I email VV at 9:09am they finally fixed it at 1:08pm my time that's over 4 hours, I also asked them to turn the camera to the left to take away the blind spot in Iris's room. They still haven't adjusted the camera. I have been a member since the Lilu and Milka days but I really don't think they care about the viewer. This probably going to be my last month with VV.
When the twins were introducing them self to Jess, Mia point to her face cheek and then to her right arm. Their must be some mark of some sort on her right inside arm.
I emailed VV here is their response:
I am only offering suggestions :
> Two things
> 1 can you move camera 10 to the left there is a big blind spot in Iris
> bedroom.
> 2. The new girl in Tula she need to more than lay on the couch in the
> kitchen very boring and we can't even see her.
> Thank you
Good day,
thank you for noticing. We really appreciate it
we will inform our participants about your request.
Masha and Sasha are on vacation, who am I going to watch. I hope they show up in one of the other RLC apartments, other wise they might be seeing the other couple again. This could be big trouble for them.
I am getting tired of the Angie and Mick issue. I agree with Angie should be the one to either fix their relationship or leave. Mick did nothing wrong, she is the one who is acting like a bitch to Mick. They don't have to be in a relationship but she could at least treat Mick like a human.