Mel and Stew have some luggage with them maybe they will stay longer than a normal visit ,never mind the air in the apartment is more hot than Saterday night.
Who's that guy ? Where is Stew ? Is he the new Stew with beard? Mel is very close with him . How long will stay Stew before to fall sleepy ? So many questions
For Drew and Dan the apartment of A,P & L is just a place to drop the bulky items ( bags and sleeping Steve) take some rest and food . No real consideration for the tenants. Lucky Bree is present .
To Golfer06 The message was for Anastasia,Lexi & Pete regarding mailbox full ( following profile Anastasia was looking Zack & Blonde topic ( maybe some nostalgy of old apartment))
to Anastasia,Pete & Lexi
If you will receive PMs you need delete some old one in your mailbox If somebody has a direct contact with A,P & L other than CC please transfer the information
>StnCld 316 Sorry corrections are made But sometimes is difficult to understand the situation specially when is a lot of new people called by own name . Thanks for your comprehension
The managers must respect rules and give example to tenants Alex and Anna were punished because they let some guest to non respect the rules Oh yes that was a time ago the new managers respect only one think "bring money "despite rules They bringing money they are forgiven thus why don't continue to not respect rules It's just a remark
Anastasia drunk was awaked byD....with some delay came on couch .Pete awaked her and she returns in bedroom.. Now all are on designed place Ana ; Lexi and Pete in the bedroom and D.... on the couch in livingroom
A... seems upset because D.... present and mobilizing the conversation and also because something was sent on phone of Polina's boyfriend also upset.
The siberian wind is blowing in living room Polina with boyfriend and A.... will leave D.....provocated that situation. Anastasia is arguing with D....