Ritchie comforts my feeling ,he is annoying all girls and specially Ana and Mel,Romy also his strategic place is the kitchen where the girls are preparing food
Is the apartment the only one place when Anna & Alex's gang can make parties ? Look at this one and look who leads the party is not the tenant Pete for sure. Why punish the tenants
For my first point of view maybe not shy but a selfish guy annoying girls in presence of his girlfriend .Give your opinion it's not to denigrate the guy who is drinking from he is awake
Maybe too late but
The black box is to give some privacy ior the people having natural needs your money don't give the right to prohibit intimacy in the toilet
Who saw Pete drunk ? I think nobody Pete perhaps is a man like a few who drink some alcohol a little quantity enought to soak yhey fall the stomack and after alcohol don't make affect But when necessary quantity reatched they fall dead drunk. Pete must knowthe quantity of alcool he can drink and never go ahead.
all physical efforts ( teasing huging,kissing,dancing...) plus orgasm plus alcohol and smoking will exhaust also strong people . She was the most active and restless
It is pleasant to see Pete like homemaster All presents seems relaxed . Mel cares also on Stew ( it's not like the other parties for Stew here he feel to be guest)
to Fasterboss The bearded boy is Stew not Dan who left a time ago The party with Srew present is very different Stew knows many things how treat z woman ( like seen at one party in previous Anastasia's and rock last apartment He was explaining to boys present (kyle,Kevin and his friend and also Nyusha ) for instance how slap the woman 's ass making loud sound without pain if not drunk is a pleasant guy .
Following the kind of people haircut of a drunk Stew is not in program of Pete ,Lexi or Anastasia . That kind of treatment is practized by"moujiks "or solldiers without brain.
moujik initially peasant without big culture now pejoratif for a man with small brain .