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Posts posted by Sergio

  1. Given the new reservoir that RLC draws on for new girls, I think he has no problem finding new ones, this is an article from the 'sole 24 ore' in Spain there are around 1,500 brothels, so for now there are no problems:

    E che dire della prostituzione? È illegale in Spagna. In teoria. Nel 2016, la testata giornalistica El Mundo confessava che, con ben 1.500 bordelli attivi, il grande Paese iberico rappresenta la terza meta per il turismo sessuale al mondo. Alcuni studi hanno stimato a circa 350mila le lucciole residenti nel Paese. Un gran bel business. Complimenti. E così Barcellona pullula di luminescenti club che servono residenti, turisti e businessman di tutto il mondo. Gli eventi internazionali di cui tanto si pregia la capitale catalana, primo tra tutti il Mobile World Congress, sono appena la parte visibile di un’efficientissima economia sotterranea, fatta di voli charter per prostitute che arrivano in occorrenza dall’Est europeo e di una fitta rete di sfruttatori, appartamenti, locali, piattaforme digitali e quant’altro.

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  2. 5 hours ago, BobKS said:

    Ich nehme an ,dass das Projekt RLC im ganzen zu 100% legal ist. Warum auch nicht ???

    Und nur weil man Russe ist , Ist man längst nicht gleich ein Verbrecher ... obwohl die westlichen Medien, es gerne uns so darstellen möchten ....

    I don't think the girls have regular contracts, that would be a joke, normal Russian citizens are certainly good people, the powers that be and whoever runs a porn site definitely not

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  3. 12 hours ago, Alladino said:


    With you, one can clearly read your jealousy between the lines. 😂 Well, at least with the costume, you could admit that it kind of serves its purpose if you can't take it seriously, right?

    What is always a pity about GoV is that there are no real guests. Ultimately, it is almost only the residents themself who meet each other again and again at alternating locations. That's a shame, because with only two single guys, the hit rate is far too low. 


    you're right, who isn't jealous of that prick Anthony

    • Haha 1
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