What up with when they have a shower they close the door and we don't see any of it as the cam is outside and not in the room. A girl showered a while ago and done it off cam. We won't see any showers at all.
No rape has ever happened in this apartment everyone needs to stop saying this. You all have it in for the guys since day one. We don't understand what's going on but if the girls were not comfortable with the guys they would just leave and not go back to them but they do go back and even sleep with them so what does that tell you.
One thing i want to clear up is i'm on about the lying of the boy age not anything to do with child porn. If the boy came to visit that fine but cut the cams if he entered the bathroom or got naked but it's mostly about the lying and lack of evidence when most of us here clearly thinks he's uderage on an adult website.
Well they need to prove it because posting is not helping them right now solid evidence to someone. The administrator should be the likely place to start as the forum is run by him.
VHTV is lying and covering this up in my view the site should be closed down. It would be a different story if they admitted he was underage but the fact all this lying and covering up.have no time anymore.
I'm still not buying any of this bullshit something about this stinks to high heavens. The fact no one is posting a pic of the boy face says it all. He's definitely under 18 until we have concrete prove that says otherwise and a person word will just not cut it i'm afraid.
For fuck sake have you all nothing better to be doing than complaining what they are doing this is their lives and if they inject themselves everyday then they have a reason for it as some has explained. It seems by complaining you want this couple removed why else would you do it. ruining the fun for everyone again.
Also would like to add everyone constantly giving out and bitching about apartments and couples if you don't like a couple don't bother replying in the topic and ruining the fun for others who do like the couple. In all the competition like RLC, VHTV, VV and now this site why is there no gay couple we have Lesbian couples straight couples, all girls apartment why no guy apartment or a gay couple.
I want them to stay everyone keeps saying they should leave they are a hot couple the best on RLC and no one should ever be hurt from comments just forget about them read the positive ones. They are a great couple. Kitty and Smith is hot and the best i have seen fucking here. Please don't leave.
I have never seen their apartment under maintenance until now . Also others have mentioned before but when this couple entered everyone has done nothing but be negative about this couple. If you don't like them you don't have to enter this topic.
You will find most videos of the girls on porn sites but nothing of the guys jerking. Also that blowjob in the living room was quick to be posted. The fact it's a guy no one wants to post it.