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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. The two friends ๐Ÿ‘ญ may have went for a walk to go do some tip-toeing thru some tulips ๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท together before going shopping my feline friend. Meow. ๐Ÿ˜ธ
  2. Apparently after having some lunch together, the two friends left the residence together. ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™€๏ธ...๐Ÿ˜
  3. That's good for them my feline friend. It's not only healthy for them, but it will help them keep those attractive and sexy figures as well. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. It's been good to notice they've been eating more of healthy foods like salads more so lately than they had been. Good for them.
  5. Apparently, the other resident Leora has returned for some lunch before continuing her journey for the day there.
  6. My dear Malia....you may not always get some of the credit you may actually deserve for some of the things you do at times. For whatever the reasons may be, whether it may be actually as much for your own benefit or enjoyment and gratification, or perhaps some certain means of entertainment for others, you do put forth reasonable and wonderful efforts in your own ways that are quite nice to be privileged to observe. So a special thanks goes out to you for being you my dear Malia. ๐Ÿ˜˜
  7. Lol. Yes, that's someones above cheeks being squeezed and tugged on.
  8. I certainly believe it would be quite remarkable to be able to squeeze either of the two attractive women's cheeks. Although I'm sure being fortunate enough to be privileged to do all of them, both above and below would be quite nice, something makes me think that perhaps being able to do the ones below would be most exciting. โ˜บ
  9. That may happen to be your opinion, but it is an opinion nonetheless afterall, and nothing factual backed by any proof. Just as it is other's opinions to feel or believe that it makes no sense for anyone to continuously consistantly state such similar opinions that cannot be considered or substantiated to be factual and backed by any proof. After mentioning something similar a number of times, it is most likely that others may realize what someone's opinion on any certain matters may be, and mentioning the same ever so often may be one thing, but mentioning the same matters of opinion quite often, is quite another.
  10. Sounds interesting. If you don't mind sharing in public chat or by way of pm, where did you happen to run across such an article NYJ ?
  11. Well stated vtm, as what was stated makes alot of sense pertaining to what has actually occurred there since her friends arrival there, aside from a few other things that I have previously mentioned in relation to some of those matters as well.
  12. Well, agreeing with or debating differences of opinions is what a forum is created for after all.
  13. Lol. They haven't always occurred on Wednesday's my friend. But considering today's turn of events there, I have a tendency to think you may very well be right as far as that may go today.
  14. It was more than obvious that the overall dynamics of the apartment changed after her friends arrival. But that would have happened anywhere in life with an arrival of someone new to any particular situation and especially when it involves anyone living with anyone else anywhere in life because it would have changed the living situation and circumstances. Her friend went there for two main reasons. For a chance to aquire or make some money to help support her other responsibilities such as the likelihood of her having a child back where they are from, and having an opportunity of while doing so, being able to do so while being in the company of one of her closest friends which would also offer her a chance of having some company as well for a change at the time. As far as any consideration may go of anyone permitting anything, although it's been more than obvious that she has been the one who has been behind advising or suggesting most of anything that has occurred there with them, she has also been implicit in what has occurred. As a matter of fact, the last 3 or 4 times any of the massages have occurred, it was clearly obvious that she only permitted as you say, things to only go as far as some surface petting where she was concerned, but it was also obvious that there was a little more of the surface petting where her friend was concerned. So why did such occasions happen to occur, when obviously not just because the two are friends or because it may have been something that they both really wanted to. So what does that leave other than there having been a concern of trying to make sure to maintain a certain level of most popular residence status. Why would there be a concern for such ? To try to make sure that the highest payout for a most popular residence status is continued other than the normal cost of living subsistence pay that all rlc participants receive. Even though they have usually most times been at the top of the thumbs, they haven't always constantly been being there. It may be your opinion as far as the reputations of either the apartment or she may go, but they would not have always usually maintained top in the thumbs if that were actually the case. As much time as she spent at that apartment alone and by herself before her friends arrival there, it is a high likelihood that she was involved in as much of the decision of her friend being invited to go there and to join rlc to give it a try as much as her friend was in agreeing to do so. So for anyone to continue mentioning the same things in as much of a negative nature about either of the two simply because they may have some disdain or contempt for one or the other is not warranted.
  15. Although I wasn't able to check the apartment as much today to see if anything of unusal or more significant interest than usual may have been occurring, or seeming that something of such could have been a good possibility of occurring soon there, the times when I was able to check in there, it appeared that there was not as much time spent in indulging of smoking shisha out on the balcony by the two friends, as much as has been spent doing so lately there. I commend the two friends for choosing to not indulge in as much smoking as they have seemed to have been doing there lately.
  16. Lol. Not a bad idea at all. If no reaction occurs from either, that might actually provoke a reaction. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  17. Malia sure has always seemed to like sleeping with her head covered with something like pillows most times since she's been there.
  18. Eaney meany miney moe...grab sleeping beauties Leora or Malia by a toe...if either hollers let it go...if neither does, grab another toe. ๐Ÿ™‚
  19. Apparently, the wonderfully attractive chef Leora must be preparing dinner.
  20. That seems like a strange decision for them to have made considering the likelihood of a higher percentage of folks of modern times who have decided that if they chose to par-take in having any acoholic beverages, that they are probably better off at home most times while doing so. Of course that doesn't pertain as much to as many of folks of younger generations either. It is their lives and choices to make. Hopefully, if they ever decide to do so while away from the apartment, they try to keep their safety and well being in mind while doing so.
  21. Personally, I believe the two friends would be better off spending some of their free time if they chose to par-take in listening to some music while having some of a good quality wine or other good quality spirit, and not as much of the smoking as has seemed to have occurred there lately. Of course they are themselves and it is their lives to make their own choices on what they may, or perhaps should, or shall do.
  22. Chances are, that with the supposed substantial changes coming in the very near future to the overall format of the entire CC's forum here, that most to all, if any of the participants of rlc will not only find some difficulty in locating whatever, if anything, may have been being posted concerning them, and may very well at first not be as comfortable in not being able to as easy, if any of them happen to actually really care that much anyway. Without any specific General Chat threads related to any specific rlc participants, I suppose it will also all depend on how easy it may be to locate any possible info. concerning any of them, and that may very well depend on how user friendly the newer format may actually end up being for anyone including any of them. They will then likely have to check multiple thread topics rather than mainly being able to rely on one or a few to notice what may get mentioned here concerning them, just as registered members here will then have to look to see if any certain thread topics may have already been started before they make a post to make sure that two thread topics related to the same matters does not get started.
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