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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Not sure how either of these comments would be considered as positive or complimentary as is listed on this topics title. Perhaps a more appropriate place would have been to start a topic of criticisms.
  2. I believe the two friends have acquired some very appealing and quite sexy lingerie over the previous 4 to 5 months while being roommates.
  3. That should be good for them as far as them trying to maintain some level of fitness and well being.
  4. It may have seemed like somewhat of a long day for the two friends Leora and Malia as well since they have seemed to be away from the apartment for a while now.
  5. Well hello my feline friend. I wonder how the friends Leora and Malia may be doing there today. Hopefully they are doing good.
  6. Welcome to the Leora and Malia fans thread. They are two attractive women who happen to be friends and roommates who are quite intriguing at times as well.
  7. Well, seems all quiet on both the western and eastern fronts and L&M are now in lala land as well.
  8. Oh I have a feeling that even though if the overall forum format may remain relatively the same just without the general chat threads, that without the general chat threads there will be a noticable difference in that part of the dynamics of the forum. I think I may remember checking out the forum 3 or 4 times before I ever decided to register and become a member here, but I don't recall ever noticing whether or not there were any general chat threads back then.
  9. That would be something my friend. But that one is still where they are and CC's is still here so you just never know, just like the other.
  10. Lol. It's still pretty much going to be the same my friend. Just without the general chat threads as far as I know.
  11. Yeah, I kind of tried to mention the same thing not long ago related to the topics listings without any general chat thread HF. If folks don't take the time to look and read closely, they may very well create new topics that are closely related to one that has already been started but merely worded slightly different. Although eliminating the general chat threads will eliminate alot of extra pages of posts, and especially here in the thread for L&M. But at the same time, there will most likely be more thread topics created that are very close to the same.
  12. Although I have no way of knowing for certain, I don't see why there would be any reason for the end of the bedroom evening/nights. At least not as long as both are still there and some travel restrictions have not been lifted, because it may very well be likely that as soon as they are, her friend will be leaving to return home. Then, things will likely change there to an extent. I agree, that hairband she got awhile back and has had for awhile now is a cute addition on her.
  13. Yes, those members who still want to converse will have opportunities to make comments related to topics started by others, or if someone has an issue that would not relate to any topic already started, they could start a new topic themselves. There always has been the option of starting a new topic in the green box at the top of the Leora & Malia topics listings.
  14. I guess it is going back to how the forum once was before general chat threads became part of the forum perhaps for belief of more efficiency.
  15. As we have entered some of the final hours of the general chat threads, I have noticed that L&M have chosen to watch some tv together with the lights off in the living room, and I must say, what a ride it's been in the chat thread at times. 😏
  16. Dang those lollipops when there are actual toys there that are made for grown adult women to sometimes play with to enjoy themselves. 🙂
  17. Alrighty then my feline friend. We will see you in a couple of minutes then. See you. 👋
  18. Wake up gogi, you must be dreaming again. Since apparently one of the two decided to put on a sexy red slip shortly after she returned earlier, and just went and changed into a plain panty and tshirt, she may have gotten a notice or hint from her friend, or just decided herself that there may be no reason for such at the current time there other than perhaps looking at some tv or something on a tablet together for awhile.
  19. Well, momma said there'd be days like that sometimes, she just never mentioned anything about there being any chance of some related to anything like rlc. 🙂
  20. It's good to notice that they have one there. It took her the longest time to ever acquire one at the previous residence and until then she only had some Swiffer type broom and mop handle and was constantly having to change the pads on the bottom of the handle just to sweep and mop.
  21. Yes, you folks have the unfortunate distinction of having lots of dangerous critters and insects down there in the land down under mate. But you folks persist and carry on because you are Aussies. 🙂
  22. Yeah, I hear you, she's really never been mine neither. Mine has mostly always been L when it was L&P and then when it was just L and some since it became L&M. Occasionally, I have checked out some of the others though.
  23. All I know about the situation was that for around 5 or 6 months it sure appeared that she had seriously injured her knee in some way and it was not until the last 2 or 3 months that she had slowly started being able to exercise the leg and started to seem to slowly be able to get around on it more and more. It's unlikely that she would have remained in that apartment as much as she obviously did for as long as she did and have to depend on others for help if she wasn't seriously injured somehow.
  24. Oh, well alright then. Guess she may have been putting on some pretty good acting performances in fooling the nurse's assistants that would visit her and give her physical therapy and at times even do some of the cooking and chores around the apartment as well. She always did seem to be a pretty good actress though. 😎
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