I looked at the tapes of the night Masha and TK did their thing. My opinion is that Masha went way beyond the line of swinging. She showed a lot of things that I have never seen her do with Sasha. She cuddle a lot with TK, when she has sex with Sasha and they are done she never tries to cuddle with him. If she really loves Sasha she doesn’t show him the same affection after sex. She also kiss TK with more passion than she does with Sasha, usually when she kisses Sasha she kisses like you would your mother. Just a quick peck on the lips. If I was Sasha and I watched the tapes I not sure I could forgive her that fast. I would have a lot of trust issues.
When they finally came out of the room she all but ignore Sasha and could not keep her hands off of TK. Sneaking a BJ in the bathroom and make out sessions with TK behind Sasha back is nothing more than cheating and disrespect. Swinging is doing it together not sneaking around.
I am not sure that either of them is mature enough to handle what happen that night. I think Masha became too attached to TK. I don’t think TK feels the same way, when he came out he made sure his girlfriend was OK, he went right up to her and gave her a romantic kiss and hug. Masha might end up getting hurt if she is counting on TK.
I really hope Masha and Sasha make it, they are by favorite. However I think Masha needs to step it up with Sasha show him that she loves him and only him.
Just My Opinion!