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  1. I would have to see it work and work good before I would consider it. But the truth is I actually have only 3 or 4 apartments I am interested in.
  2. It's funny that he says one of his hobbies is tourism. I have never seen them leave that apartment. Not even take a vacation like others in the project
  3. Thank you Noldus. She sure was cute back then, and still is. Now Paul.........?
  4. I've often thought the same thing. Has anyone ever seen something related to work on the monitor, or could he just be playing games?
  5. I think if Malia would have stayed just a little longer they would ended up in a 69. To trade her for the Paul was devastating! RLC would have gone off the charts!
  6. To me, the nicest ass on RLC, but I'm prejudice🙂
  7. I think if she had been there another month we wouldn't have seen full on lesbian, but they would have tasted each other😛 But I'm sure Leora was getting pressure from Paul too
  8. I loved it when Malia was there but Leora keeps going back to the same asshole😟
  9. Anyone know why the time disappeared when searching replay?
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