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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. RLC still hasn't removed the apartment why I'm sure they know they have left.
  2. Yes he was on RLC with her from her last visit when she was in B2 i don't know where everyone gets all there vivid imagination from i don't see any of this when watching them. I think Maksim is upset because Lei doesn't do more. She seems to me more shy like when they were having sex she was trying to cover herself up and someone mentioned before she was hiding and changing behind the curtain in the toilet.
  3. No some other guys in the past have but not very many guys jerk off it's very rare.
  4. Maksim thanks for jerking off it was so hot. Try doing it with lights on next time i just love to see you explode your cum over your body it would be better to see with the lights on. I just love when you go to the sink to see the hot cum the last few days.😉
  5. I know it's all lies and I never said my opinion is right than anyone else I'm saying it's all bullshit to me as fake stories to scare people by antivax people. That's my opinion I don't believe it. Believe what you want I couldn't give two flying fucks.
  6. I fully agree all these stories makes me laugh it all to scare people. I don't believe any of it.
  7. It's all rubbish to stop people getting vaccinated antivaccs people will do anything. I don't believe a single word of it.
  8. Any reason why. It was always 30 why the sudden change now
  9. They done that before it was a day later i think before they put it in the news.
  10. I get an error now saying error the camera is not found.
  11. That's a real shame i like Carla and Yanai.😞
  12. Leia gone to bed Maksim still up talking to Tereza and Tmur. Looks like no sex tonight for them.
  13. The bedroom of Hanna and Aaron the bed is made up with new sheets and towels.
  14. Yes i know i didn't know is she leaving now or tomorrow to go back seeing as the cleaning lady is in the house.
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