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ooopel last won the day on April 18 2018

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  1. If you still believe if you have homeland with flag and slogan...! 
    Uh sorry to told you are wrong...! 
    What who says that are (Landlords), who really owns everything on this planet..
    Those owners who hire all people...! 

    Starting of Politicianes,And End to a weapns dealers...! 

    Those (Landlords)never recognize any borders or even  independentting to any homelands or countries... 
    Again Uh Sorry, to told you you are lives in a mid of big Game...! 

    And your lifes and your death is the Poker dice...! 
    The( Landlords) really don't care about you and don't care if you skin color is White or Black or Yellow 
    Uh plus, they don't care if you are live into a Class World or even into Third World...!

    And definitely they don't care if you had born or you are belongs to West or East, nor even South World or Northe World...! 
    That last thing they are really could concern about of!?
    They are only see you as Soldier on their Chess Board..! Uh and they are always ready make you as sacrifice for their big big interests...! 
    It consists of two words(Oil and Gas) in each corner of the World...!

    it's their modern currency plus with gold...! 
    Sorry to told you you are totllay fool,

    if you are think they are really care about you...! 
    Because you are their (Prisoner) since you has born and you would be still as like that till your death..
     Uh💔, You only just dice on their Chess Board...! 
    Signature:💔 ooopel💔


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