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Posts posted by Rod001

  1. @bigbear  when you talk like that it's very different ^^  

    For the conclusion the "liked discuss" are just coming here because Torhart talking about, just for me it's "the Stupid Gif" and   "give them their own playroom"  who questioned me in your topic.  For the number i understand you can find this a lot, i have do that because i don't share anymore some of my videos with all members, after the disaster of the month of March when "stupids idiots" put all my videos from here to porn site, so now i added them in the attachment center (except from the free cams) and i wanted to resume the video with some images.GIF ( i thinking 2 is not enough for 20min of video) for all viewers don't have the premium CC.  It's like a test i have doing, so don't worry about it anymore.

    I'm open to all ideas for the futur (except for the longer of my intro and the tag inside the video, for that i keep my way ^^),  you can pm me if you want. 

    Have a nice day ^^


  2. 1 hour ago, bigbear said:

    FYI, Rod001. Deriding someones posts, is not good ettiquette. As I did not mention you in particular, but referred only to the (PLURAL) amount of GIF's.....::)  I see no reason for your childish attitude. As for your likes....getting or not getting them is neither here nor there. They mean absolutley nothing, if you can't take simple critisism without throwing your toys out of the pram.

    @bigbear interesting expression "My toys out of the pram" maybe i used them latter, for what we talking here it's you who have putting something in the wind "give them their own playroom", so it's normal you have a return and i don't see a child attitude in my words. i have sharing many images.GIF this latest days so it's normal i take a round in this topic.

    If you can't accepted receiving a return on what about you talking, next time pass your way it's better.

  3. @Thorhart

     Clap clap clap, thank you very much for let know to everybody how i'm right in my opinion.

    Let me tell you something, you are right i love to see the reputation going to up side but not in the way you think, i love to see people liked what i share because they love it (not for give me a reputation) and that make me happy.
    Also when 200 peoples download the same video and i have only 5 reputation likes, well that make me sad. When I see this i wonder if the members of CC deserve that I share something with them. 

    I also take this opportunity to said :  Thank you very much to all of CC members who like what i do for this community ^^

    @Habs  how much times i need to repeat why a do that for you understanding, you don't remember "the Stupid Idiots". You have chance i don't cut the video every 8 or 10min for add 6min of other things like a tv série lol

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  4. @Thorhart ah ah ah let me laugh, you talk for yourself is not everybody have all the videos and also many people like images GIF  and for finish : GIF is a format and don't go on plural ^^ In addition you  copy / paste it lol

    The title and content of the topic are two things and again it does not make them stupid images.GIF

    So that let me thinking you don't read everything but only the part of the words who interest you. 

    Oh yes other thing for add a msg on your location "Purplewarp is an asshole" that let me imagine as you have a very small mentality or maybe you are not an person with adult brain ^^.



  5. Well well well, why this title "stupid gifs " for your topic, why not a title like "To much GIF" : just for your information @bigbear and @makrohard  GIF don't go on plural it's a format ^^.

    Personally i don't know stupid GIF, i know some images GIF i don't like but that does not make them stupid.

    The topic is a general Topic for all pictures include the GIF  "Graphics Interchange Format = Digital multi images", you can ask to @Admin or @StnCld316 for a Black & White pictures topic for make happy who love the Black&White  and a separate topic for the color pictures for make happy the color lovers and also a topic for guy like @jjs who posted beautiful pictures rework like painting (i like this job very much) and another for the GIF for make all of us happy (maybe i forget one sorry)

    And after what..... guys you can also ask for not sharing videos on MAB site or in avi format or old mp4 format or wmv because...... bla bla bla

    and like that we never finished. 

    Now the serveur also need sometime to be refresh by maintenance for generate a more fluid traffic @Admin.

    Life is to short..... Life is hard but also life is beautiful so guys stop to complaining take the time to live. 

    have a nice day or afternoon ^^


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  6. Also you have before :

    Jitka & Marek from 2015-09-13 to 2015-09-30  They not stay longer 2 weeks 1/2

    I don't remember if Jitka & Marek are the 2 guys, because you have 2 couples  at the same time in the apartment.

    Jitka & Marek Couple 2 Sex in the Sofa 2015-09-19  Short Version 20min

    Under the covers, it's the longest pussy licking I've seen on RLC, over an hour.

    Sous les couvertures, c'est le lechage de chatte le plus long que j'ai vu sur RLC, plus d'une heure.

    To Capture moans of the girl i need to push the sound to 800%

    Pour capturer les gémissement de la fille, je dois pousser le son à 800%

    [Media Removed]

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