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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Never even noticed that. May have something to do with me visiting the forum here mostly while being on my phone rather than my pc for quite awhile now. Regardless, thanks HF.
  2. Lol. Good one HF. I actually searched a little one night for such an ole C.E. hat tipping gif so I could use it to respond to braul's hat tipping gif. Although I located a few, being I'm not the most tech savy of individuals, at the time I couldn't figure out how to get any of them downloaded so that I could post any of here at such times as in returning the tip when our friend braul visits. ๐Ÿค 
  3. If she paid to have it done and has it undone not long after, yes it could be considered as a waste of money to some. But, you know how some younger generation folks can be when it comes to things such as money as well as how women can be about lots of different matters in life. There is also a possibility that they may know someone who does hair there for a living and have become friends enough with them that they were given substantial discounts or possibly not have even been charged at all.
  4. I wouldn't be so sure about that my friend. She has been known to get a few unusual hair styles done in the distant past, only to have it undone within a day or so.
  5. Yeah, I used to get praises from some about how thick and nice looking my hair was when I grew it out. But then there were some here and there that would only say I could use a hair cut. Now, some who see some pics of some of those times back then are either ones that are surprised that I had ever grew it out because they didn't know, or ones that would ask why I ever started wearing it back short again, or even some who would say it was good that I decided to get it cut and start wearing it short again. Just goes to show, nobody can ever please everybody, although I grew it out to mainly please myself. ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Not sure, probably for a change some and to see how others as well as herself may actually like it. Not to mention, I'm certain any style of long hair tied or pinned back is definitely cooler since I myself can attest to that since once upon a time, there were some times that I let my hair grow out and usually wore it tied back and it was definitely cooler.
  7. I for one, have always liked the Cleopatra look ever since I first saw Cleopatra. Liz Taylor was quite hot herself ! Although the look looks good on Malia, I liked seeing when she wore the front, top, and sides of her hair pinned or tied back some also, the few times that she has as well for a change. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  8. Koala is leaning over half on and half off the bed onto the nightstand while trying to keep an eye on Panda out on the living room sofa. He must be trying to make sure that Panda does not try to sneak anywhere in the apartment and especially not into Leora's bedroom. ๐Ÿ˜ธ
  9. She is such an attractive woman ! I think at times she may make me ๐Ÿ’“ skip a beat here and there ! ๐Ÿ˜
  10. If they do, they certainly shouldn't be concerned about not getting noticed and stared at that's for sure, because it's certainly likely that they will. By the way, hello there braul.
  11. Lol. I didn't know what had happened with him mate, thought he had disappeared until someone mentioned he is apparently now sitting on the nitestand left of the bed. ๐Ÿ˜ธ
  12. Ribbons and bows...ribbons and bows...many things goes with ribbons and bows. ๐Ÿ˜ธ
  13. Of course that may be your opinion, but I'm quite certain that 99% of those who have discovered and decided to try observe her enough to come to some realization of what kind of person and woman that she may be, aside from her physical attractiveness, would disagree with those types of opinions and many would quite likely think of it as being the other way around where they may have been concerned.
  14. The sliding, mirrored closet door in Leora's bedroom obscures the complete views of the cam located behind there if opened so far as it is now where it is blocking the left side of the view from cam #9. Not sure if Leora may be aware that it does or not. As long as she has been there now, chances are that she probably does but may think it really does not matter right now.
  15. Oh, ok. I haven't noticed him over there and I know the Koala has mentioned thoughts at times of maybe tossing some of the others over the balcony. ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. I noticed that. And Polar Bear and Pooch are by the tv, but Teddy has seemed to have disappeared. You don't think Koala may have really tossed him over the balcony do you ? ๐Ÿ™€......๐Ÿ˜ธ
  17. Perhaps someone such as a Nanny Mcphee may arrive there sometime to help the two friends out with some things now that it appears that both may have limited amounts of available time for some things there.
  18. Apparently, Leora does not always seem to have as much concern to make sure her bed is made shortly after she wakes and gets up like she always used to seem to. I suppose there being a concern for her of her presence being elsewhere does not leave her with as much time anymore like she once seemed to have had.
  19. From what I've noticed during some of the last three or four similar occasions, as far as one of the two having given up on certain things at certain points during those occasions, that would have been around the times at the end of a third song played from when those parts of the occasions started, and of which something was said to her usually in low keyed volumes that was related to it being enough for now or that's it for now. So it was quite evident that there was an apprehensiveness or reluctance to go along with letting certain situations progress any further during those occasions by one of the two, who has always been at the center of advising or suggesting as to what the two may or may not should do together at anytime. My opinion of the matter happens to be that it makes no sense whatsoever to even get into something as such, only to stop a short while later, as many times as such has occurred. If the reason for massaging one another is such that it is as each friend helping the other to relax and feel good, then why even bother to include the very shortly timed pretenses at the ends of one another's massages that are no more than false intentions rather than just the massages, if not for some other underlying reasons, of which are pretty apparent and quite likely. Although previously, on several occasions that similar situations apparently went somewhat further, it seemed apparent that both seemed to enjoy those similar situations quite a bit.
  20. She didn't spend much time between getting up, getting ready, and leaving there today did she my feline friend. Must've been in a hurry there today.
  21. Lol. Well certainly you can if you so choose ch, and your love for her is great and that the two of you are getting married is great news, although my feline friend filipe and I had been referring to her friend Malia at the time of that post my friend. ๐Ÿ™‚
  22. I think maybe she likes her feline friend filipe like she do her kitty. She likes to make them both purr. Meow. ๐Ÿ˜ธ
  23. I think Malia may have been posing some in that flower patterned, body tight, short dress for you my feline friend. Meow. ๐Ÿ˜ธ
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