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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. Really going to miss them I liked them a lot i hope they come back again soon.
  2. Everyone just loves to either have sex or whatever with the lights off.
  3. Finally yes all the flack going to him but like you say when don't know what she gets up to off camera. I think it's one of the two of them causing the problems at the end of the day it could all be down to Lei causing all the problems in their relationship. I personally don't know i don't understand a single word they say so i don't know one bit about their life like everyone here but as usual the guy always get the blame. Always has and always will no matter which guy it is the guy is always to blame. So in this situation the guy is to blame so we have to blame the guy.
  4. So why has RLC put the new symbol for this apartment they are not new.
  5. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  6. Thanks for posting the link. A pity Viktor had to turn off the light but i don't think anything would have been seen as he had his back to the camera.
  7. The guest is so hot he needs to take a shower or jerk off in the guest room.
  8. I haven't seen the rape nor do i want to see it. I haven't replied on the VHTV forum topic because it's just going round in circles with everyone attacking each other when someone says their opinion others come down on you like a ton of bricks so i didn't see any point in even trying to say anything. VHTV has made a decision and basically they are saying their culture in Russia is that people there aren't educated and that Rape is a constant occurrence and the police and the law doesn't help because 95 percent of the time the Russian police doesn't do anything something to that affect. I don't know Russia because i don't live there but Rape in my country like the members on there is extremely serious and is pure disgusting and wrong and sick in my opinion. Seeing as VHTV is a Russian based service then whatever they say is the view and law of their country which we have to respect i'm not happy like others but i'm not going to argue about it like the 2000 posts in 10 minutes of the same shit going round in circles. The thread there is now closed for 7 days.
  9. The cameras in this apartment are filthy they are in dire need of a clean. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  10. Everyone keeps forgetting that all the vaccines haven't been designed to cover the new VARIANTS of the virus by the time we get the new updated vaccine there is already another new variant again and so the cycle continues. It's not that the vaccine doesn't work it's because we all thinking that the vaccines will cover the new variant. So like this new omicron variant Pfizer has said they will have a new vaccine to cover this after so many days by the time that day arrives there will be another new variant and so this pandemic goes on and on. If everyone would follow what every country government tells them then this pandemic will be over long ago but instead we have people debating to get the vaccine or not and all the views everyone holds and so on. This pandemic will only end when people chooses to end it. Everyone needs to cop themselves on and wake up this is not a dream we are in a real world and this virus is real. Partying and socializing and so on can wait the virus can't wait. The virus is running around with a knife in it's hand waiting to target it's next victim and we are all letting it stab us.
  11. I was talking about the symbol with the colour green and the word NEW not the vacation symbol.
  12. What do you mean by slightly was the test positive or not.
  13. What gets me is that people who chooses not to take the Vaccine will take drugs and smoke and whatever else has been dangerous for years and will die from them.
  14. The site the last half an hour is slow and throwing up an error. Error 522 connection timed out.
  15. Maksim with a pair of rubber gloves on and cleaning in the LR.
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