide eyes when she was speaking about the shows. 

    If Lubna is happy with what she does, I'm happy for her, everyone in life does what they believe, certainly she couldn't refuse such treatment, free flat and salary, as I've said before, now RLC has to take girls in this environment, 'normal' girls don't ruin themselves for a few euros 

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  6. On 6/16/2023 at 11:15 AM, Slow said:

    I found nothing strange in the "fake show" Milena and Nadia did last night: they spent the afternoon listening to Lubna telling them how easy it was to make money at Bagdad erotic club in Barcelona. 50 (I guess Euros or similarly 50+ almost US dollars) for every drink, 300 for a ten minutes private show with no sex (10 mins ...), they could do a lesbian show (Lubna's words) without any fingering just caressing ... in a weekend night they could go back home with 1000+. 

    They are there for money and saw this huge opportunity (true or exaggerated, no idea) without being too much compromised ... so they came back home, tried and practice of course hoping this would also attract viewers.

    Of course it's my speculation and I agree this is going to happen outside of RLC so not good for us.

    I am not sure Lubna is a great deal for RLC (although temporary, if I understood, since her apartment is renovating .. not sure to remember well). 

    not knowing English and not being a subscriber, it's always nice when someone tells us what's going on and what the girls are saying, thank you

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