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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. It's these fake shows and nonsense that's killing the site. It's called real life. So any everyday human life is family friends and so on. Guests parties and normal fully clothed life. Not the 24/7 fully naked and shows every night. It's crazy. Last weekend with Linda and Tibor party was the good old RLC days that i missed. I had more excitement out of that as the waiting for some guest to shower or fuck. Even though nothing happened.
  2. The lighting in RLC apartments are very bad when they use christmas lights or other sorts that aren't the main lighting.
  3. Goodbye and good ridance after what they done last night they shouldn't be allowed back. Same goes for Olivia and Ulyana they knew also what was happening and let it as it was there room and should get out as well.
  4. Blair and Mike had sex with the nightvision off you can see just before the nightvision came back on Blair flasing her phone and Mike cock was erect and his underwear off. Then you can see Mike putting his pants on and Blair going to the toilet so sex occured. A total disgrace RLC shouldn't allow the nightvision to be turned off by the girls or couples.
  5. The site is haywire lately have the time the preview pics for me wasn't loading the last few days and the site slow in general. Today seems ok but the preview pics isn't right. There is nothing professional or never was with RLC. They are getting worse by the minute. Tomorrow they will accidentially change a settings that brings the whole site down and they won't be able to solve what they done.
  6. I don't think it's the main rule people have been posting free pics from the free cams in the pictures boards for years and they weren''t stopped.
  7. If everyone wants to post their pics and videos of RLC then get their account banned be my guest the admin and mods aren't stopping the sharing it's members who have an account don't want to because RLC watches this forum and bans accounts.
  8. The whole site is gone down been like this the last few nights and no sign of RLC fixing it.
  9. That new guy is hot would love to see him fuck her.
  10. Close the site down more likely they aren't capable anymore of finding new couples and opening new apartments.
  11. If they did which i'm assuming they did just proves the whole site is scripted and fake and no real life at all.
  12. No prizes for guessing that all action will be happening once again outside the apartment.
  13. Wonder will Kristy fuck him later or the usual trend of guys come and leave without doing anything.
  14. Wouldn't like to get the smell in there all there shit and piss comes right back up and into the room.😉 RLC will have to put the apartment offline to get them their hiding place back up and running.
  15. It will only be a matter of time before Masha gets a taste of his cock.
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